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Drowning in Darkness and Light


Mary's Poetry


The prince is coming
He has escaped the gates of Hell
His suffering has ended for now
But there is more to come

A jewel of darkness
A vampire among friends
Has come to take your life, prince
She has come to take your soul

Prince's body shall burn
The fires he cannot escape
He will be whipped
He will be beaten
And he can never leave

Poor, dead prince
You suffered greatly
And now your soul dies
As I lay what remains of your body
In this cold, dark grave

No one will come to visit you
If they did you'd never know
Your soul is gone
Sucked into the abyss
And no one grieves your loss

No one says farewell to you
Poor, dead prince

My Garden I went for a walk in the garden today and I painted my roses black I walked and I walked and then I ran but I will always come back My garden is happy My garden is light My garden is always black Hunter green infects my clothes but I would prefer happy black I smile as I walk I cheer as I run I'm always happy in My garden the brightness of the day is so evil and hated I want to have it beaten to death Be gone all yellows Be gone all reds Pink leave my sight All I want is happy black hunter green, crimson as blood and the deep purple of the sky glowing at me as I shine back dressed in my happy black
Darker I’ve been found I’ve dug my grave I am chased And I am hunted And there’s no escape, but I am not afraid I’m a darker being I’m a devil in disguise I’m a bad girl Gone astray And I don’t wanna go home I’m a sinner I’m no saint I’m not holy I’m not chaste And I don’t wanna stop this game I’m a darker being I’m a devil in disguise I’m a bad girl Gone astray And I don’t wanna go home I’m not ashamed Of who I am I’m not chained To any man I’m proud, and free, and wild I’m a darker being I’m a devil in disguise I’m a bad girl Gone astray And I don’t wanna go home I brought you in Outta the rain I raised you And trained you And you betrayed me Well, what else could I expect? I’m a darker being And now you are too I’m a devil in disguise And now you can hide too I’m a bad girl Gone astray And I led you away And now we don’t wanna go home Give me a reason I’m lost And alone I have no where to go I have no where to stay I don’t want to go home I don’t want to stay here But if you give me a reason Then I can be yours I can’t love I can’t feel I need to fight for the mission My needs come second I don’t want to stay here But I can’t go away I need you to give me a reason So I can be yours I’m no winner I’m no loser I’m an empty shell somewhere in-between And I need you to love me Give me a reason to stay Or I’ll turn tail and run Give me a reason to care Or I’ll never trust anyone All I have is logic All I have are brains My heart was lost That day in the bloody rain It’s all I can do to stay It’s all I can do to run Staying here is hurting you But so is running from the truth Give me a reason to say this I need a reason to confess Give me a reason to say this I need you to know the rest I guess I don’t get a reason Only my own simple need But if that’s the only reason Then pray that my heart doesn’t bleed I need you. That’s the truth. I love you. That’s all I wanted to say.

Jewel's Poetry


Looking deeply in your eyes,
I see your desire.
Red is for passion
Aroused by fire.
Garnets hang 
At the base of my throat
And I see your hunger.
Your eyes remain,
Mesmerized by my neck’s pulse.
I know you want
To fix your lips upon it,
Your fangs in my throat;
To drink from me.
The flame rises
As I bare my neck.
Unable to resist,
You bend to meet it,
And quench your thirst.

The Vampyre's Bite A single rose— Black: As if ashes had Been thrown upon it. A single stem— With thorns: To prick a finger, And let a single Drop of blood fall. One prick— Just one, And everything changes. A single bite— A small bite, And you are no more.
The Star "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," oh how bright up there you are. "Up above the world so high," shinning forth while here I dine. Seducing humans for their blood: Pour it forth and let it flood. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," how brightly shining there you are. Lighten up this ruby sight: the color glaring from my bite. The fire burning down to ash; his head between my palms now smashed. "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," now how do you feel from where you are?
Never Ending An innocence lost since the very beginning, When then there was only passion and lust. Love and kindness were forever lost Since the world turned into dust. He’d sit at a window and watch the sky, While the coal burned into ash. He cared no more; he hated life; The two of them just clashed. He’d pick his prey while the moon rose To act as a shield and claim the night. Then he’d grab her; tilt her head back, And start in for the bite. When he felt her body turn cold, He let her slip from his fingertips. And then his eyes would change their shade, While he wiped the blood from his lips. Alas he would return to his home, And wait for the sun’s ascending. It happened again, every night since: A cycle never- ending.
Tears of Blood Darkness enveloped; blackest of nights; Visible, only, the pale moon’s glow. You walk; you glide; you terrify: A beautiful and fatal rose. Silent; compelling; an inhuman grace: As if the blood made by the hidden thorn. You call to your prey; you hypnotize, Till next you watch their family mourn. A lust so great; a passion released. Aroused is danger; high is the flame. Unleash the tiger; the serpent; the dragon. Enraged; corrupted; to never be tame. It rains; you cry; tears of blood drip. A ripping of flesh, and yet you weep. Passion to sadness; this power you hate! A cold heart, a black heart, that pities the meek. A kiss of death; the Reaper’s call: You watch, as in your arms, they die. Then walk off clad in power; All one hears is the blood you cry.
