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  • Judits is anti-social and a quiet type. The strong silent type which gives him few people in the list.

  • Associates

  • Zander Raigen: One of the few that Judith acutally has a conversation with. Raigen is in the SOLDIER as a Brevet Captain, the Second class. Raigen helps Judith with his training and spar with each other.

    MacMantis: Like all people that got to know Judith, they start of fighting each other before they became cool. ManMantis is now no longer a ShinRa as Judith starts to lose contact with him.

  • The hate-list

  • Omega Tyrale: Tyrale was one of the many people in the Omega he hated. The type of person he was disgusted Judith. Judith even got to shot him in the left shoulder as a order for him being a traitor.