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Welcome To Magnetic Forces
Opposite Attraction Stories
about us part 2:: Here’s where you can learn everything you need to know about us. Whether we’re a cult or a coven (which I can 100% guarantee you that we’re not) and see if we’re something you’d like to become a part off. Which I hope you do. If you love romantic stories and reading about them, then I’m sure you’re going to enjoy your time here. Please do visit us soon!!

Board Of Committees:: For the people who make it happen. Here’s the people that stalk the internet for stories that involve the Magnetic Theme. Think you can handle the responsibilities of one? Then come inside and learn how to become one, what you’re bound to do, and of course all that other fun stuff involved.
Submit Your Story::

Are you interested in writing a story with the Magnetic Theme? Then hey, we’ll post it up for you. Interested??? Then click here for more information on what to do.

You Be The Finder:: Want to do some searching on your own? Want to find your own stories to submit to us? Then go right ahead. Stories that are submitted by our members (that they did not write themselves but found on their own) they get to critique it. So for that story they are one of the Committee Members. Cool huh. I thought so too. Well here are some sites to check out!

Tons Of Night World Stories

The Night World Organization

Lots Of Loads Of Stories To Browse Through

MG Blog Got anything you want to say, or wanna argue with one of our critics? Then this is the place for you! Anything you want to say, post it!

Join Us::

Its really easy to join this fantastic organization. All you have to do is come and click on this link to be taken to the form you have to fill and viola your in. Tres Tres uh... easy....

Stories Part 1:: For all you LJS Fans out there, you are not alone! Here’s list and list of stories with the Night World Theme incorporated with the Magnetic Theme! You know the whole bad boy vampire hooked up with the good girl human! Well stories like those and more are in this area, but be warned! Not all stories end with happily ever after! (Sad as that is!)
Stories Part 2:: These are ordinary stories that involve just humans. No extra-ordinary stuff (meaning the Night World). Just your everyday boy human meets girl human. Still the Magnetic Theme is involved though! I promise these stories are just as good, and worth your every minute! All the stories are rated from 1 to 10.
Thanks For The Visit, Don’t Forget About Us That Soon And Do Come Visit, Else WE Get Really Lonely!
Got questions? We got answers. We’d be happy to help you. So If you got Comments, Questions, Complaints e-mail

ME with the subject as Q’s!!