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Mine: Here, There, Anywhere

TITLE: Mine: Here, There, Anywhere


PUBLISH DATE: October 4, 2004



TIMELINE: Post The Gift

SUMMARY: Buffy didn’t die when she jumped through the portal but instead was sent to an alternate dimension? A dimension where Vampires and humans coexist and share power and Slayers are not breed to kill Vampires but to mate with them.



AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay this one is way out there, a little silly and probably a little stupid. But I had fun writing it and I hope you have fun reading it!


Chapter One

One Large Leap

She stared out over the opened portal the white and blue lights shining brightly over her world. It seemed to beckon her, calling her name with promises of peace and serenity. She leaped off the platform her arms spread wide her head held high. She closed her eyes and waited for the feeling of oblivion to fill her. She waited for the feeling of lifelessness to fill her. She waited to feel the cushiony softness of landing on a cloud.

THUMP “Oww! Okay no soft comfy cloud not really what I was expecting.”

She opened her eyes and a sharp pain radiated through her head. She felt the back of her head; she was definitely going to have bump there.

She stretched her back and looked around at her surroundings and into a pair of familiar green eyes. She stared into the face of her best friend, she looked the same but her hair was as white as snow.

“Will? What’s going on, where are we? What the hell happened to your hair?” She slowly got up.

“Buffy? Buffy Summers?”

She took a step closer “Will are you feeling alright? What happened? One minute I’m saving the world the next I’m here on this cold floor and you have white hair, which by the way, is not a bad look for you.”

Buffy turned around and looked at the room it was very dark and earthy toned and it had warm glow from all the candles that were lit.

“Oh ah thanks. Look you have to listen very carefully to me ok?” Willow waited for the slayer’s attention.

Wiping away at the dirt on her pants “Yeah sure as long as you tell me how I ended up here.” She looked around at her surroundings. “And where exactly here is.”

Willow smiled at her; she had fire inside of her. Her aura screamed power and compassion she was definitely The One.

“I understand your confused so I’ll try to explain as simply as possible.”

Buffy thought that confused was actually an understatement for how she was feeling at that moment. “Good because you know me I like to keep things simple…usually.”

Willow took a deep breath and began to try to explain things to the Slayer. “Buffy I am Willow Rosenberg but not the Willow Rosenberg that you know.”

“Exsqueeze me?”

“You see I’m the Willow Rosenberg from this dimension. You know the Willow Rosenberg from your dimension.”

Buffy held up her hands to stop Willow “Whoa hold up…” Her eyes were slits as she took a step closer to the witch “are you telling me that I didn’t die and that I somehow ended up in another dimension? Is Anya behind this? Oh when I get my hands on her…”

Willow was shaking her head “No Buffy listen it’s not exactly like that.”

“Then please explain it and quickly...” she started to rub her temples “I’m getting a headache.”

“Ok see this...” Willow waved her arms around the room “is another dimension, a different one then your own. It’s similar to what happened when Anya switched things around a couple of years ago.”

Once again she held up her hands “Wait a minute, if you’re not the Willow I know and this is another dimension then how do you know about that.”

She smiled happily at the Slayer “Oh I’ve been watching you.” She walked over to a black wall and mumbled some words that sounded like hickely dickely micky to Buffy. A window opened out of nowhere and smoke filled the opening. Buffy took a step closer to it and cautiously peered into the window. After the smoke receded she saw all her friends and they were crying over the still body of a blonde headed girl.

Buffy’s hand flew to her mouth and she inhaled sharply “Holy shit that’s me!”

“Yup pretty cool ah?” Buffy looked at her like she was insane. She had the goofiest smiled on her face and she seemed to be totally thrilled with what was going on.

“You see I’ve been watching you through this window since you were called. I watched all your greatest battles you are the most powerful slayer ever in your world. So when I saw what was happening I stepped in before you fell completely through the portal and brought you here…I saved you.”

Buffy just looked at her, she couldn’t have heard her right “Saved me?”

Willow happily shook her head waiting for the praise of thanks.

Okay I did hear her right. “YOU SAVED ME! I didn’t want to live anymore Willow that’s why I jumped. I want peace and serenity! I DO NOT want to be alive in another world where it’s filled with heartache and loss.”

Willow didn’t know what to say, this was not the reaction she was expecting. “But….”

But Buffy continued with her tyrant “But you…” pointing an accusatory finger “you think you saved me! Just who the hell do you think you are playing with people’s lives like this?”

“Please…just...just let me explain.” Willow sputtered out.

Buffy pinned her with a hard glare “Explain now and it better be good.”

Buffy stood there arms crossed waiting to hear her explanation “Our world is different then yours. Here Vampires and humans have coexisted peacefully for hundreds of years.”

She rolled her eyes “So your world is all peachy keen, wonderful. Then what the hell do you need a Slayer for?”

“I’m getting to that. You see centuries ago The Watchers Council came across the Book of Nahajam, which prophesied the coming of a child, The Destroyer.”

Buffy snorted, “Yeah like that kid’s not going to have issues growing up.”

Willow frowned at her sarcasm and but continued with her tale “The child will be the product of The Champion and The Chosen One, or vampire and slayer. This child would be the first in the creation of a new race; a race of vampire and human hybrids that would one day battle the greatest evil.”

Why did she feel like she was repeating herself “Hold it. Since when can vampires have children?”

“Well that was always what was believed. I mean how could a body that is dead produce life? But The Watchers Council believed in this prophecy. They met with the leader of the vampire world and a pact was formed. There would be no more killing each other and they would work together to make sure that this prophecy came true.”

She couldn’t believe she was actually going to ask this but here it goes, “So what actually is the prophecy?”

“What do you mean?” Willow was perplexed by the slayers question.

Buffy sighed, “Well in my experience there is always more to a prophecy then at first glance. I mean so it talks about a child who would be the product of a vampire and slayer, so what, there’s got to be more to it then that.”

Willow pondered that because she had never actually thought of that, could there be more to it then what they were always told. “Oh ummm…I don’t know that is all that any of us have ever heard.” She shook her head, “No that’s all there is too it.” She sounded very sure of herself but Buffy knew there was more to it then that and she knew that with her luck, she’ll find out at the worst possible time.

Willow continued her tale “So the pact was created and the Council stopped training Slayers to kill. And breed them to mate.”

Buffy stopped her pacing and spun around fixing Willow with an incredulous look of shock “What?”

“Slayers in this world are breed to mate with Vampires not kill them, with the hope that one of them will be the one that will produce the child.”

Was that vile rising in the pit of her stomach? “Okay serious headache now. Still not clear on how a vampire can have a kid.”

“It is believed that Slayerblood is the key to conception.” She said so matter-of-factly.

Buffy started pacing “Okay so you have a world full of slayers that aren’t baking anything in the oven, what makes you think that I’m any different?”

“Because you are different, you were trained to kill vampires. You have fought many battles with evil and have won. You have shown compassion and love in the face of sacrifice and heartache. You, simply put, are the Greatest Slayer to ever live in any dimension.”

Is that a compliment? “Thanks, I think. So what you brought me here so I can fuck some vampire and get knocked up?”

Willow had never looked at it so coldly but she figured that was about right “Um…basically yes.”

Buffy was flabbergasted “You are out of your mind! There is no way in hell that I’m sleeping with a vampire.”

“You did it once before.” Willow guessed that was the wrong thing to say when a hand was slapped across her mouth and she couldn’t speak.

Buffy’s eyes were slits of ice as she looked back into Willow’s frightened green orbs “You will not speak of that to me again…EVER! That was a personal moment in my life, very personal and very private. How did you even know…” she removed her hand from Willow’s mouth and she remembered the window “you WATCHED…what are you some kind of pervert?”

Willow’s eyes bulged out of her head, “Hey I’m not a pervert! I’m just trying to save my world certainly you of all people can understand that.”

She turned away agitated that her life seemed to be on national TV.

Willow was desperate to make her understand “Buffy believe me it wasn’t like that I only watched so I could understand you and learn about you. So I could see if you are the One. And you are. There is no doubt in my mind.”

“Yeah well I doubt it.” This was a lot to take in and her head was spinning.

“I know this sounds like some sick joke to you but everything I tell you is true and you must prepare yourself for what you will see or rather what you won’t see.”

Buffy thought that at this point there probably wasn’t much that could shock her anymore “What do you mean?”

“Your dimension and ours are different in the sense that humans, all humans, knew that vampires and demons existed. The Watchers Council was created to lead the humans in the war against them. They had the knowledge and the means to fight them. Thousands upon thousands of humans and vampires were killed during the course of the war.”

“Well it’s war, causalities are expected” Like me she thought sadly.

“Without going into too much detail I guess what I ‘m trying to say is that pretty much everyone that you knew in your dimension, they never actually existed here.”


“The war lasted a thousand years Buffy, many humans that would have produced offspring died. So they never married, they never had children. So people like Xander and Anya, Parker and Scott never existed here.”

Buffy was actually thankful about that. She had enough of dealing with everyone else’s problems and didn’t want to be bothered with them anymore. Plus it looked like she had her own massive problems to deal with.

“A few humans did survive however and so the race was not wiped out, and of course finding the prophecy helped too since the pact was created not one human has died from a vampire. The Council then called forth the power of the First Slayer and with her magic’s they endowed some of the remaining humans with the powers of the Slayer.”

“If the war ended why create more slayers?”

“Because The Book of Nahajam foretold that the mother of The Destroyer would be The Chosen One, a slayer. So the council changed some of the remaining humans to slayers to increase the chance of the prophecy coming true.”

“Why am I not surprised.” The Council it seemed controlled everything even in this dimension.

Buffy looked at Willow, “So what are you? I get no slayer vibes off of you.”

Willow smiled proudly “I’m the White Wicca I am neither vampire nor slayer. The Council and The Master needed my…”

“What? Did you say Master?” A chill went through her.

“Yes the Master. And yes it is the Master that you killed years ago.”

Buffy started rubbing her eyes again she couldn’t believe this was happening to her. The Master! This was all too much and she decided that she had enough.

“Look you know what I don’t really care and I don’t want to know. I want you, White Wicca, to send me back. To Heaven or Hell I don’t really care just send me back.”

Willow spoke softly because she felt bad for what she did, but she had no choice. “I can’t do that Buffy your soul is now tied to this dimension you are basically here to stay.”

“No I’m not staying here.”

She started to walk to the door one way or another she was getting the hell out of here. She had served the Powers for years always giving and never receiving anything but heartache in return. There was no way she was staying here. She wanted her sanctuary. She wanted it to end.

“Witch do you have my potion?” Spike came barreling in and bumped into Buffy.

“Well what do we have here?” He eyed Buffy up and down taking note of her trim figure and honey blond hair. “A new apprentice Willow? “ He stepped closer and smelled her she didn’t smell human she smelled like…”Slayer? What’s this a new slayer? Are you trying to hide her?”

Willow frantically ran in front of Buffy “No Spike I’m not trying to hide her she just got here.”

Buffy had enough of his “And now she’s leaving.” She started to walk away again when Spike grabbed her by the arm.

“Hold up Slayer I think I’d like to taste a little bit of you.” His faced morphed to that of the demon and he moved closer to take a bite.

Willow stepped in to stop him, he couldn’t do that it was against the rules. But before she had a chance to do anything Buffy took matters into her own hands.

She looked down at his hand on her arm “Fuck off Spike I don’t have time to deal with your bullshit.” She flung him across the room where he landed with a thump in the corner.

Spike was not used to being denied by a Slayer and he found the thought a little titillating “Shit witch where did you find that one.”

Buffy continued out the door, with Willow calling out to her.

“Buffy wait I have to take you to Giles.”

She stopped in mid stride “Giles? Giles is in this world too?” She hopefully asked. Finally a mind of reason, surely Giles would tell her what’s going on.

“What do you mean world?” Spike asked perplexed. “Just where the hell did you find this Slayer?”

Willow exasperated with his questions “Spike shut up.”

She walked up to Buffy “Buffy listen Giles is in charge of the Watchers Council I have to take you to him. So he can explain.”

“Alright fine, take me to the head cheese.”

Willow ran over to her cabinet and threw a bottle at Spike “Here Spike, use it sparingly.” She then took Buffy by the arm and dragged her out of the room.

Spike sitting on the floor watched them leave. “Mmmm a delicious morsel for the taking I can’t wait.”

Chapter Two

What Did You Say?

“Look I’m confused if all the vampires are soulless and don’t kill humans how do they feed?” Buffy was pacing again and she was making Giles and Willow dizzy.

Giles just watched her he was amazed by the power that radiated off of her; even he could feel it and he had no magical powers at all. He was not sure at first if Willow was correct in bringing her here but now that he was in the same room with her there was no doubt in his mind that she was the One. Now he just had to make sure that she didn’t go anywhere and that the right Master Vampire claimed her.

Giles was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t answer quickly enough for Buffy. She walked over to him and waved her hand in front of his face “Hello anyone in there?”

Giles shook his thoughts away and fixed her with a stern look. “Yes ah where was I?”

“You were about to enlighten me on the vamps food source?” she waited.

Giles cleared his throat “Yes, yes of course...well besides the rations of animal blood that they are given most of the their nutrients come from…ahem…feeding on their slayers.”

She stood there and looked at the man that was her watcher or wasn’t, she wasn’t too sure anymore. She was feeling completely lost and confused not to mention she was sick to her stomach at the life of a slayer in this world. Maybe she didn’t have it so bad in her world after all. “So slayers are not only their whores but their food source? Great world you have here.”

“Ms. Summers it is not that simple.”

“Please stop calling me that, it’s freaking me out. Buffy, just call me Buffy.”

“Alright Buffy when the prophecy was revealed it was discovered that at some point in the future there would be a dark power that comes and unless stopped would eventually wipe out both races. So the pact was created and slayers were created and trained for other purposes. Purposes that would in the end endeavor both races to survive. Now imagine a new race, a race of hybrids with the strength, speed and immortally of a vampire, and the heart and compassion of a human. It’s incredible really if you think about. ”

“Yes I’m just blown away by the idea.” She interrupted Giles.

Giles was getting a little peeved at the Slayers flippant attitude and her sarcastic remarks. “Miss. Summers do you not understand our circumstances here! A dark force is coming to destroy us all! This is a dire situation that we must rectify and quickly!”

Buffy not happy with the tone he was taking with her got right in his face “Listen Giles, I already told Willow and I’ll tell you. I DON”T CARE! Do you hear me! This is not my world! I’m not the Slayer of this world you obviously have an abundance of slayers here so you don’t need me! Besides I did my duty, REAL DUTY not just fuck and feed duty, I earned my reward and I WANT TO COLLECT IT!” She slammed her hands down on the table.

Giles was just as mad now at the selfishness of this girl “Buffy I understand that you are upset and I understand that you do not want to be here. But there is nothing, and I repeat nothing that we can do about that now. You are here to stay and I strongly advise you to GET USE TO IT!”

Buffy was livid. Who did these people think they were playing God like this. Well she might be forced to stay here but there was no freaking way that she was going to become some vampire’s whore and food supply. There was only one way that she would even consider doing that…but the way her luck was going what were the odds that he would be here.

“Fine I guess I have no choice I’ll stay, I’ll hang low and I won’t cause any problems. But I am not throwing myself up on some auction block to be picked up by some bloodsucker! Not happening. No way. I don’t care what you say.”

“Buffy I understand that you disagree with the role of a Slayer in this world. But you must understand that they do not mind their roles in fact they are quite content. Many of them have formed emotional attachments to their masters and are quite happy.”

Buffy snorted, “Content? Happy? Are you sure about that Giles maybe they’re just scared with nowhere to run and no one to help them.”

Giles walked up to the Slayer he really was trying to be patient with her. He liked her and understood her reluctance and confusion. Perhaps if he gave her some time to better acquaint herself with this world and the master vampires, she would be more willing to cooperate. In fact, that is what he was hoping for; given time and the chance to meet whom he believed to be The Champion that she would agree wholeheartedly. “It is inconsequential, I will not argue with you on this matter.”

“But we always argue! I like arguing with you!” Buffy sarcastically whined. This Giles was just like her Giles., some things always remain the same.

Giles rolled his eyes and prayed for patience “Buffy I will agree to give you time to become accustomed to your surroundings and get used to the idea of why you are here. But you will attend the feast tonight. You will meet everyone and you will be cordial doing it. However, at next month’s feast you will join your sister slayers in the Ritual of the Chosen. And you will do it happily.”

Buffy’s eyebrows went up at that, happily? I don’t think so Brit Boy but let him think what he wants until I can come up with a plan to get the hell out of here.


Spike threw open the doors to the mansion and strolled inside. He was actually quite happy. After his little rendezvous with the mysterious slayer he had taken his potion and fucked Dawn till she was screaming with pleasure. He was, at the moment, content.

So he had decided to come to the mansion and screw around with Angelus his favorite hobby.

“Angelus!” He screamed throughout the empty living room. He walked down the hallway to the library calling for him as he went. “ANGELUS! Where are ya, you gel haired bastard!” Suddenly he was grabbed by the throat and pushed up against the wall.

“Are you looking for me William?” The voice came from the darkened shadow but he didn’t have to see the face to know whom it was that held him in a death grip.

“Angelus I was just looking for you mate.”

Angelus snorted at Spike, he didn’t like him, never did and often wondered why he ever sired him to begin with. In fact it took all the self-control he had not to kill him every time he saw him. But he did promise the Master so he was forced to put up with him “So I hear as you bellow your way through my home.” He dropped him and turned away walking back into the library. “What do you want?”

Spike stared daggers into the darker man’s back as he nonchalantly walked away from him like he was some lowly minion and not giving him the respect of a Master Vampire that he deserved. Okay so maybe he was a newly appointed Master Vampire and maybe Angelus was his sire but still that didn’t change the fact that he deserved respect and Angelus showed no signs of ever giving him that.

“I came to tell you that there was a new slayer in town.”

Angelus scoffed he was one of the few that held no faith in this prophecy. A hybrid race of vampires and humans was crazy; the idea alone that a vampire could give life was preposterous. Plus the idea of mating with one wasn’t a big turn on in his book because there was no way that a human, slayer or not, could live after he fucked them. Shit half the time he left Drusilla near dead and she was a master vampire. The way he saw it they were only good for one thing…feeding.

“I really don’t care Spike.”

Spike sneered at Angelus he knew that he didn’t believe in the prophecy and frankly he liked it that way. Because the least interested Angelus was the better off he was.

“Yeah but this one is different. She reeks of power.” Spike didn’t stop to consider why he was even bothering to tell Angelus this. He only wanted to annoy him and figured that this was a good excuse.

Angelus rolled his eyes at Spike’s gullibility and sat back down in his chair picking up the book he was reading trying to ignore the blonde vampire.

“The witch brought her here from another dimension. She thinks she is The Chosen One.”

The Chosen One… “Spike there is no such thing as The Chosen One. When will you learn that prophecy is bullshit and nothing more! For centuries vampires have been fucking slayers and in all of that time not once has any of them conceived. Now get out and leave me alone.”

Spike was used to Angelus blowing him off so he continued like he hadn’t even heard him “She’s a handful, that one. She threw me across the room without even breaking a sweat.”

Angelus smirked that was something he would have liked to see, if he believed it. But Slayers did not fight back they were meek and submissive. That was another reason why he never took one to his bed. He liked his partner with a little bit of monster in her.

“Sure she did Spike. Right after she told you to fuck off.”

Spike’s eyes popped out of his head “How did you know that did Drusilla tell you that??”

Angelus looked up from his book and looked at Spike. The expression on his face was one of complete and utter seriousness and he started to wonder if maybe there was some truth to his tale now.

His curiosity was peeked “What do you mean Willow brought her here from another dimension.”

“Just what I said mate, she took her to Giles and of course I followed and overheard their conversation.” He walked around the room fingering the books that lined the shelves. Why anyone would waste their time reading was beyond him.

“Giles said that Willow had been watching her for years. She comes from a dimension where slayers are actually trained to kill vampires. Can you believe that?”

Now he was definitely interested. A slayer trained to kill.

“She was none to happy to be here I can tell you that. She said something about being tired of sacrificing for the world, and some bullshit about how she would never mate with a vampire. She sounded almost affronted at the idea.” Spike had been insulted by that notion.

But Angelus wasn’t insulted if anything he became even more interested, that was if Spike was telling the truth. He guessed he would have to attend the feast tonight and see for himself.

“Giles told her he would give her till the next feast to get used to the idea. But then she would be chosen like the rest of the lot. He’s going to present her tonight at the feast.” He tried to gage Angelus reaction to all of this. He had seen a spark of interest in his eyes.

Angelus eyed Spike suspiciously “Since when do we share information, why are you telling me this?

Why indeed, he didn’t know either so he shrugged “Honestly I don’t know, I only wanted to annoy you. Did it work?”

Angelus just snorted at him. “So what are you inviting me to attend with you William?” Spike growled at him he hated it when he used his human name. Again…no respect!

But he just smiled at him, now was not the time for confrontations “Why not I thought we could attend together I want to see the look on your face when you see her, and when you finally come to realize that the prophecy is true and that I am The Champion.” He couldn’t resist throwing in at least one barb.

Angelus just laughed at him though “Spike you know what if you are The Champion and she is The Chosen One, then I will save you the trouble and stake myself, because then the world is truly lost.”

Chapter Three

We Meet Again

Buffy stood at the entry door, which lead to the feast. Ironically it was the door to the gym of the high school. Something else that never changes, evil still dwells on top of the Hellmouth no matter what dimension you’re in.

After her talk with Giles, Willow had taken her to her house where she would be staying. Buffy had almost laughed because it was her house! Everything looked the same except instead of the pictures of her, Dawn and her mom on the walls, there was nothing; just bare walls with candles on them.

Willow had shown her to her room, literally her room, picked out her outfit for the feast then left her to get ready.

Now as she stood waiting to go inside she wondered at the situation she found herself in. Was this a joke by the Powers That Be? Hadn’t she done her duty? How could this be happening to her? How was she supposed to handle the fact that Slayers were nothing more then food and a fuck on this dimensional plane and that she wasn’t the only one. That by it self felt rather strange. Okay so she had a little bit of a seniority complex but hey she had earned it hadn’t she?

She looked down at what she was wearing. Not bad actually. She was quite comfortable and if she was honest she felt completely sinful. She was wearing a red leather dress that clung to her curves and pushed her breasts up. It ran all the way down to the floor with a black lace train that trailed behind her as she walked. Willow had pulled her hair up in a knot so her neck was bare, then applied monstrous amounts of black eyeliner and blood red lipstick.

When she had first looked at herself in the mirror she was shocked to see that she actually looked sexy and dangerous. And that made her feel good. She wanted to feel dangerous she wanted these people to know that they couldn’t bend her to their will. She was the one with the power; she would bend them to her will. Why then did she feel like she was about to enter the lion’s den?

Oh well...there was no going back. Taking a deep breath she opened the doors.


Angelus was standing in the corner talking to Oz when he felt a shiver run threw him. It was something that he never felt before. It started out as a little tingle that in a matter of seconds turned into a warm humming sensation that filled his entire being. His ears started to ring and his body hummed with anticipation. He took a deep breath and smelt something so powerful so alluring that without his being aware of it his features shifted to that of the demon.

Oz watched Angelus closely. When he first saw Angelus here he had found it odd because he never attended the feasts. But he assumed that Spike had told him about the new slayer and that he wanted to see for himself.

Willow had told him what she had done and he knew that she believed this Slayer to be the One. Oz never really cared much for the prophecy he knew that he was not The Champion and he always thought that if any vampire could father a child that it would be Angelus. He was the most powerful Master Vampire he was also the one that laughed in the face of the prophecy. Now as he continued to watch Angelus’ face shift and watched the feral look that appeared in his eyes. He thought maybe Willow was right.

Buffy stood inside the door and felt extremely self-conscious when all the eyes in the room turned to her. She looked around and saw Vampires and humans all mingling together and they were all staring at her like she was a prize to be raffled off.

Giles walked up to her, he smiled kindly at her trying to reassure her “Buffy you look magnificent. I hope you are comfortable in Willow’s house?”

“Yeah it’s just great.” He frowned at her sarcasm.

“Yes well shall we?” He offered her his arm.

She shrugged and gave him her arm.

Taking the arm he offered her Giles lead her up to the dais. She faltered only once and that was when she saw the Master sitting there like a king over his court. His disfigured face keenly watched her making her insides squirm. She never thought she would see his hideous face again and yet here she was staring into the cold eyes of the demon that had killed her.

Angelus watched her standing there in the doorway; her head held proudly her back straight and was shaken. He had never seen a slayer stand so tall. Never felt the power radiating off of one like he did this girl. Her smell was intoxicating and she stood there defiantly looking out into the room. She seemed invincible, except for that one little misstep she made while walking to the dais, she seemed completely in control.

Giles cleared his throat “Master I’m pleased to introduce Miss. Buffy Summers.” Giles stepped back and waited for Buffy to take the hand that the Master offered her. He was horrified with what happened next.

“Don’t touch me you disgusting pig.” Buffy sneered at the Master. The room was silenced by the words spoken to the Master, all waited for her death, surely that was to be her fate.

Angelus smiled maybe Spike was telling the truth.

The Master looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. She was a creature of pure sensuality and her smell was enthralling with the power that ran through her blood. He knew that she was the One. He looked to his right where his favorite child stood and he was glad to see him just as taken by the beauty in front of him.

The Master chuckled at her “Child there is no reason to be defensive here. I will not hurt you.” Instead of being thankful and grateful for having her life spared she retaliated again with sarcasm.

“Like I could believe you, you already killed me once. I won’t let that happen again.” He contemplated what she said and knew of what she spoke of.

He smiled kindly at her, which only confused her “I understand why you feel that way Willow has filled me in on all of your…adventures. But here, things are different. It has been centuries since I took the life of a human.” He spread his hands around the room “As it has been for all my children.”

She scoffed at him “Well excuse me if I don’t jump for joy at you being on the wagon. Look I already told Giles and Willow, and now I’ll tell you…” she looked around the room “all of you. I don’t care about this prophecy or this world. I don’t belong here but until I can leave I’ll stay out of everyone’s way, and I’ll even promise not to kill anyone.” Her eyes changed to slits “Unless someone provokes me or tries to touch me then I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

“What insolence!” A voice was heard from behind Buffy. She knew that voice but she couldn’t believe it she didn’t want to believe it.

“Master will you not punish her for this insolence?” The voice was to her right now and she dared to peek to see if it was true.

She turned to the right and gasped “Riley?”

Riley Finn, Master Vampire, turned to the insolent human “How do you know my name?” But when he gazed into her stunned eyes he was almost speechless she was beautiful and he could smell her power. He stepped closer to her and took a big whiff. “Power…she smells of power….and Slayer?” He lifted his hand to touch her face.

Buffy stood stone still, having a hard time believing that Riley was in front of her and that he wore the face of a demon.

“Do you wish for me to punish her Master?” The thought of punishing the beautiful woman filled Riley’s mind, he would have this one.

“I don’t think so mate.” Spike stepped up on Buffy’s left and grabbed her arm “I saw her first Captain Cardboard I will have the honor of punishing her for my Master.”

Buffy was feeling extremely out of sorts Riley and Spike were arguing over who would punish her when she felt a feeling that she hadn’t felt since…

“Perhaps neither one of you, since neither one of you has any say in this matter to begin with.” A voice from behind her said.

Angel? She knew that voice, she knew that voice as much as she knew her own. And even though she sensed no soul in him she still felt connected to him. Still felt that he would save her.

She whipped around quickly and looked up into his chocolate eyes. She smiled at him “Angel!” and threw herself into his arms.

Angelus was lost in the green depths of her eyes and the feeling that he knew her somehow, from somewhere. Then when she flung herself into his arms and pressed her lithe body against his, he felt himself respond to her nearness. Felt how it all seemed right. And he knew that she was his.

“Oh my God Angel…my Angel, I’m so glad you are here. I’ve missed you so much. I died and I came hear and I feel so lost, so alone, you have to help me.” All the feelings that she had been holding in since she arrived all came out in a rapid string of hysterics as she finally had a sense of familiarity in the haven of his arms.

With her body clinging to him he could feel her tremors he heard the confusion in her voice and he felt a surge of protectiveness that he had never in his undead life felt before. And it made him scowl.

She grabbed his head and pulled his mouth down to hers “Angel” she kissed him passionately not caring that the others in the room watched. Not caring that this was Angelus and not Angel. Here in this dimension it didn’t matter all that mattered was that the person she most wanted and needed was here.

The second their lips made contact a shock went through his body. It spiraled throughout him from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. He was totally consumed by her presence. Plus her tongue sweeping through his mouth wasn’t too bad either. In fact he felt his all body come to life at her nearness.

It all seemed so familiar she seemed familiar but he was pretty sure that he never actually met her. He definitely would have remembered these scrumptious lips.

But what had she said, that he was her Angel, that she had missed him and that she had died? What the hell was she talking about; she was all warm and definitely alive. In fact for a dead woman she was pretty fucking hot!

Riley not liking being pushed aside went to grab Buffy’s arm to pull her away from Angelus.

Without breaking lip contact with Buffy he snapped Riley’s arm out of the air before he even touched her. He pulled away from Buffy and lifted his yellow eyes to Riley “If you value your life you will not touch her!” He menacingly growled. Spike watched not liking where this was going.

The Master watched everything with a smile on his face and looked over at the Watcher. They smiled knowingly at each other.

Riley stared into the yellow eyes of the Vampire that he hated with every undead breath he took. This demon that denied the legitimacy of the prophecy, who never attends the feast, has the nerve to stand there and threaten him!

“What say you Angelus? What claim do you have on this girl; you who does not care about the fate of our world or the fate of the humans, dare question me?”

The room waited with baited breath to see what would happen next. Angelus was known for his quick and violent temper surely someone was about to die.

Angelus unwound Buffy’s death grip on his neck and pushed her behind him as he walked up to Riley. “I do as I like Finn besides you have no claim on her out of the two of us I have more claim than you.”

He quickly turned around to Spike “And you?” He smirked at him “You have no claim either you are just a child.”

“Hey I resent that I’m a Master Vampire just like the two of you, I have as much a right as the both of you.” He stepped closer “What do you care anyways, humans are beneath you, remember?” Spike sneered back.

Buffy standing behind Angelus didn’t like be talked about like a piece of property. She pushed Angelus aside and stood between all three of them. “Just wait a God damn minute here I’m not anyone’s property.”

The Master stood up and all eyes turned to him “The child is correct. She does not belong to anyone…yet.”

“Hey!” Buffy said but was stopped by Giles hand on her shoulder.

He looked at all his children, “After discussing the circumstances surrounding our newest slayer we have decided to give her one month to become acquainted with our world. After that month she will be brought back here to the feast to be chosen. Until then she will stay with our fair White Wicca and learn the ways of our world.”

A low rumble went throughout the room at this turn of events. Everyone wondered why special treatment was being granted to the new slayer but no one questioned the motives of the Master and The Watcher.

“Angelus you will join me in my quarters.” With that said he swiftly turned away and left the room.

Angelus dutifully bowed “Yes Master.”

Spike and Riley started to argue with each other. Angelus turned around to say something to Buffy but she was gone. He looked up and saw her looking back at him as Willow dragged her from the room.

Chapter Four

Wiley Watcher & Virtuoso Vamp

“Angelus, please come in” he walked into the Master’s chambers and closed the door. He didn’t know why he was summoned here; he assumed it was because of the outbreak in the hall.

“Master I apologize for my disruption of the feast.”

The Master waved his hands “It does not matter my child. Tell me what do you think of our newest Slayer?”

He watched his child’s face looking for any hint of his true thoughts because he was sure that he would not tell him the truth.

“I’m not sure how to answer that sire, I only just saw the girl.” There was no way in hell he was going to admit that he was pulled to her the second she walked in to the room. Angelus, The Scourge of Europe, did not show weakness even if it was in the face of his Master.

The Master chuckled it was as he expected “Did you feel her power, her strength? Were you pulled to her by her beauty?”

“I did feel her power sire and it is undeniable that she is beautiful.” All true he thought.

The Master got up and walked around to pour himself a drink “Angelus you have never believed in the prophecy of the Chosen One. Now after seeing her for yourself, after breathing in her scent can you still deny it?”

Angelus knew that he could not deny it but does he admit it?

“I’m not sure Master she has only just arrived. Who is to say whether or not she is the Chosen One? From where did Willow find her?”

The door opened and Giles stepped in “We have been watching her for five years Angelus. She has proven herself to be very…resourceful. There is no doubt in our minds that she is the Chosen One.”

“She called me her Angel and that she missed me, that she had died, what did she mean?” He wanted to know and felt no shame in asking.

Giles smiled at him here is where the story began “Every dimension is the same on some level Angelus. People are sort of mirrored throughout dimensions but with differences here and there. Here in our dimension are some of the faces of people that Buffy has known her whole life except here they are slayers or vampires. But the biggest difference is that in her dimension she is the only slayer trained by the Watchers Council to fight and kill vampires.”

He nodded “Spike told me that but I didn’t believe him.”

The Master chuckled “Well for once he was telling you the truth. In her world she is destined to be the only slayer breed for fighting, willing to sacrifice all that she has to save the world. This makes her strong and powerful. This makes her a force to be reckoned with.”

Giles shook his head “Yes indeed and in her eyes she knows you because you are in her dimension albeit with a soul.”

Angelus affronted by the very idea barked out “A SOUL?”

The Master chuckled and Giles continued “Yes you see in her dimension Angelus the Scourge of Europe was cursed with a soul after feeding on a gypsy girl. And he walks the earth saving humans in an effort to redeem his soul.”

He assumed the gypsy girl was Drusilla but it still felt strange to think that there was someone wearing his face and walking around with a disgusting soul. He couldn’t possibly comprehend what that must feel like. ”So he fought by her side, he was her friend?”

Giles straighten his glasses “Yes and no. They were lovers.”

One finely sculpted eyebrow perked up, this was getting interesting. “Lovers?”

“Yes it is written in all their books, the great love between the Vampire Slayer and the Vampire with the Soul, it was destined to be, as was their break-up.”

He scoffed because he didn’t believe in love and of course his souled other dimensional self would eventually break it off with her when he saw the error of his ways “Why did they break-up if their love was so great?”

“Because on her seventeenth birthday they consummated their love and Angel lost his soul becoming once again The Scourge of Europe. There was a clause in the curse that they didn’t know about. After months of him running around without a soul he tried to destroy the world and Buffy was faced with having to kill him. Willow was able to restore his soul but not before he had opened a portal to hell. Buffy killed him sending him to hell where he stayed until her love brought him back. They were together again as a couple albeit not in the physical sense, but in the end he left her so that it would not happen again.”

“The rest, as they say, is history. He moved on and so did she, on the outside that is. She dated other men; Riley in fact was one of them. But inside she still loves Angel and still believes that one day they will be together.”

The mental image of her being physical with Riley turned his stomach and unbeknownst to him he growled. But the sound was not lost on The Master who just smiled.

“Why are you telling me all of these?” he had a sinking feeling that he knew why but he needed to ask.

The Master stood up and walked over to him “Because Angelus, Giles and I believe that you are the Champion and that Buffy is the Chosen One.”

He looked at the serious expressions on both The Master and The Watchers face; they had to be joking so he laughed “Me! What makes you think that I am the Champion?”

The Master not affronted by his outburst continued, “You cannot deny that you were pulled to her, that you feel a sense of…ownership toward her?” The Master asked

“No I can’t deny that but so did every other vampire in the room. It is her scent the power that she reeks of.”

Giles stepped up to him “Yes but not every other vampire in that room felt as if they have known her, that she was theirs. Not every other vampire in that room felt a warm humming sensation go through them when she stepped in to the room.”

Angelus quickly looked at Giles “How did you know that?”

He smiled “Because it is written. He who is the Champion will be pulled to the Chosen One by a warm humming sensation that fills his entire being, making him unable to resist the lure of the pleasures that await him in the arms of the Chosen One.”

Angelus turned away scowling, he didn’t like not having control over his own fate.

“I have proof.” Giles said.

He spun around “What kind of proof can you have Watcher, an old torn page from an ancient book?”

The Master scowled back at his favorite child “Angelus you will speak with respect when you address the Watcher.”

Angelus frowned and bit his tongue “Sorry Giles.” It went against every natural instinct in his predatory body to apologize to a human but in the angry face of his Master he would do it, just to stay alive.

Giles who didn’t seem flustered at all by Angelus’ attitude just nodded “Yes, yes of course. The proof you seek is on her person.”

He continued to frown, why does this Watcher always speak in riddles? “What do you mean?”

“On her neck if you look closely you will see a faded scar. That scar is the bite of a mate, given to her by the Angelus in her dimension.”

The frown disappeared and was replaced by disbelief “So you’re telling me that a Slayer trained to kill Vampires allowed one to mark her?”

“Yes well to keep it short he got poisoned and only the blood of a Slayer would save him so she gave herself to him.”

“She fed herself to him? And he took it?” He suddenly had a different look at this souled version perhaps he wasn’t that insipid if he willingly took what she so freely offered.

Giles coughed “Well...ahem…no actually he fought her as much as he could. But in the end he was to week to resist her assault, literally I might add, and the demon came forth and marked her.”

He snorted, too weak, that was what happened when one was polluted with a soul.

“So your proof is in the mark.”

“But it’s not my mark? So what does it prove?” He wasn’t going to fall into this that easy.

The Master walked over and poured him self a goblin of blood. “Angelus you know the taking of a mate is the strongest bond there is in the vampire world.”

“Yes but as I said, it’s is not my mark it’s his.”

The Master scowled into his cup, his child was stubborn. “Angelus do you deny the pull toward the girl?”

“No Sire I cannot.”

He turned around and fixed him with a stare as cold as ice “Why do you think it is that you were the only one to feel such heat, such possession? The mark of a mate knows no bounds Angelus, whether it be here or there, you and he are basically the same, albeit a few minor details. Do you agree?”

Angelus most certainly did not agree, he was unique there was no other like him. But he could not deny the pull to the girl. He could not deny the absolute feeling that she was his. And he could not deny that the mark of a mate was stronger then blood. But he could not voice his agreement; instead he just gave his Sire a quick nod.

“Excellent. ” He continued over the ever-darkening frown on Angelus’ face. “In time you will come to understand and believe in the prophecy. You may go now.”

Angelus seriously doubted that but he wasn’t going to argue with The Master so again he nodded his ascent. He rose from his seat, bowed and headed toward the door.

“Giles perhaps you should arrange for her to spend time with the Master Vampires, you know, just in case we are wrong.”

Giles nodded at him.

Angelus stopped because the mere thought of her spending time with another vampire that was not him made his insides quiver with rage. He turned around “Excuse me Sire, but if you believe me to be the Champion why must she spend time with others?”

Giles smirked at the Master’s ingenuity.

The Master looked coolly at his child “Well as you said yourself, you may not be the Champion. If that is the case, and of course you may very well be right my child, she will need to get to know the others as well. To see if there is the same connection.”

Angelus looked darkly at his Sire but had no answer. So he bowed again and left.

Giles and The Master stood there smirking at each other “Brilliant, just brilliant.”

Chapter Five


After the scene at the Feast, Willow, who had appeared out of nowhere, took Buffy back to her house. She scolded her for her rudeness and then she sent her to bed like she was a kid. At the moment Buffy didn’t care. She was tired and she felt like she was in a dream.

Everything was so surreal. This dimension and her purpose here was nothing like her own and she wasn’t sure if she should be angry or happy.

She took off her dress and sorted through the draws trying to find something to wear. Finding a tank top and a pair of shorts she threw them on and lay down on the bed facing the wall. Her eyes scanned the barren walls and her mind filled in the missing scenes; pictures of her and the gang, mom and Dawn, all smiling and seemingly happy.

But there was nothing now. Empty, barren, cold walls lined with nothing but candles that set an almost eerie candescent glow to the room.

She sighed; it seemed that she never got what she wanted, except seeing Him that actually was quite nice. She closed her eyes and remembered how it had felt to be in his arms again. It was strange because for some reason it didn’t seem to matter that it was the face of the demon that he wore and not her beloved souled Angel. But she sensed no danger from him only interest at who and what she was. There was no fear in her as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body close to his.

It’s odd she was actually more freaked out by seeing Riley as a demon then seeing Angelus. Maybe because she had always thought of Riley as being a good normal guy, then to see him as a vampire was a little bewildering. What was even more whacked was that she was a little turned on by the notion that there was a monster inside of him. Maybe Spike had been right and she did crave a little monster in her man. Maybe the darkness inside of her really did rule her emotions and desires.

Her eyes snapped open and she smiled “Some things never change.” She whispered to herself.

“Are you going to spend all night out there or are you going to come in.” She sat up and turned toward the window and the dark figure that emerged from the shadows.

Angelus had been sitting there watching her trying to understand the pull that he felt toward her, trying to comprehend all that the Master and Giles had told him. He hadn’t decided yet what to believe, he only knew that he had to see her again.

She startled him out of his thoughts by the soft sound of her voice. He knew he felt a connection but he hadn’t realized that she felt it too. Now he started to feel a little uncomfortable and he didn’t like that.

He snarled at her “Do you make a habit of inviting Vampires that you don’t know into your home?”

She leaned back against the headboard and giggled at him “Is that what you think…what you feel? That you don’t know me?”

He stepped inside the room and looked at her innocent smiling face. It was a façade he knew it, there was no way that she was innocent. He took a whiff and smelt her state of non-innocence and he growled again. The thought that she was not pure made him very angry.

He wasn’t ready to answer her just yet, wasn’t ready to admit to her that he did feel those things. So he took a different route, anger.

“I don’t know you Slayer. At least not your kind, a slayer trained to kill me.” He took a whiff “A slayer who is not pure in body yet not owned by a master vampire. “

She watched the play of emotions on his face and somehow she knew what he was thinking. She relaxed her body and placed her hands above her head. She was really enjoying this. She knew that he did feel her and their connection and she knew that he was totally uncomfortable with that. But she on the other hand felt very powerful and she liked that a lot.

“You would like to think that wouldn’t you? That I was nothing but a whore with no sense of duty or honor; it would make your world so much easier.”

He walked around the room fingering her clothes smelling her scent, and he scowled at her words. “My world is already easy Slayer; I see to it that there are no complications.”

She smiled “I bet you do…always in control right, the king of the castle? Oh I know you, probably better then you do.” She watched him as his agitation grew at her smugness and the confidence that radiated off of her. She couldn’t resist teasing him. Lord he was so stubborn; she decided to step this up a little.

With her eyes on his she slowly rose from the bed and walked over to him. Their feet nearly touched and she craned her head back so she could look up into his glowing golden eyes.

“You know I do belong to a Master Vampire.” She tiled her head to the side baring his mark on her neck. And his eyes were drawn to it like bee to honey. He stared at the mark a scar that was faded but still clearly visible especially to the vampire that made it.

He frowned, how could that be? It was clearly his mark there was no doubt in his mind yet he had no memory of ever tasting her. It must be a trick; a trick conjured by the Witch and the Watcher. Well there was one way to prove if it really was his mark or just magic.

He lifted his hand and gently grazed the raised bump with the tips of his fingers watching her face the whole time for the response that would answer his question.

And he got his answer as her eyes closed and her body swayed toward his. Her breathing became rapid and shallow and he could smell her arousal and desire.

He growled into the darkened room his body quickly responding to hers. “Ohhhhh…” she moaned softly and her hand came to rest on his chest. God she was beautiful, the expression of pure joy and ecstasy on her face made his body tighten with lust.

Suddenly he stopped touching her and stepped back the force of his emotions too much for him to understand. He felt controlled by her and it wasn’t a feeling he was used too.

Her body swayed and she almost fell forward without his body to lean on. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at him. “What’s wrong?” she breathlessly asked.

He just continued to stare at her. Her response so genuine, there was no way she could fake that. It was truly his mark. He was dumbfounded, confused and felt totally out of control and that was unacceptable.

He snarled and grabbed her roughly “What trick is this?” he sneered in her face “What magic has made my mark on your body?” He shook her “ANSWER ME!”

The haze of passion that had only moments ago consumed her, was now gone and in its place was raw anger at his denial and the predicament that she found herself in.

She pushed his hands away and took a step back “Trick! Magic! Those answers would be the easy way out wouldn’t they! You are just like him! Denying what is right in front of your face!“ She turned away “Get out!”

He stood there his body shaking with rage and uncertainty and pissed off that she thought that she could order him about like a minion. He stalked over to her and grabbed her roughly pulling her back against him. He leaned down and spoke harshly in her ear.

“Do not speak to me so! You will speak to me with respect that is due a Master Vampire, especially one that has marked you as his!”

She stomped her foot landing sharply on his toe. He jumped back hoping on one foot and growling at her audacity. She turned around her green eyes shooting sparks of anger at him “I dare much vampire! I will speak to you any way I please! As you have already said I don’t belong to you! In fact I don’t belong here…AT ALL! Now get out!!”

He was fuming his face a mask of rage and anger. He once again stalked over to her and lifted his hand preparing to strike a blow to her beautiful face but instead he found himself unable to move. Stuck in the motion…he tried to turn his head to the source but he already knew what or rather who it was.

“Willow, release me at once!” he snarled at her.

Willow was woken by the yelling coming from Buffy’s room and rushed in. Buffy was standing in a fighting position and the vibes that she was getting off of both of them were those of rage and passion. It was like a keg of gunpowder ready to go off in this room and it was giving her the willies.

“No.” She walked over and stood in front of him, whispering angrily at him. “You are not supposed to be here! You know that. Please just go peacefully, don’t make me tell The Master.” She pleaded with him because she liked him and she didn’t want to see him harmed.

With his eyes on Buffy he almost missed what Willow said because he was entranced by the way her body had so swiftly and smoothly moved into a fighting position, ready to take his blow and hand out her own. The non-submissiveness and dominant actions were completely turning him on as he felt his body respond once again to hers.

He smiled evilly at her and spoke to Willow calmly “Okay Willow I’ll leave.”

Willow looked into his eyes for deceit and found none so she released her spell and his body relaxed. He stood tall and walked over to Buffy who was still standing erect ready to protect herself.

He leaned down and looked into her eyes and unconsciously licked his lips. He watched as her green eyes followed his path and he took note of her once again shallow breath and quickened heartbeat. He smiled seductively at her his eyes filled with promises of delight.

He raised his hand to touch her face “We will see each other soon, eh lover?” She brushed his hand away “Don’t get your hopes up demon!”

He stepped back and laughed at her boldness. And in a blink of an eye he jumped out the window and disappeared into the night the sound of his laughter the only noise that could be heard.

Chapter Six

Girl Talk

The next morning Buffy was sitting in the kitchen with Willow drinking her coffee and eating a muffin as Willow explained to her about this dimension and what was expected of her.

She had been granted a one-month reprieve and she was going to use it to the fullest advantage. It was funny, as she sat there totally not listening to Willow, today things didn’t really seem so bad.

Okay so slayers were breed to be a vampire’s whore and food but still with the right vampire that could be quite pleasant. And it seemed that her right vampire was here and accessible to her. That made her smile and look at this world in a whole different light. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to live in this world, a world filled with nothing but mind numbing pleasure. At least here she could have what she always wanted…Angel.

In this world there was no fear of a curse, there was no one to scold and yell at her for wanting him in her life. In this world all her most precious and sacred dreams could come true. Here she felt light hearted and free almost like she did before she was called.

Her brow furrowed as she remembered his reaction last night. Things really don’t change that much when dimension hoping, he was as stubborn here as he was there.

Still trying to deny what he felt in his heart, what he knew too be true…that she was his and he was hers. Well she wasn’t in a land of denial, she never had been. She had always known that she belonged to him even before he marked her as such. She smiled into her coffee as she thought of how much fun it would be to toy and tease him until he finally came around. Which he would, there was no doubt in her mind.

“Buffy are you listening to me?”

“Ah…oh yeah ah ah.” Willow in no way believed her because she had seen the far away look in the slayers eyes, a clear indication that she was not paying attention.

“Buffy you must listen to me. You have only one month to get used to our ways and you’re not listening to a word I say.”

Buffy just scoffed at Willow’s panic “Ah phooey! I don’t have to be a rocket scientist Will. I get it I’m here to be a sex machine to some vamp so I can have little vamps that will rule the world. No problem.”

Her flippant attitude this morning so different from the defiant one that she showed last night was baffling Willow. But then she smiled, she could think of only one reason that would make the Slayer see things more optimistically and that was Angelus and his little visit last night.

She had known the second she met Buffy that there could only be one vampire that suited her spunk and power. And that vampire was Angelus, and she was pretty sure that The Master and Giles felt the same way. Which made her happy because she had witnessed the love between the two in the other dimension, she knew that it was unlike any other love in the world and it had saddened her to see them split up.

Throughout her time spent watching Buffy she had grown to love her and she wanted her to be happy. She knew all that she had sacrificed in her own world and she felt that maybe this was her time to be happy.

“So is it safe to say that you are not as unhappy with me as you were yesterday?” Willow grinned at her.

Buffy shrugged it was against her nature to give in too easily “Yeah I guess so.”

“Good I’m glad. So anyway, you’ll have one month to get accustomed to them.”

“To who?”

Willow rolled her eyes and whined “The Master Vampires?”

“Oh...okayyy…geez, well how many are there?” Not that she really cared, there was only one master vampire for her but if she had to play along then she might as well at least sound interested.

Willow smiled at her; she liked her spunk “Actually there aren’t as many as you would think. And some of them are women, like Drusilla and Darla. But they are in Prague so you don’t have to worry about them.”

“Hold it…Darla? As in skanky bitch Sire to my Angel…Darla?” Buffy asked

Willow giggled “Ah yeah that would be her.” She had always thought the same thing about Darla but never had anyone that she could confess it too.

Buffy shook her head “Damn why can’t they just die in every dimension when killed in another one…you know like a ripple effect.”

“I know what you mean.” She lowered her voice afraid that someone would over hear her “She is a little…loose. I mean even for a vampire.”

Buffy raised her eyebrows at Willow “Loose? Not really the word I would have said but okay.” She eyed Willow who seemed like a little kid in a candy store. For the first time since she had gotten here she took a long look at the White Wicca and saw the loneliness that she lived with everyday.

“It must be hard being a human woman stuck between two races?” She took a chance to see if she would open up to her, because really in any dimension she would love Willow like a sister and she wanted to be here for her.

Willow’s eyes bulged for only a second with the quick change of subjects and then they glazed over and she tried to seem nonchalant “Oh well you know it’s not that bad really. I mean I have Giles to talk too.”

“Yeah, but what about friends, a confidant…a lover?” Buffy was curious as to Willow’s sexual status in this dimension.

Willow’s pale face got even paler and Buffy knew that the next words that came out of her mouth would be a lie. “Oh I have friends to talk too…and umm I don’t have a lover.” She quickly looked away and started to clean up the table.

Buffy wasn’t fooled “Yeah right and I’m in love with Spike? Who is it?” she casually asked.


Buffy gently grabbed Willow’s frantic hands and made her sit down “Willow it’s okay you can tell me I won’t judge you.”

Willow looked into the kind green eyes and sensed her sincerity. She was very shy and it was difficult for her to talk about these things but for some reason she felt as if she had known Buffy her whole live and she felt safe in talking to her. “He’s a vampire.”

He? A Vampire? That was not the answer she was expecting “Really, who?” Buffy felt like she was going to explode with either laughter or astonishment. But she kept her features and her mind clear of those thoughts, knowing the sensitive nature of the Wicca.

Willow blushed “Oz.”

Ah of course. She hadn’t seen him at the feast last night but it made perfect sense. “Well that’s great Willow so he digs you, you dig him, there’s the whole mutual diggyness thing going on so where’s the problem?”

Sadness filled her eyes as she tried to explain the situation to Buffy. “The problem is that I am neither slayer nor vampire. And Oz, is a Master Vampire.”

Humfp like that explained anything. Buffy still didn’t see any problem “So?”

“So…that’s not possible! Vampires are forbidden to fornicate with humans, I told you that!”

“Ohhhh fornicate, big word. I’m shaking in my boots with the forbiddance of it all.”

“Buffy this is serious!” She whined

“Well I’m serious too Willow. Frankly I don’t see the problem. It’s obvious to me that you two are already lovers and no one has said anything yet, so again I say what’s the problem?”

“The problem is that no one knows.”

Buffy shook her head “Can’t be Wills vamps can smell sex a mile away with a stuffed up nose. There’s no way that you two are…fornicating…and no one smells it.”

Willow blushed, “Well there is if I take a magic potion?”

“Ohhhh I see, so you two are sinfully exploring the forbidden fruit and no one knows. What would happen if they found out?”

“Oz could be stripped of his title and be reduced to a slave minion to another Master Vampire and me; well I’m not really sure what would happen to me. But it’s not me I’m worried about its Oz. It would be a degrading position to put him in and I don’t want to see that happen.”

Buffy understood, a Master Vampire reduced to slave status and under the thumb of someone that used to be his peer, was a situation that most definitely would not farewell for him.

But she seemed to have a new aspect on life, seeing the glass half full as opposed to half empty and she wanted to share her newfound wisdom. “Well maybe not all Master Vamps would treat him so badly and maybe that wouldn’t even happen.”

“No it would happen and it wouldn’t matter who it was, they all hold some contempt toward humans. They see them as week in mind and body, not good enough to shine their shoes. And if they knew that a master vamp was willingly sleeping with one…I don’t know what their reaction would be.”

Buffy nibbled on her muffin, “You know I think you’re exaggerating. I mean I’m human, so what that I have slayer powers and all that crap. You are the White Wicca aren’t you? You are a pretty powerful person yourself. And if you are already juicing it up with a master vamp and still alive to talk about it then I say again…so what.”

Willow wasn’t too sure about her line of thinking but she did have a point.

Buffy drank down her coffee “So tell me, who are the other Master Vamps that I can expect knocking at my door.”

“Oh umm...well really besides Angelus and Oz there are only two others…Spike and…”

“No let me guess…Riley?”

“Yeah how did you know?”

“Well they both seemed pretty sure of themselves last night. But I got the feeling that they’re not as old or powerful as Angelus, in my world Angelus was Spike’s grandsire.”

“Close, here Angelus is actually Spike’s Sire. Drusilla is dumb as a post…she wouldn’t know the first thing about siring a vamp. Now Riley he was also sired by skank…I mean Darla.”

Buffy smiled, ah interesting “So Angelus and Riley are sort of like brothers?”

“Yeah I guess you could look at it like that.”

Buffy started to laugh as she thought of all the fun she was going to have at Angelus’ expense.

She had spent a considerable amount of time last night thinking about her situation after he left. She had decided that she was going to take advantage of being in this dimension and she was going to finally have what she wants. And she wanted him. The fact that he was too stubborn and pigheaded to see that she was his didn’t matter. She would do everything she could to turn him around.

So she laughed because this new information would work in her favor. If she wanted him to buck up to his feelings, what better way then to appeal to his possessive nature?

“What’s so funny?” Willow asked she wanted to laugh too.

“Oh nothing, I’m going to go take a shower.” She got up and headed toward the stairs.

“Okay when your done I’ll take you down to the Watchers Council where you can meet some other slayers.”

“Yeah okay whatever.” She giggled all the way up to the bathroom.

Chapter Seven

How I Love the Mornings

He didn’t know what he was doing here and had no clue what he was going to do. The events of last night had left him feeling slightly on edge. His body was tense with lust and longing and his mind was baffled with the realization that it had been his bite.

He knew it wasn’t magic, he wasn’t stupid or naïve. He just didn’t want to believe it. Why, well because this changed things. His life was suddenly turned upside down. He didn’t know if he was coming or going anymore. Everything that he had once thought to be true was changing.

Could it be that there was some truth to the prophecy? Funny how only a day ago he would’ve laughed at his thoughts, now all he could think about was taking Buffy back to the mansion, chaining her up and taking her over and over again until she conceived.

Conceived? Holy shit did he just think that? Yes I did! He smiled a child…a child that was mine, it was weird to even think about it, but the more he did, the more he liked it. His chest swelled up with pride at the thought of impregnating her. He could see her belly swollen with his child. His child, their child, he smiled he liked the sound of that.

So he left early and used the tunnels to get to her house. He sneaked upstairs without Willow seeing him. Hearing the shower running he smiled and sprinted down the hall and slowly and as quietly as possible opened the bathroom door.

It was foggy in the bathroom and he could barely make out the figure behind the shower curtain but he could smell her. Closing the door, he stepped inside and hopped up on the counter leaning back against the mirror. He watched as the silhouetted figure lifted her arms and droplets of soap and water ran down her body. She turned to the side and he was gifted with a very pleasant profile of full breasts and hard nipples.

His mouth watered and his pants got very tight. He really wanted to jump in there with her and touch every part of her body but could he risk it. Would she protest his attentions?

“No she wouldn’t.” She purred. His eyes bulged for a second, what she can read minds too?

“No magic, I’m not a mind reader. I just know you. I know what you’re thinking. I know what you want to do. “ She purred.

She poked her head out from the shower curtain holding it against her nakedness. She knew the second he had came into the bathroom and his boldness made her breathless. It was only a few hours ago that he seemed not to like her very much or believe her, yet here he was. Maybe this wouldn’t be that hard after all.

His eyes were deep with passion as he stared back into hers “Do you?” She nodded a small smile playing across her beautiful lips.

“So tell me beauty what do I want to do?” He purred back at her. He was curious to see how far she would take this.

Her eyes grew heavy with desire and her body tingled at his nearness and her state of undress. She was totally turned on and she would do anything that he wanted. “You want to come in and share my shower with me.”

His eyes darkened a little more. “What else?”

She pulled the curtain back and stood before him wet and naked. “You want to touch me.” She ran her hands down her sides and the soapy water caressed her skin making it glisten through the fog as it trickled down her legs. His eyes followed the path that her hands and water made; his eyes were now blacker then the darkest night.

“You want to be inside of me….” Her fingers toyed with her trimmed hair at her core, teasing him with their play.

“You want to taste me for your self.” Her neck tilted back and she showed him her slim golden neck and the pulse point that pumped wildly because of her excitement.

He jumped down off the counter and stepped up to the shower; the only thing separating them was one inch of space and the clothes on his body.

He lifted his hand to her face and cradled her check. She kept her eyes on his and rubbed her check into his palm. She raised her hand and laid it on top of his playing with the fine hairs on his hand.

“Why don’t you join me?” She purred.

He just continued to stare at her he was lost in the depths of passion and love he saw in her green orbs. He longed to do just that, strip his clothes off and throw her up against the wall taking her now, making her his, tasting her blood. Blood that he knew would be the sweetest thing that ever coated his throat.

But he couldn’t it was against the rules to take a slayer before she had been chosen. And he had to play by the rules to achieve his goal. He wasn’t yet sure what that goal was and didn’t even want to stop to think about it. He just wanted her.

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, she opened for him and their mouths sealed together. Their tongues dueled, their breaths quickened and Buffy stepped forward pressing her wet body fully up against his.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and her hands wove their way around his neck. Their lips never broke contact as his hands wandered down to the slope of her back and circled her ass. He squeezed her checks and drew her further against him.

“Mmmmm” they moaned into each other mouths. The heat that radiated off of them steamed the room up more then the hot water that came out of the showerhead.

She pulled her head away needing to breath and his lips descended down her neck licking up the water droplets that adorned her neck.

When he reached the scar he latched on to it like a desperate man needing oxygen. He hungrily sucked on it roughly pulling it with his human teeth as his hands continued to caress her backside.

“Yessss…Angel….” She moaned.

He froze. He stopped his attentions and growled into her neck meaning to frighten her but it only succeeded in making her hotter. The sound vibrated throughout her entire body making her shiver with want.

He looked up and into her face, her head was thrown back and her eyes were shut. He scowled and grabbed her head roughly bringing it close to his.

Her eyes snapped open and she looked into the face of the demon. “What?” She asked.

“Look at me when I touch you!” He demanded.

Buffy still in a haze of passion was confused by the hardness in his voice.

“When I touch you I want you to look at me. I want you to see who’s touching you. I’m not him Buff, do not ever make the mistake of thinking that I am your precious soul boy! If I could I would throw you up against that wall and fuck you all night! Do not expect words of love or gentle caresses from me. I can give you immense pleasure and I will but you will know the difference between us! And when my fangs sink into your throat you will know that it’s me drinking you till you pass out!”

He was mad, mad that she called ‘His’ name. He didn’t want her to have any misconceptions about whom and what he was. He was in control here not her and he wanted to make sure that she understood that.

Buffy looked at him her passion and desire slightly cooled in the face of his anger and she got a little uptight that he would even think that she didn’t know who was touching her. She knew exactly who was touching her and making her hot with want. It had just slipped out in her haze of passion.

But she knew there was more to it then that. She knew that it was a power struggle. He wanted the control and he wanted her to know that he had it. Well she decided that today she would play along because she needed him, she needed to feel him and she needed the release that she knew only he could give her.

She tightened her arms around his neck and leaned in smelling his rich deep scent. She nuzzled his neck trying to be submissive and appeal to his male dominant nature “I’m sorry it just slipped out.” Her hand wandered to his crotch and she caressed his hard length through his leather pants.

“I didn’t mean anything by it, honestly. It’s just a shorten version of your name. I know who’s touching me. And I know who I’m touching.” She got down on her knees and unzipped his pants. Never taking her eyes off of his she reached inside and pulled his hard cock out. She held him tightly and started to move her hands up and down.

She was so hot just holding him and she couldn’t wait to taste him. She had done this for Angel many times over the years that they had been together and she had always missed it. She just never got the same pleasure doing it to Riley as she did Angel.

Her tongue came out and swiped at this head, his eyes blackened once again with want as he watched her little pink tongue licking him.

“Angelus.” She moaned closing her eyes and taking his head in her mouth she started a slow sucking motion. His eyes closed and his hands went to her head, caressing her hair and playing with the long wet strands.

Little by little she took more of him inside, her sucking increased and her head bobbed faster. She scraped her teeth down the length of him as her hands played with his balls, tickling the fine hair at the base of his cock.

He was in heaven, he had received many blowjobs during his time, but this…this was just absolute mind-numbing pleasure. It was like she knew exactly where to touch him and how, and he couldn’t hold back anymore. His hands gripped her head savagely and he thrust himself further inside of her wet mouth. He felt his cock hit the back of her throat and he came with a shout. “BUFFY!”

She swallowed his seed enjoying the feeling of his hot creamy cum sliding down her throat, God he tasted good. She continued to work him until he came down fully from his orgasm.

He tugged on her hair getting her attention. She looked up at him and smiled. Her tongue came out and licked the corners of her mouth. Her eyes sparkling with delight that she had brought him pleasure.

He smiled at her and helped her stand up. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the counter. He sat her down and spread her legs wide. He got down on his knees and pressed his face into her dripping wet pussy. He moaned at her musky scent and moved his head back and forth, his nose rubbing against her in all the right places.

“Mmmmm Angelus.” She watched him with hooded eyes while playing with his silky dark hair. When his tongue came out and touched her lips her eyes closed at the excruciating pleasure. He grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulder and dove in.

He was merciless as his tongue touched her everywhere inside and out, he pumped a finger inside of her mimicking the motion that he really wanted to make with another part of his body. He sucked on her clit his tongue tapping on the tip faster and faster.

“OH GOD YESSSS...right there.” Buffy was out of her mind with the pleasure he was giving her. When he bit down on her clit and pushed two more fingers inside of her, she threw her head back slamming it into the mirror. A loud crack was heard as the mirror broke and started to spider out towards the corners.

Her hands gripped his head and she pushed him further into her heat as he growled. He couldn’t resist the need to taste all of her. His face shifted and one long fang came out, he gently sliced her outer lip and then hungrily latched on to the slit that started to bleed.

Buffy violently lurched off the counter at the pleasure and pain of his fang slicing her sensitive skin. Behind her eyes were a million brightly shining stars and her body heaved with the incredible intense orgasm that was rippling through her.

Angelus felt like a starved man, the taste of her blood was nothing like he had ever experienced before and it was double the pleasure because it mixed with her juices that were freely flowing. He swallowed each and every drop as his eyes rolled back at the gratification and fulfillment that he felt.

“Buffy?” Willow stood outside the door knocking loudly. She was going to her bedroom when she heard what sounded like glass shattering.

Buffy still in the oblivion of her orgasm didn’t even hear Willow calling or the insistent pounding on the door. But Angelus did and he growled at being disturbed. He gave the slit he made one final lick to seal it then he pulled Buffy’s legs down off his shoulders and stood up.

Taking a step closer he was cradled between her legs and he looked at his lover. He smiled lovingly at her and caressed her face “Buffy?”

She slowly started to come out of her stupor and she opened her eyes and stared into his deep chocolate ones. She smiled back at him her love and devotion for him evident in her face, which quickly turned to surprise when she finally heard Willow.

“BUFFY? Are you alright?”

“Oh my God.” She went to jump off the counter but he held her still with his hands on her waist. He leaned in closer to ear and whispered to her “Shhh tell her you’ll be out in a minute.” He couldn’t’ resist licking her ear and blowing in it, which made her voice hitch when she spoke.

“Yeah…ah…I’m ok I’ll be right out.”

“Okay I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

“Okay.” Angelus smiled evilly at her and she flashed him her own evil smile.

They listened to the sound of retreating feet then met in the middle for a long hot kiss. Buffy’s legs drew him closer to her till his erection was pressed against her core.

“Mmmm what a great way to start the day.” She said, “I could get used to this.” She was wiggling her bottom and pressing herself closer into him.

He smiled at her and purred at the pressure that she was putting on his cock. He didn’t want to but he had to stop now before things got out of hand.

He tried to step back but she tightened her legs and pulled him back in. He grunted at the strength of her thighs squeezing him. He looked at her and she had on the most devious expression on her face and her eyes sparkled with mischief.

“Baby we have to stop.” He shook his head, what am I nuts? He never thought those words would come out of his mouth.

She pouted “But I don’t want to stop…I want more!” She whined. She squeezed him again and attempted to pull him closer. But he was too strong and he resisted.

“Buffy I have to go and so do you. Willow will come back up looking for you if you don’t get ready.” I am seriously losing my mind! Here I have the most delectable creature that I have ever known in my clutches begging me for more and I’m turning her away, and nicely too!

She kept on pouting “Ohhhh alright.” She released the death grip that she had on his waist and he stepped back and away from temptation.

He helped her down and put her back in the shower and put a bar of soap and a washcloth in her hand. She looked up speculatively, “I’ve already showered Angelus.”

“Well you have to take another one, you reek of sex.” He stepped closer and inhaled, contentment swirled in him at the smell of his own scent on her skin. “And you smell like me.”

She smiled happy to have his scent on her again. “But I like too smell you on me.”

He smiled “So do I baby, but no one else will, especially since you haven’t been chosen yet.” He shook his head “It never should have gone this far. If anyone was to find out there would be serious repercussions.”

“Oh pooh.” Buffy didn’t give a shit about repercussions all she knew was that she had the most satisfying sexual experience since her seventeenth birthday and she didn’t care what anybody said.

“What are Willow’s plans for you today?” he asked as he pulled his pants back up, he wanted to know where she would be at all times.

“I think she said to the Watchers Council to meet the other slayers and see Giles.”

He nodded “Okay. I have to go.” He grabbed her forcibly kissing her hard and fervently.

When he pulled away he was smirking at the breathless look on her face. “That’s to remember me by.”

Then he opened the door and snuck away.

Chapter Eight

No Way

“I heard that she was as golden as the prophecy says.” Dawn looked at the other slayers and spoke her mind. She had overheard Spike ranting and raving about the newest slayer and how she had flipped him clear across the room. The way Dawn figured she had to be like an Amazon or something to be able to do that so Dawn couldn’t wait too meet her.

“Bullshit.” Cordelia said as she lounged across the settee. She had also heard about the new slayer from her Master Riley. He was pissed off at her disrespect and the fact that he was tossed aside like a minion because of Angelus. He was attracted to her too and wanted the new slayer for himself.

They all seemed to think that she was the One. Cordelia huffed at that and still believed herself to be the one. Okay so she wasn’t golden haired, but she was golden skinned and her spirit was as golden as the suns rays. “The only thing she will conceive is death, mark my words.”

“How about I just mark your face with my foot princess?” Faith snarled out. She hated Cordelia and the fact that she thought herself the queen of everything.

Cordelia smirked at Faith “As if you could. You’re just jealous that you’re not in Angelus’ household and that everyone now seems to think that this new slayer will be there in the not so far away future.”

Faith scowled it was true she did want to be under the hand of Angelus. Ever since she had first seen him she wanted him. She had hoped that he would choose her at the feast but he didn’t attend and instead she ended up in Spike’s household. He wasn’t too bad he had skills. But honestly every time he touched her she would think that it was Angelus’. She knew a long time ago that she would do anything to get into Angelus’ bed.

“He doesn’t even believe in the prophecy so there is no fear in that.” She said trying to believe her own words.

“Oh yeah that’s why he was there last night.” Dawn added in, she hated Faith and the way she always pushed her around. Plus she knew that Faith had no feelings for Spike and Dawn on the other hand loved him more then she loved her own life.

Faith was stopped from answering as the doors were opened and Willow walked in, with someone that everyone assumed was the new slayer.

“Hi girls.” Willow said happily. She looked around the room “Where’s Tara?”

“She’s back at the house; she wasn’t feeling well and decided to stay in.” Dawn answered because she had been concerned for Tara. “Maybe you could visit her later Willow and give her something to help her.”

“Oh of course Ill go as soon as I’m done here. So girls I want you to meet Buffy.” Willow stood aside to let them get a look at the new Slayer.

Buffy who had been quite the whole time was now bombarded with six pairs of eyes on her. Willow had told her what she was going to see, but hearing it and seeing it were two different things especially since slayers in this world were treated like queens. They had an idyllic life, no struggles, and no sacrifices to be made. Completely and totally different then the Slayer life that she had, and she resented it. Plus it was a little disconcerting to see her sister spread out like a freaking goddess!

That was a hard one to get past; her baby sister a slayer and some vamp’s whore? That was very bizarre and it really pissed her off. For a few different reasons, one was that the Dawn she knew was a simpering annoying little kid that she Buffy had to sacrifice her own life to save. And here, by the looks of it, she was all grown up and seemed quite content to be the property of some vamp. Which led her to her next thought, she really wanted to know what vamp it was, so she could kick their ass.

Then there was Cordelia. She still seemed to be the Queen C bitch that she always was. And Buffy found that she actually had a lot of pent up anger and jealously toward Cordelia and the fact that she was in Angel’s life. She saw him every day, she talked to him all the time, all the things that Buffy had desperately wanted but could never have Cordelia had and it pissed her off.

And last but definitely not least was her sister rogue slayer Faith. Buffy eyed her now and remembered how Willow told her that Faith wanted Angelus and how she would do anything do get into this house and bed. Buffy smirked at the brunette because just as that hadn’t changed from her own time so will the outcome be the same. Because that vampire was hers and there was no way that Faith was ever going to get a hold of him and Buffy didn’t care who she had to kill to prevent it.

She nodded at each of them. Cordelia just huffed and turned away disinterested. Faith eyed her coldly but actually seemed to slouch a little in her chair when Buffy continued to smirk evilly at her. And Dawn, well again something else that never changes, Dawn jumped up from her spot and ran over to Buffy excitement evident on every nook and cranny of her face.

“Hi I’m Dawn I’m so happy to meet you. Spike told me all about you, well not really told me in the sense that he actually said hey Dawn wait to you meet the new slayer, but more in the sense that I ah accidentally overheard him.” Buffy smiled, the same nosey chatterbox…wait…did she say Spike?

“Oh so you’re a member of Spike’s house?” she casually asked.

But Willow sensed her anger “Ah Buffy…” she pulled her aside and whispered, “She’s not your sister here.”

Buffy took a deep breath “I know it’s just really, really freaking me out.”

“So Buffy…” Faith decided to just jump in and ask what she wanted to know “I hear that you kicked Spike’s ass.” They all laughed because not one of them, even Dawn believed it.

“Yeah and that you told him to fuck off.” Cordelia added still laughing from the thought of that.

Buffy was a little insulted were they insinuating that she couldn’t take care of herself “It just so happens that I did.” They all laughed louder.

“No that can’t be true you are so small and petite and Spike is, well, Spike.” Remarked Dawn. “Forgive me, it’s just so strange.”

She sounded like a snob to Buffy and it made her feel like they were looking down at her, needless to say she started to get angry. Who the hell did they think they were? When Willow told her about them she decided that in this dimension she wasn’t going to waste her time or energy on them. That was another lifetime ago and this time around she would concentrate on her own happiness.

But she still couldn’t resist being a bitch “Not strange where I come from. At least in my world, I am the only Slayer and I’m not breed to be food and a whore for a dirty demon.”

She stepped closer to them “Let’s get something straight okay I’m not here at my own free will, but since I’m stuck here I’m going to live my life the way I want it. Which means that don’t want to talk to you people and I don’t want to be friends.” At the dumb expressions on their face she felt the need to clarify it for them. “In other words…fuck off!” She scathingly said.

Her outburst caused the desired effect because they all shut up and started at her menacingly. She just smiled evilly at them.

Willow wanted to soothe the tension in the room and thought it best to get Buffy out off there and quick. “Come on Buffy Giles is waiting for us.” She dragged Buffy out of the room. Buffy continued to stare daggers at the other so-called slayers until Willow finally closed the door behind them.

“What a bitch!” Cordelia remarked as she resumed to putting on her nail polish.


“What’s the deal with this feasty thing?” Buffy asked as she walked around the library at The Watcher’s Council. She felt rejuvenated from her tasty morning activities and freed from the expectation of befriending the other so-called slayers. She felt as if she could take on anything that they threw at her.

“It’s quite simple really, all the new slayers stand together and Drusilla decides which slayer goes to whose house.”

“So the whacky unstable Dru will be deciding my fate?” She laughed, “I don’t think so Giles.”

Giles looked affronted “Buffy Drusilla is a seer of the finest sorts. Yes she may seem a little unstable but she can see things that no one, not even Willow, can see.”

Buffy snorted “Well if she’s that good how come she can’t see the fertile slayers and pick them for the right master?”

“Because it is not that simple.” He looked away no reason to go there, just yet.

“Okay so that’s it? No big hokey pokey bitey thing? No magical words said? No magic potions? What kind of boring feast is this?” Seemed kind of stupid to her.

Giles cleared his throat because he didn’t wanted to tell her every detail but he guessed he had no choice “Well ahem, there actually is a little more too it then just that.”

Buffy eyed him warily “Yeah so spit it out tweed boy, I want to know what I’m getting myself into.”

He fumbled with his books and started to mumble his answer because frankly he was a little scared to tell her this. The violence that he sensed in her was a little intimidating, because he knew that she could snap him like a twig.

“I can’t hear you Giles, speak up please?” Buffy was really curious now because it was obvious that Giles felt very uncomfortable telling her.

“Ahem…yes…well it’s a mating ritual.”

What! “Excuse me?” She said her voice deceptively soft.

“Yes well after Drusilla pairs the slayer with their master vampire, they mate. If Drusilla has chosen correctly there should be a bright blue light that surrounds them as they...ahem…mate.”

Buffy stood up “WHAT!!! Are you saying that I have to have sex in front of everybody? You’re crazy…there is no way that I’m doing that!”

“Buffy it is the way that it is and you must comply.” He didn’t feel it necessary to tell her the other details of the feast and what the prophecy actually says pertaining to it. No one but himself and The Master knew of the finer details. When the time came they would fill in who needed to know, but until then it was kept a secret. Besides if everything worked out the way it was supposed to then she wouldn’t have to worry about that last part.

“No way Giles, I’m not a porn star! You people are nuts! All of you and I’m leaving!” She stormed out of the library not listening to Giles’ calls to wait.

“Buffy wait up.” Willow ran to catch up with the Slayer.

“I can’t believe this place, there is no way I’m screwing someone in front of people Willow…No way!”

Willow understood her reluctance because just the thought of it made her uncomfortable to. “I know how you feel I wouldn’t like it either.”

The walked silently together down the hall and outside. “I have to go and bring Tara some medicine do you want to come with?”

Buffy shrugged “Sure I got nothing better to do.”

“Cool then you can meet Oz.” Willow blushed.

Buffy smiled at her “Oh Tara’s at Oz’s house?” How convenient for Willow.


This should definitely be interesting, Buffy thought.

Chapter Nine

In Love?

Angelus was pacing back and forth his agitation showing in every brisk step that he took. “What are they up too Oz?”

“I don’t know man, but I know this, those two keep more secrets than an old woman keeps cats.”

Angelus snorted his agreement. “Do you think there’s more too the prophecy then what they’ve told everyone?”

“It’s a possibility.” Oz studied his friend with a slight smirk on his face. He noticed right away that Angelus had a different scent on him when he walked in and he knew what it was, it was the smell of a slayer. And to Oz’s knowledge Angelus had no slayers in his household so there was only person that it could be.

“Why the sudden interest in the prophecy?” he asked.

Angelus stopped pacing and spun his head around staring at Oz. He liked Oz in fact he was the only other vampire that he trusted. But did he trust him with this? He decided that he could mostly because he had to talk to someone and Oz was definitely more of a softy when it came to humans and human emotions, and he knew the reason why.

He sat down “What if it is real? What if a vampire can impregnate a slayer?”

Oz shrugged “I don’t know. It’s yet to happen so who’s to say.”

“The Master and Giles think that I am The Champion and that Buffy is the Chosen One.”

Oz watched him keenly “What do you think?”

He tried to play it off cool “Oz you know me I could care less about some stupid prophecy.”

“True.” Oz answered just as coolly.

He sighed “But I have to admit that the idea of Buffy pregnant with my child is not a bad idea at all.” He smiled at his friend.

Oz smiled back “You like her.”

He scowled “I do.”

Oz laughed “There’s no shame in that my friend.”

“Easy for you to say you don’t have all these weird mushy feelings inside that makes you want to either shout it out to the world or kill someone.” He was scowling darkly not liking it one bit.

Oz always the diplomatic one wanted to assure his friend that what he was feeling was not bad regardless of how strange and uncomfortable it was making him. “Angelus, there is nothing wrong with that. She’s a beautiful woman; she intrigues your sense of mysticism. She’s definitely not meek. And the thought that she could be the Chosen One has to be a heady thought, even for you.”

Oz noted that the scowl just kept getting darker and he chuckled to himself. To see the Scourge so out of sorts by a slip of a girl and his own feelings was kind of funny. If he didn’t fear for his life he would probably just laugh right out loud.

Angelus was aware of Oz’s smirk but ignored it. “It is. Then why do I feel like my insides are churning away, why do I want to rip apart any other that comes near her? I’m not used to these feelings and it makes me feel…week.” He growled out, hating to admit even to someone that he considered a friend, his weakness.

He jumped up and started pacing again “Damn it! This is not how my life is supposed to be! I’m the fucking Scourge of Europe! I should be out killing and maiming these lowly humans! I should want to drain her dry and jump with glee over her dead body not buy her roses just to see her smile!” he spun around and pointed his finger at Oz “I swear she’s wielding magic over me. Making me soft, making me her God damn lap dog!”

Oz smiled at his rant and gave him the simplest of answers “Its love my friend.”

He turned his horrified face to Oz “Love?” Shaking his head rapidly “No a demon doesn’t feel love. We can’t feel love!”

“Yes we do, maybe not in the same way a human does but we feel emotions.”

“I don’t want to feel emotions they make you week.”

“Angelus, emotions are what rules a vampires existence. True that not one of them would admit to it, but we are extremely emotional creatures. We feel the need to own, possess, take and have what we want when we want it. Those are all base emotions that control our every day thoughts. Love is just another one of those emotions; of course a demon would never describe it as love. But, it is what it is. Love is what makes us stronger. The bond between two mates is the strongest there is. Nothing can come between that. You feel it for Buffy because there in her time your bond existed. Face it my friend, here, there, anywhere, she’s yours and you are hers.”

It was the most he ever heard his normally stoic friend speak and he made it sound so simple that he began to question himself. Maybe he was overacting about this whole love thing. I mean if it made me stronger and more powerful, why should I be ashamed of that? Shouldn’t’ I embrace it and hold on to for all its worth?

Angelus looked at his friend and wondered if he would ever tell him himself about where all his knowledge on love came from. He figured he probably wouldn’t so he decided to just ask.

“Do you love Willow?”

It was Oz’s turn to be uncomfortable. He got up quickly and walked over to the bar. “What are you talking about man?”

Angelus watched him keenly “I know Oz.”

His shoulders tensed and his body was braced for a confrontation “What do you know?” He was nervous not because he was ashamed but because he didn’t know what Angelus’ reaction would be. Confessing could either be the biggest relieve of his life or signing his death warrant.

Angelus felt his nervousness and took pity on him “Those potions that she takes, they wear off. You should tell her to make it a little stronger.” He nonchalantly said twirling his drink in his hand.

Oz turned around and pierced Angelus with an inquisitive look. He looked so unconcerned about the whole thing that it made him smirk. It would appear his big secret wasn’t that big of a secret. Well no reason to lie now. He looked straight into his friend’s eyes and spoke from the heart “Yes I do, I love Willow.”

Angelus smiled he knew Oz was taking great chances in telling him and he was honored that he trusted him enough to be honest with him.

Oz stood rigid waiting to see what the outcome of his answer would be. Angelus got up walked over to him and slapped him on the back.

“Well I think I’m in the same boat as you. Have no fear my friend your secret is safe with me.”

Oz relaxed and smiled back at him.

There was a knock on the door and a servant walked in “Sire the White Wicca is here to see Tara.”

A smile lit his face and Angelus shook his head at his friend’s glee. “Show her in.” Oz said.

Angelus turned around and walked over to the window to give them some privacy. But as he stood staring out into the daylight he felt a warm sensation in his body that got stronger and stronger as the seconds ticked by.

Buffy and Willow walked inside the library to see Oz standing there awaiting them with a huge smile of warmth on his face. Buffy feeling her Angel-senses kick in looked to the left and smiled, there he was standing so strong and beautiful in the sunlight! Wait the sunlight!

“ANGEL!” She ran full speed toward him and just as he turned to greet her she threw her body at him and they tumbled to the ground.

“Oh my God what are you crazy? Are you hurt?” Her eyes scanned his body as her hands swatted at the imaginary flames that she saw in her mind.

Angelus who was chuckling at her concern and really quite enjoying the attention grabbed her face gently and drew her frantic eyes to his. “Buffy…Buffy its okay, I’m not hurt. The windows are necro-tempered.”

She looked at him disbelieving “Necky what?”

He laughed she was just so adorable. “Necro-tempered. It means the sun can’t hurt us. All vampires have it in their homes.”

Buffy stared blankly at him for a second before embarrassment crept in and she blushed as she quickly scrambled to get off of him.

He held her waist down on him and smiled up at her “But you are more then welcome to paw at me some more.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her but she just scowled at him and stood up. “Well someone could have told me.”

Oz walked up to Willow, he took her hand and kissed the back of it, lingering “Willow, what can I do for you?” Oz asked smoothly.

Willow blushed back at him and she didn’t know why. They had been intimate so many times already and she wasn’t the least bit shy around him. But it was the first time that they greeted each other in close quarters with other people present and she was nervous.

‘I…umm…I came to see how Tara was faring. Dawn said she was ill.” Oz was put off for a minute by her awkwardness until he realized it was because of the other two people in the room. He would explain to her later, so for now he put his most impassive face on.

“Oh great well she’s upstairs.” Willow shyly backed away “Okay I’ll, ah, just go see how she’s feeling.” And she practically ran from the room.

If she had stopped to notice she would have seen that the other two occupants of the room weren’t paying any attention to her or Oz. They were two busy with each other.

As soon as Buffy had stood up Angelus quickly followed and stepped up behind her. Picking up a long golden strand he brought it to his nose and breathed deeply. As his body responded to her clean vanilla scent he stepped closer and pressed his lower half into hers.

He heard the hitch in her breath and smirked. It was good to have power.

Buffy still felt embarrassed by her show of concern for the demon and wasn’t in the mood to play with him. She walked away and sat down on the couch, shooting him daggers as she went and turned her attention to Oz.

“So Oz, I hope you know that I plan to make sure that you in no way hurt Willow. So if you think that you are going to run around with other women while you’re seeing her, then you got another thing coming.” She was dead serious and she meant every word she said.

Oz and Angelus looked at the expression on her face and laughed. “Surely you don’t presume to think that you can tell Oz what he can’t or cannot do.”

Her eyebrow lifted “Ah yeah, that’s what I said wasn’t it, or did I knock your brain to the floor like I did your ass.” Holy shit where the hell did that come from? She wondered.

Angelus’ eyes darkened with anger at her righteousness. He took a menacing step closer ready to punish her for her insolence but Oz stopped him and walked over to her.

He sat down in the chair opposite her and smiled kindly. He really liked her she was friendly, she definitely had a fire roaring inside of her and she was protective of his Willow. There was no doubt in his mind that she was The One and that his friend would be irrevocably connected to this young radiant woman. The offspring that these two would produce would be astounding.

“Buffy I have no intention of ever hurting Willow. If I could I would bring her into my household, but the circumstances as they are, I cannot.”

She nodded at him “I understand that Willow explained it to me. But I want you to know that I don’t see what the big deal is and I think you should step up, be a man and admit it.” She directed her gaze to Angelus with that last comment and it wasn’t lost on him that she was no longer talking about Oz and Willow, and it made him boil inside.

“Buffy I understand your concern and believe me if I could I would, but I just can’t. Don’t get me wrong it’s not myself I’m concerned about its Willow. If other vampires were to find out she would be in mortal danger. It’s against the law for vampires to mate with humans and I’m afraid that where I would get a slap on the wrist it could mean death for her.” He stood up and glared at her very angry “And that is something that I will not permit. Do you understand me?”

His meaning was clear: shut up, keep quite or pay the price. Buffy didn’t cower in the face of his anger, which made Angelus shake his head at her audacity.

He waited for something stupid to come out of her mouth, but instead she got up walked over to Oz and hugged him. When she pulled away there were tears in her eyes as she kissed him on the check, oblivious to the growl coming from behind her.

“That’s so sweet and I’m glad that Willow has someone who is as forthcoming and honest as you.” She peeked out of the corner of her eye and scolded Angelus who watched with angry eyes.

Who did she think she was admonishing me like that? Oh she didn’t do it so blatantly but I know whom she was talking about and that was all that mattered.

“Now you’ll have to excuse me I think I need some air. Tell Willow I’ll see her later.” She hurriedly headed for the door.

“Buffy!” Angelus growled out but she ignored him and fled into the sunlight where he couldn’t follow.


Later that night as Buffy entered the house she was thinking about Oz and Willow. She had to admit that she had been a little surprised by Oz’s forthcoming. But she should have known he was always a straightforward no-nonsense guy why should this Oz be any different.

She sat down on the bed and stared into the mirror she smiled. “Back for more?” she asked.

“Have you no respect for anything?” He crawled in through the window standing in front of her he scolded at her. “You don’t walk into a Master Vampire’s home and make demands! He could have killed you and he would’ve been perfectly justified in doing so!” He yelled at her, of course he would never let that happen, but no reason to tell her that.

She looked taken aback by his words “I didn’t mean any disrespect I just wanted him to know that I know what’s going on and that I’m looking out for Willow.”

He turned away from her she was truly exasperating. “Weren’t their rules of do’s and don’ts in your world? Don’t you know how to follow them?”

She leaned back into the bed and scoffed at him “Angelus I lived my entire live following the rules and orders of other people and I find that I’m bored with it. I have a chance at a new beginning here and I won’t be pushed around by anyone, anymore.” She looked at him meaningfully.

And it wasn’t lost on him “Your talking about me. I haven’t pushed you if anything you have been pushing me!”

She smiled “Yes I have.” She answered unabashedly.

She watched him pace until he sat down in the chair by the window. He looked outside like it held all the answers and she felt sympathy for him. It really had to be hard to deal with all of the emotions that he was feeling for her, things that he always believed to be beneath him. But her old insecurities started to creep in and some part of her wondered if his stubbornness ran deeper than that

He turned to look at her and silence filled the room as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“Can I ask you something?” she softly asked

He didn’t answer right away because he was thrown off by the childlike sound in her voice “Yes.”

“Do you feel me?” she inquired softly.

“What do you mean?” He knew what she meant but wasn’t sure if he wanted to answer her.

She sat up Indian style and looked deeply at him “I mean do you feel me…inside? Do you feel like you’ve known me, from before?”

He got up and turned around to look out the window. “Yes.”

“Do you hate that?” she sounded sad.

He heard the emotion in her voice but couldn’t answer her because of all the emotions that he was feeling and was not used too.

“In my dimension you, well you and I, we weren’t really friends you know. I mean once Angel lost his soul, and the demon took control, all he wanted to do was kill me. He hated me and I never really understood why he did so much. After…when Angel got his soul back, he told me it was because I made the demon feel love, and that was what he hated, that he felt love and passion for me, a connection that went against his nature to kill me. So I guess I’m asking you if you feel the same way.” She waited silently to hear his answer. She didn’t know why she even brought it up, but she felt that she had to know if he would turn around one day and crush her heart too.

Angelus could believe that, it was how he had felt when he first saw her in the hall. But now even after only spending a few hours with her he didn’t feel that way. He wasn’t sure what he felt. But he knew he felt that she was his and that he would kill anyone that tried to take her away from him.

“No I don’t hate you.”

She smiled at his back she figured that was a good enough answer and was probably really hard for him to admit.

“Good because I don’t hate you either.” She crawled up the bed and got under the covers. “I’m sorry Angelus I’m really tired I think I’m just going to go to bed.” Before he had a chance to turn around she was already fast asleep.

He walked over to the bed and pulled the covers over her and sat down. It was so unfamiliar the thoughts and feelings that were swirling around him. He was not used to feeling compassion for another. He was not used to smiling so much either, but since he first saw her she seemed to bring that out of him and he had no idea where it was coming from.

For some reason this little slip of a girl was winding her way around him, inside and out, and what he couldn’t figure out was why it didn’t seem to bother him at all. He felt so content and dare he say it, happy, when he was in her presence or even thinking about her, that it filled him with warmth.

He touched her face lovingly then leaned down and gently kissed her lips. She smiled in her sleep, which just made him smile. Even in her sleep she knew his touch. His finger lightly trailed over her collarbone and down her arm. She shifted in her sleep her sexy smile still playing on her lips. Her leg moved and bumped his thigh and he closed his eyes to the pleasure that that simple touch gave him.

He had to get out of here before he did something stupid. He stood up took one last look at his girl and left through the window.

He was going to talk to The Master tomorrow and see about moving up the feast. Prophecies and bullshit aside she was his and he wasn’t going to wait a month to have her.

Chapter Ten

Threats, Questions & You Wish!

The next day Buffy woke up early feeling pretty good. The conversation that she had with Angelus last night played over in her mind and she smiled because she knew that he was slowly coming around to seeing things her way.

She also felt much more confident about his feelings. Now that she knew that he didn’t resent her for them she was relieved. She hadn’t realized how much baggage she was carrying around because of that. And she was just happy to finally be free of it.

So feeling like a new woman she dressed and went to see what Giles was up too.

Walking to the Watcher’s Council she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, she was too busy thinking about Angelus, so she bumped right in to Faith.

“Oh Faith.” She nodded and went to walk around her.


Stopping, she slowly turned around. “What?”

Faith looked at the arrogance on the other woman’s face and snarled at her “You know you pack quite an attitude for someone in a new place.”

Buffy stared her down, her eyes as cold as a December morning and she took a step closer so they were practically nose to nose “You now what Faith, you’re right I am. And you know why that is?’

“Because you’re a bitch?” She sneered at her.

Buffy smirked at her “Well that’s true but beside that, it’s because unlike you, I’ve actually had to work for my calling. I’ve had to make sacrifices to save the world and the people I love. I have time and time again had to deal with shit that you...” she poked a finger in her chest “couldn’t ever possibly begin to comprehend.”

She snorted “So what?’

Buffy angled her head “You know I knew a Faith in my dimension and we didn’t get along to good either. But at least she worked for her calling and wasn’t just a whore.”

“Excuse me?”

“No I won’t excuse you Faith. I’ve spent months excusing your other dimensional self and I am not going to waste my time on you anymore.”

She took another menacing step forward “Except to tell you this…” she leaned in and their noses practically touched “You stay away from Angelus, he’s mine. You won’t look at him, you won’t think about him, you won’t talk to him, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t touch him. Do you understand me?”

Faith chuckled “Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? Besides he wants me in his bed, he told me.” So she was lying, so what, Buffy didn’t know that. But the show of bravado was false because she actually was a little frightened of this Slayer. She could smell the power radiating off of her but there was no way in hell she would show it.

Buffy chuckled then pinched her check “Faith you’re so pathetic. Now if you remember all that we might have a chance at becoming at least civilized with one another.” She turned away and started walking down the hall. “Just remember what I said.”

Faith watched her walk away dumbfounded in a matter of seconds Buffy had insulted her, threatened her, patronized her, and blew her off, and she wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

In the end she decided that health wise she may be better off just leaving her and him alone. Because the more she saw her and the more she heard about her, the more she appeared to be the One. And if that was the case Faith didn’t want to get on her bad side.

Oh well she guessed she would just have to fill up her days with annoying Cordelia again, she smiled that was always fun.


Buffy walked into the library to find Giles sitting at the table thoroughly engrossed in a book. “Well I can say this, in my dimension or this dimension, you are definitely the same.”

She sat down next to him and put her feet up on the table. “What’ch’ reading?”

Giles startled out of his thoughts looked up “Buffy, I’m sorry what did you say?”

She rolled her eyes “I said that it’s nice to know that you are exactly the same here as you were in my dimension.”

If you only knew, he thought to himself. “Yes I umm…what can I do for you Buffy?”

“I want to talk to The Master.”

His eyebrow raised, he wasn’t expecting that. “May I ask why?”

She shrugged “I just want to ask him some questions.”

“Well you know you can ask me, I am privy to everything that the Master knows.” He smiled kindly at her.

She eyeballed him “Okay I want to know about the prophecy.”

The smile was instantly gone and he got up quickly shuffling his papers together “I told you about it already.”

Yes he was definitely hiding something. “No there’s more to it then that and I want to know what it is?”

“Really Buffy I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


He stopped his shuffling and looked at her. “Excuse me?”

“Look there’s always more then what’s right in front of you, prophecies are never that simple Giles, come on. I’m insulted that you would even think I would just merrily go along with everything you and that old kook was saying and not question it?”

“Buffy I don’t know what you are talking about. The prophecy was told to you the exact way that we told everyone else.”

“Yeah that’s what worries me.”

Now he took offense “What is that supposed to mean?”

She stood up “It means that you two are up to something that you aren’t telling anyone about and in my experience that can mean only one thing…bad things for Buffy.”

She started to walk toward the door. “I’ll give you sometime to think it over, talk to him, tell him I want to know what’s going on. We’ll chat later bye!”

She breezed out of the room as quickly as she had entered it and Giles was left standing there.


Walking down the hall she was thinking that she really had to talk to Giles about this vampire/human-sleeping problem. She wanted to help Willow out and knowing Giles was definitely keeping something from them she figured that this could be another stupid farce made up for some dumb reason.

As she turned the corner she was suddenly grabbed from behind and swung into a room.

“Hello Slayer.” Riley, great, just what I needed.

“Riley, what are you doing?” She eyed him curiously she hadn’t seen him since the feast and she really didn’t want to talk to him.

He stood with his back against the door blocking her exit and let his eyes wander down her tight body. He was practically salivating with thoughts of just taking her here and claiming her. “I saw you talking to Giles and just wanted to say hi.”

He stepped away from the door and walked closer to her.

“Really well Hi I have to be going now.” She went to go around him, but he stopped her with hand on her arm.

“Why in such a hurry? Why don’t you stay? We can talk…” He toyed with a strand of her hair that had fallen over her face. “…get to know one another.” He sniffed her and she backed up.

That was strange, Riley thought, she smelt different today but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

“You know I’d love to really I would but I’m meeting Willow in a few minutes.” She backed away some more, she didn’t really want to hurt him but she would if she had too.

He smirked at her “Willow is meeting with The Master right now.”

She is? “Well I know that, I’m meeting her after.”

He suddenly grabbed her by the arms and hauled her up close to him “Let’s not play these games Slayer. I want you. You smell so delicious.” He took another whiff. “I can smell your fire, the passion inside you and I want to taste it.” His hand wandered down to her breast and squeezed it.

She abruptly pushed him off “Riley I don’t want to hurt you, so don’t try that again.” She went to leave but once again he blocked her path.

Riley was baffled, she couldn’t be rejecting me; I am the envy of all vampires! “Don’t toy with me! I know you want me too. I can smell it.”

“Please what you smell is revulsion. Now let me pass.” She shoved him and he flew back hitting the wall.

He couldn’t believe it no on treated him like that. Women fell to his feet vying for attention from him. “You can’t just reject me like that Buffy. Do you know who I am?”

Buffy was not impressed “Yea you’re a big bad master vampire…ohhh I’m so scared.” She left without a second glance at him.

God, what an asshole!

Chapter Eleven

Meetings in a Graveyard

It was dark and there were hardly any stars out in the sky and she walked casually through the graveyard totally at ease. It was so strange to feel easy and safe in a graveyard. She was used to being alert for danger, any sign or noise that someone other than her self was lurking there.

But here there was no need for her skills. She almost felt useless. What good was she if she could not kill a vampire? It’s what she was made to do; hunt…kill…protect. But here it was all so different. She actually didn’t mind it, it’s just that it felt so dissimilar from what she was used to and that was what was throwing her off.

So she didn’t hear the rampant foot steps coming her way she didn’t even sense the tingling in her stomach until she found herself flat on her back and the wind knocked out of her.

She looked up into the ice blue eyes of… “Spike! What the hell are you doing?” Molested twice in one day by two arrogant vampires, I guess it’s just not my day, she sighed.

He leered down into her beautiful surprised face, ah I guess she’s not as good as they say she is, and immediately felt his body respond to hers. “Hello Slayer. Imagine meeting you here? What are you doing out this late at night? You should be in bed…or my bed.” He suggested.

He had her hands above her head. “Oh please, get off me.”

He laughed, “What’s the matter you can’t get up?”

Her eyes became slits and with one good shove he was flying off of her and landed with a thud on the ground. She gracefully got to her feet a smirk on her face. “No, no problem there.”

He got up and took a step closer “You know I love a girl with a little bit of violence in her, it just turns me on.”

She rolled her eyes at his stupidity “Gee I never would have guessed.” She turned her back to him and started to walk away.

He ran after her “What do you say we have a little late night romp, I know the perfect crypt.”

“I bet you do.”

“Oh come one Slayer it’ll be fun, you, me maybe some handcuffs…who knows you might like it.”

She stopped and turned toward him “Spike are you trying to annoy me? Because if you are this is a good way for you to get your ass kicked.”

He laughed “Yeah right, that last time was luck luv nothing more.” He stepped closer and grabbed a strand of her hair “I’m too strong for you luv.”

What is this obsession with my hair? She pulled her hair out of his grasp. “You think?” and punched him in the stomach.

As he was barreled over clutching his gut, she grabbed him by the hair. “You know Spike maybe your right. I was just walking around thinking to myself at how bored I was becoming. And then you so gratefully agree to be my punching back. Thank you.” And she punched him in the nose.

“Owe.” He grabbed his nose, which started to bleed, and angrily looked at her “Okay let’s play and this time I won’t go easy on you.”

“Ohhhh threat.”

And the game begin, punch after punch, kick after kick, they were evenly matched much to Spike’s chagrin.

But Buffy, being Buffy of’ course got the upper hand. Performing a graceful back flip she landed behind him. Grabbing him with her forearm under his throat she pushed him back into her “Had enough Spiky?”

“I think he has.” The deep laughter and applauding came from behind them. Buffy didn’t release Spike but she turned them around to face her lover.

Angelus had been watching from the shadows and was quite impressed by Buffy’s fighting abilities. Her body was both powerful and graceful at the same time and he was totally enthralled. He had never seen a woman fighting the way she was, even the most seasoned female vampires that he had known never fought so cleanly and powerfully, and he was totally turned on.

“Angelus, hey I was just out having a walk and she attacked me.” Buffy rolled her eyes at Spike’s claim. But he would lie to the devil himself to save face in front of the one demon that he hated the most.

But Angelus just laughed at his efforts “Really, looked to me like you were spreading your poetic words of love.”

Buffy snickered and looked at Spike, “Is that what that was?”

She released him and stepped aside as Angelus walked up to him “Spike you’re lucky I’m in such a good mood or I might have to inform the Master of your little escapade.”

“What you think you can just step in and take over eh?”

He shrugged “Well it’s either that or I can let her kick your ass some more.”

“Oh pretty, pretty please, can I?” Buffy whined and Angelus smirked.

Spike snarled at the both of them and started to back off. “You know you two deserve each other, a bunch of freaking lunatics, that’s what the two of you are.” And he left without another word.

Angelus watched him leave thinking about how he’d like to catch up with him and chain him up and torture him slowly, when he felt a small hand on his arm.

He turned to look at her. Her shy smile shone through the moonlight and he was once again blown away by her beauty.

“So…um…what are you doing here?” She asked coyly.

Looking into her lovely face he smiled “Well I’m definitely not rescuing the damsel in distress.”

“I don’t do that whole damsel in distress thing to good.”

“So I saw. Actually I was looking for you.”

She smiled and stepped closer “And what were you planning on doing once you found me?” She placed her hand on his arm. “Were you going to offer me a romp in a crypt too?” She teased while slowly stroking his arm, making her way up to his shoulder.

He smiled back at her and put a hand on her waist, “Well Spike may be dumb but he does have some rather good ideas at times.”

They stood there smiling and gazing at each other. She took a step closer and their bodies practically touched. “Well just so you know…you don’t need to tie me down.” She took another step closer and leaned up on her tippy-toes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her self up till she was even with his mouth. “Unless…you really want too…”

She offered her lips to his and he took them hungrily. Their hands wandered to places untouched and he backed her up until she was up against a tree.

“God you feel so good.” She said as he pressed her further into the tree and she could feel every inch of his rock hard body. She didn’t know how she had continued without him for so long but now she would never have to let him go again.

He kissed a path down her slim neck licking and taking nips of her skin, making her moan with want and lust.

“Please Angelus I can’t wait anymore I have to have you inside me.” He was pretty much thinking the same thing and thoughts that he shouldn’t be doing what he was most definitely going to do, didn’t even enter his head, he was going to have her here and now.

He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, never once breaking contact with their mouths and carried her over to a large mausoleum. He kicked open the door and walked in as she moved her mouth to his neck giving him the same attention that he had shown her.

He hastily dropped her on top of a tomb and started to unbutton her shirt. She helped by unbuttoning his. “Isn’t this illegal or something?” she asked breathlessly, excited at the thought.

His only answer was a grunt as her breasts were revealed for his attention. He moaned as he lowered his head and took one perk nipple in his mouth rolling it around his tongue, as her fingers played in his hair.

“Oh God, that feels so good…so good!” She leaned back resting against the tomb as his nimble fingers unzipped her jeans and he continued laving her breasts with his mouth.

Her hands found his buttons on his leather pants and she undid them pushing them off his waist as he did the same for her.

When she was naked in all of her gloried perfection he stood back and drank in the site of her. Her eyelids were heavy with passion and her chest rose and fell with each erratic breath that she took. God she was so beautiful he knew he had never seen or been affected before by such a creature and he was lost for a minute as to what to do.

She smiled almost knowing what he was thinking and decided to help him. She trailed a finger around her breast and down her belly to the apex of her thighs. He watched with avid eyes now black with passion. She slipped a finger lower and touched her clit moving it slowly back and forth, rubbing her finger down to her opening and all around. “Ohhhh God…I want you so much.” She moaned then brought her finger to his lips so he could see that she wasn’t lying.

He growled and latched on to her finger sucking her juices off and savoring her taste. Mine he thought, all mine. He grabbed her hips and without haste quickly entered her.

“Yesssss!” Her head rolled back and her eyes closed, he felt so damn good, she had almost forgotten how big and perfect he was. How he just fit inside of her like a glove, like he was always supposed to be there.

Angelus was pretty much thinking the same thing. “God baby, you’re so tight…so hot!” His voice trailed off as he started to pump vigorously inside of her. The pain in her back from scrapping on the cold granite tomb didn’t even faze her as she delighted in his taking of her. Finally she was going to be his again.

It all felt too good, too right and he couldn’t hold back anymore. He leaned down and made a small slit on her breast and started to suck on it, drinking her life’s essence becoming one with her once more. But it wasn’t enough; it wasn’t what he was craving, what he needed. So he did the unthinkable.

He lifted his head from her breast and dove into her neck; his fangs punctured her neck right over the scar and he drank her. It was the sweetest mixture of Slayerblood and passion, and the intense rapture he received, as it smoothly slid down his throat, was the most exquisite thing he had ever tasted.

“Yes make me yours…yesssss!” She hissed out her pain and pleasure and she came hard squeezing his cock at the same time, making his whole world shatter with the force of his orgasm.

Pulling away from her neck, her blood dripping down his chin he screamed her name to the Gods unashamed of his pleasure and who was hearing it.

A few minutes later she slowly came down from her orgasm and opened her eyes to see his head laying on her chest. She hugged him to her tightly never wanting to let go.

“I love you Angelus.” She said so quietly he almost didn’t hear it. But he had. He quickly looked up at her sweaty face and cupped her check. He leaned down and gave her the softest kiss filled with his own love, but the words would not come out.

She looked into his eyes saw the same emotion reflected back at her and she saw his apprehension and she knew that the words that she wanted to hear would not come.

She sighed and pushed him off. She sat up and started to collect her clothes and get dressed. He stopped her and pulled her back into his arms. She looked at him questioningly but he didn’t speak. He lowered his mouth to his bite mark and with one long lick he sealed the wound.

He pulled back and looked at her scowling. This was not good. He had completely and totally disregarded the rules. But could he have done anything else? No. There was no way that he was walking away from her tonight without possessing her. Especially after witnessing Spike trying to get over on her, he had been compelled to mark his territory; it was purely instinct to take what was his.

But now she reeked like him and his mark was visibly reopened, he was going to get into a lot of trouble for this.

She watched the scowl grow darker and darker; he definitely didn’t have happy face. “What do I have bed hair or something?” Wow déjà vu.

He didn’t answer he just kept scowling as he dressed and then he turned away from her and walked out into the night leaving her there standing in a crypt with her mouth hanging open in disbelief.

Chapter Twelve

Coming Around

The next morning Buffy was at the gym in the Council working out. Some of the other slayers had come in to watch her, still not believing that she could do any of the things that they had heard.

But Buffy was oblivious to the eyes that watched her she was consumed with anger, shame and the humiliation of what happened last night.

She could not believe that he had reclaimed her and then left with out a word. Just left! Nothing said, no ‘that was the best sex I ever had’, no ‘it’s never been so good’, no ‘your incredible and beautiful’. Okay so she had a complex! But she deserved to hear those things from the man that she gave herself too wholeheartedly, didn’t she? She even lowered herself by admitting that she loved him. Yeah, yeah she did love him but did she have to tell him that? Idiot, you knew he wasn’t going to say the same thing back!

She was just so mad at herself. She had let herself feel so comfortable around him that she forgot that he was nothing but a demon. He didn’t have her beautiful Angel’s soul. He probably only took what she offered and that was it.

“Ah Buffy…” Giles walked in and took note of the tense shoulders and the crisp hard punches that she was throwing. There seemed to be something off with her today and he mentally rubbed his hands together.

Everything was going as it should. He and The Master had been keeping a watch on them and they knew everything that was going on…everything. Including last nights little romp. It was all coming together.

“Buffy I have arranged a small gathering this evening at the Bronze.” She didn’t answer she just kept up her assault on the bag.

“So you can get more comfortable with everyone, especially the Master Vampires, ah, that of course would be Riley, Spike and Angelus.” She still didn’t answer but by the last name her punches were so hard that the bag was literally swinging back about five feet.

“There will be food and refreshments, and of course that noise you young people call music.” He smiled.

Still no response.

“Willow will bring you, say around nine o’clock?” He waited for some kind of acknowledgement but all he got was a grunt.

“Excellent…then I’ll ah see you there.” He left the room quickly and headed towards the Masters chambers.


The Master and Giles sat at opposite sides of a table talking quietly about the prophecy. “It’s all moving according to plan Master, it’s really been quite simple, who would have known.”

“I knew Rupert, the call of a mate is too strong to resist. Angelus does have will power but not even he can resist the call to reclaim his mate.” They smiled at each other when there was a knock at the door.


A servant walked in “Master? Master Angelus would like a word with you.” The two men shared a smile “Of course let him in.”

Angelus was let in and he stepped up the table, he bowed and addressed his Master “Sire I wish to speak with you regarding the new slayer.”

“Yes what about?”

Giles watched as he actually shifted on the balls of his feet like he was nervous, he chuckled to himself, because never before had he seen the Scourge look so uncomfortable.

“Sire I wish to claim her now and do away with the feast.” There he said it. He had thought long and hard on the matter and had decided that Oz was right; there was no shame in what he felt and he wanted to plead his case before he slipped up again.

The Master was surprised, things were moving fast. He was actually proud of his child. He didn’t think that one as stubborn and prideful as Angelus would be able to admit defeat at the hands of emotion. But it was as it should be. Still he could not give him he what he asked. He had to abide by the rules as much as any other, at least that’s what He needs to believe.

“I’m sorry Angelus that is against the rules of the Feast, you know that.” Angelus scowled. “Besides what about the other Masters, we do not yet know who she belongs too, and we need to proceed with caution. Since we all believe that she is the Chosen One we need to make sure that she is paired with the Champion and not just another Master Vampire.

That ruffled his feathers and his eyes darkened. Just another master vampire! He was the fucking Scourge! There was none like him!

He was about to protest to that remark but the Master cut him off. “No go leave us Rupert and I have much to discuss.”

He stiffly turned away “Oh Angelus?” Giles called out.


“There will be a gathering tonight at the Bronze at nine o’clock please be sure that you are there. It’s a chance for Buffy to become more accustomed with everyone in a nice setting, something that she is used too.”

“Fine I’ll be there.” He spun away and left.


After her workout she went home. She was still so mad at what happened last night and she was still berating herself for the words that she spoke.

“Hi Buffy.” Willow came in a happy smile on her face and sat down next to her.

“Will can I ask you something?” Buffy asked quietly.

“Sure shoot.”

“When you and Oz are together does he…express his feelings to you?” She turned questioning eyes to her.

“You mean does he tell me that he loves me?”


Willow smiled, “Yeah he does and it’s so sweet.”

She looked at Buffy who looked heartbroken and she felt very sad for her friend and she wanted to help her. She turned toward her and took her hands in hers, “Buffy, you have to remember that Oz has had a lot of time to get comfortable with the notion of being in love. Angelus hasn’t and he is not the most open-minded demon.”

Willow smiled at the disgruntled look on the other woman’s face. “You know he’s stuck on that whole demons are the master race crap. So it must be pretty confusing for him to find that he actually has feelings for a human that don’t involve eating them.”

Buffy smiled at that.

“Not to mention that he never even believed in the prophecy.”

“Yeah I know all that Will. It’s funny he is so much like the demon was in my dimension but he’s not as bloodthirsty. I mean the Angelus of my dimension he loved and hated me. But he let hate rule and he always wanted to kill me. So it was easy to distinguish between the souled Angel and the Demon, I knew where I stood with each of them. But him…” She threw her hands up in the air. “With him I don’t know where I stand, one minute I know he feels the same, the next I think he wants to rip my head off.”

She stood up and walked over to the window “It’s almost like the soul is there too.”

“Well in some ways it is.”

Buffy turned around “What do you mean?”

“Buffy you have to remember that the demons here have had centuries to get used to the idea that they don’t eat and attack humans anymore. In some ways it has mellowed out the demon, he’s more tamed. It’s like a domesticated house cat. They are close to their wild cousins, so they still retain their wild animal instincts but they are also tamed.”

Looking at the bewildered expression on Buffy’s face “Well that’s how Oz explained it to me once. But basically what I’m saying is that if given time he’ll come around.”

Buffy sighed, “I know you’re probably right. I know that he feels the same way; I can see it in his eyes. I only ask for some kind of acknowledgement you know. It doesn’t have to be flowery words of love just something, anything!” she threw her hands up in the air exasperated with the whole situation.

“I know.” She reached out and grabbed her hand “Don’t worry Buffy everything will work out the way it’s supposed to, you’ll see.” Buffy looked into Willows kind eyes and a frisson of hope filled her.

“I haven’t told you that I’m sorry for yelling at you when I first got here.” She had meant to apologize earlier but of course she never got around to it. She wanted to make sure that the witch knew she didn’t harbor any bad feelings.

“Don’t be silly you had every right to be angry with me. I just hope that you are happy here or at least that you will be.”

They smiled at each other “With friends like you how could I not.”

They shared a warm smile of friendship then Willow stood up “Now we have to get you ready for tonight’s gathering.”

“Oh yay…yippy.” She sarcastically said.

Willow smiled at her, “You know Buffy they will all be there, this could actually work in your favor, you know? I mean Spike will be there, Riley will be there….”

Buffy’s eyes sparkled with mischief “Angelus will be there.” Willow nodded happily.

“Why Willow you are a devious little thing aren’t you?”

She shrugged “Well I guess hanging out with Oz has rubbed off on me,” she blushed when she realized what she said.

Buffy laughed at her discomfort “So what sinfully decadent outfit shall I wear tonight?”

Chapter Thirteen

A Shimmer of Blue

Buffy and Willow arrived at the Bronze with all the fanfare of movie stars. They each had dressed very carefully for the night’s activities each one looking to blow their vampires away with their sexy outfits.

Buffy had chosen for a Willow a skintight black leather cat suite that clung to her every curve and pushed her breasts up. She matched it up with a pair of black leather stiletto boots. With her white hair contrasting with the black leather, she looked stunning.

When Willow had looked at herself in the mirror she was taken aback that it was actually her. She tried to get Buffy to change her mind but Buffy was adamant. Eventually Buffy had to literally push her out the door to get her here.

Willow had chosen for Buffy a blood red chiffon dress that hugged her body. It was so sheer it was practically see through. It had barely there spaghetti straps that tied together under her arms. So her back was bare all the way down to the curve of her butt. It swayed with every movement her body made and when the light hit it, it shimmered like the stars. It was absolutely decadent and she loved. She topped it off with a pair of red stilettos and a black scarf.

Both girls had pinned up there hair to show off their necks. A sight that Willow said vampires could not resist. Buffy had to agree with her. She knew what the power of a bare neck could do it was irresistible to a vampire. A lure that they could not take their eyes off, and that’s what she wanted.

So as they stood in the doorway of the Bronze all eyes were on them. Buffy smiled confidentially as her hand smoothed out her dress, her mind a whirlwind of lust and sex.

Willow, on the other hand, nervously stood by her side fighting the urge to cover herself.

“Will relax, you look beautiful.” Buffy tried to calm her because she knew she wasn’t used to the attention that they were receiving. She hoped that tonight the farce would be up. She felt confident that nothing would happen to Willow in fact she was determined that that stupid rule would change. She wanted her best friend to be happy and she would see to it that it would happen.

Meanwhile across the room Spike stood at the bar watching the both of them. His mouth was on the floor, was that Willow? He was shocked to see her dressed so scantily. He never knew that she was so…well endowed in many areas and he felt his pants get tight as he looked at her.

Riley was also at the bar and staring at the ladies. But for him it was Buffy that made his mind go numb with lust. He knew more than ever that he had to have her. He looked at her slim neck and imagined how it would taste to drink her and fuck her at the same time. It was a vision that gave him such pleasure that he felt him self harden.

At the same time, two dark figures stood in the back of the room. Their eyes glowing yellow, their growls of displeasure scaring the people that were around them into moving away.

“You know I have an excellent set of magic chains in my basement.” Oz suggested. “No one could break them.” He stared at Spike who was making his way over to the girls.

“Chains are too good for those two. I think cutting off all their limbs very slowly with a sharp blessed cross would do nicely. Just think of the warm petrifying screams of pain that we could enjoy.” Angelus sneered out as he watched Riley approach Buffy. Oz growled his agreement.

Buffy watched Riley and Spike make their way through the crowd. She looked around the darkened club trying to locate the dark hulking figure that filled her thoughts. She couldn’t see him, but she sensed him, and she sensed his raw anger. She smiled.

“Ladies” Spike arrived fir past and made a stately bow. “You look ravishing this evening.”

Buffy ready to tease and torture anybody she had to in order to get Angelus to reveal his feelings, easily slipped into flirt mode. She curtsied for him “Why thank you kind sir.”

“Ah yeah...thanks.” Willow was extremely uncomfortable with Spike leering at her. She felt completely and utterly naked. She had no clue how to play the game that Buffy seemed to be so comfortable with.

He looked at Willow and took her hand “May I have this dance Willow?” Buffy raised her eyes she had never heard him sound so noble and well, nice.

When Willow didn’t answer right away Buffy elbowed her in the ribs. “Oh yeah sure, that would be great.” As Spike dragged her out onto the dance floor she threw a pleading look at Buffy who just waved to her.

“Good evening Buffy.” She turned and looked up.

“Hi Riley.” She gifted him with a brilliant smile.

Riley seemed to stammer just a little “I wanted to apologize for my actions of yesterday, they were uncalled for.”

“Yeah sure no problem, wanna dance?” she asked. She didn’t wait for his answer instead she grabbed his hand and took him out to the dance floor.

When they got to the middle of the floor a new song started to play and Buffy had to stifle a giggle, it was the same song that she had once danced with Xander too, in an effort to get Angel jealous.

She remembered how he had said that it was more like mating then dancing. She never really thought so but her evil mind decided that tonight she would dance for him again and this time it would be like mating.

The sultry sounds played over the speakers and she lifted her arms in the air and moved her hips from side to side moving closer till she was pressed up against Riley. She took off her scarf and threw it behind her not caring where it landed. She kept swaying to the music and in the process she grinded her belly up against Riley’s cock, which was now protruding from his pants.

She smiled wickedly up at him and stepped back, she circled him and felt his ass when she was behind him, giving him a squeeze, umm tight, she thought. She made her way back to the front and stepped up again into his body.

Riley like a man possessed roughly grabbed her hips and drew her up to his body. His head lowered to her neck inhaling her scent his features shifted without him even knowing. He was so lost in the web of lust she was weaving that he lost track of where he was. He lowered his head to her neck ready to sink his fangs in and finally taste her.

Instead a brutal hand painfully gripped his hair and he was viscously pulled back. He snarled at the disruption and looked into the angry yellow eyes of Angelus.

“What do you think your doing Finn?” He snarled at him.

He had watched everything from the sidelines and when he saw her squeeze his ass he had enough. He bulldozed his way through the crowd to reach her, as Oz did the same to get to Willow who was trying to keep Spike at a distance.

When he saw Finns face shift and move to her neck, he ran full speed his own game face on with a burning bloodlust running threw him that he hadn’t felt in centuries.

Riley’s hand immediately went up to try to pry Angelus’ hand off his head “Release me you have no right!”


Riley threw a messy punch to dislodge him but Angelus blocked it and tightened his hold pulling his head back further. Riley sneered out “She is not yours! I have as good a chance as you do!”

He finally released him and Riley stood tall again. Angelus roughly grabbed Buffy and pulled her up against him. He tilted her head to the side baring his mark.

“See here Finn…” he pulled her closer to Riley and pointed to the mark. “She is mine! She bears my mark! And if you touch her again I will fucking kill you…very, very slowly.” The room was suddenly deathly quite as everybody heard what he said.

Riley looked at the mark in shock then up at Buffy who looked quite pleased with herself. His face turned red with anger, the little bitch she did that on purpose, seducing me with her charms just to make him jealous!

He took a step toward “You little whore!”

Buffy took exception to that and threw a right cross landing it squarely on Riley’s chin and sending him flying back into the crowd. “You just wish I was your whore, asshole!”

Angelus wasting no time quickly dragged Buffy out the back door, not once noticing that the sharp eyes of the Watcher and Master were on him.

When he finally got her outside he threw her up against the brick wall. “Oww, rough much!” she said.

He paced angrily back and forth trying to control the bloodlust that he felt. The urge to punish her for her blatant disregard to their bond was almost too much. The rage that ran through him was so strong that all he could think about was hurting her, but he didn’t want to hurt her. He stopped his pacing…yes he did. He wanted to tie her up and beat her for her insolence. Teach her a lesson.

He was filled with such fury that his mind could not comprehend a single word to say to her. The image of her body pressed up to Riley’s, his hands on her, her hands on his ass, his fangs sinking into her throat overpowered any other emotion of logic and restraint.

He suddenly turned to her and walked up to her. Grabbing her by the arms he hauled her up against the wall and banged her into it. He stared into her green eyes that now held trepidation in them. She actually looked a little nervous; he smiled evilly at her and crushed his mouth to hers. Finally he was in control.

Buffy was expecting a hand slapped across her face or at least some scathing words to hurt her. She was not prepared for his brutal assault.

His hand swiftly moved between her legs and he roughly ripped off her panties and cruelly thrust a finger inside of her. She was a little dry so his brutal invasion was slightly painful. She tried to scream but he would not release her mouth.

He continued to brutally pump his fingers inside of her. Ripping away from her mouth he looked into her eyes now glistened with unshed tears and felt no compassion or sympathy for her, only the desperate need to punish her.

He snarled into her face “What do you think you’re doing coming here dressed like a whore! Showing off your body to other men! You think I don’t know what your up too? Ha…you think you can control me! I AM THE MASTER here! I am the one in control!”

Actually he was far from being in control he was an animal possessed. He didn’t think he had ever felt such rage before, in fact he couldn’t think, he couldn’t control anything that came out of his mouth and he definitely could not control his actions.

“You want me to express my emotions well I am do you like it! Does it make you happy to know that all I can think about is punishing you! Beating you into submission…you are mine! You don’t instigate attention from another vampire! You do not let them touch you!” He was screaming and spitting in her face all the while brutally pumping his fingers into her semi-dry pussy.

She was silently crying she hadn’t meant to invoke such anger in him she had never seen him this mad. Even the demon in her dimension had never gotten to the point of being over the edge. And that was frightening her because now she understood what Willow had been talking about. By her actions she had set free the wild animal and there was no sign of the tamed house cat.

She desperately tried to calm his rage, to get past the bloodlust that was evident in his eyes; she was literally frightened for her life. “I was only trying to get you to confess your feelings!” she shouted at him “I only want you I don’t want him!” She pleaded with him to understand why she had done what she had done.

If he heard her he didn’t show any sign he just kissed her again. He thrust his tongue into her mouth his goal to dominate and punish, to take and claim.

Through her haze she realized what he was about, the rage he felt and his need to dominate her into submission. She smiled inside, whether he new it or not this was the emotion that she had wanted; to know that he needed her as much as she needed him.

She relaxed her body and gladly accepted his assault. If he wanted to punish her then so be it. She let herself feel his body pressed up against hers. She ran her hands over his tight shoulders and marveled at every hard muscle she felt flexing with his haphazard motion.

She felt his hard cock pushing into her leg and she envisioned how he felt inside of her, so perfect. She felt his fingers inside of her torturing her with their brutal play and she felt herself get wet coating those fingers with her juices; making them slid easily inside and out of her.

Her body responded to his touch no matter how rough he was. Her nipples hardened and her pussy got wetter and wetter as she latched onto him. She jumped up wrapping her legs around his waist clinging to his neck for support.

He released her mouth and stared into her green eyes as he continued to work her with his hands. He heard her breath hitch and her pulse increase, he saw her eyes darken with lust and he felt the wetness that now coated his fingers.

She roughly grabbed his hair and brutally slammed her mouth to his once again. Taking his bottom lip between her teeth she bit him. He growled at her and his cock swelled even more.

Releasing his lips she looked into his black passion induced eyes and spoke what her heart, body and soul felt. “I only want to be yours…only yours!” Her husky voice said, “Take me! Fuck me now! Make me yours!”

Her submission and words seemed to penetrate the haze of rage and he moaned and ripped away his pants, pulling them down he grabbed his cock and brutally entered her. He didn’t stop to give her time to adjust; instead he started a savage pace of drilling her into the wall.

“MINE…MINE…MINE” was all he said into her neck as he continued to fuck her hard.


He kept pumping into her over and over again and when she was on the verge of cumming, she screamed to him, to the world…”OHHH GOOODDD I LOVE YOU…I LOVE YOU…ONLY YOU!”

Those three little words reverberated through his head and his heart, and their bond opened fully. The bloodlust that had totally consumed him subsided and her love and acceptance seeped into his being.

It felt like a bright light shining through the blackness of his dead heart. He felt everything that she was feeling; her heart pumping felt as if it was in his chest, her blood rapidly flowing felt as if it was going through his body. He felt completely and totally fulfilled and the absolute ecstasy of those feelings made his mind and body explode.

With one last savage thrust he came so hard that he saw stars and he finally shouted to her what she had been waiting to hear.

“GOD BUFFY I LOVE YOU…I DO, I LOVE YOU...” And he sank his fangs into her neck.


The Master stood in the shadows watching the brutal joining of the vampire and vampire slayer.

He heard the words they shouted to the skies and instantaneously there appeared a glow that surrounded them. A blue light emanated from their joined bodies and spread out through the night sky reaching for the heavens; an endless stream of blue that with each savage thrust and pleasured moan got brighter and stronger pulsing with life. They were completely unaware of what was going on around them, too wrapped up with each other and the feelings controlling them.

He smiled as he looked into the beautiful shimmering light. Yes life has begun.

He turned away wanting to give them privacy. He was suddenly very sad yet extremely happy at the same time. Finally after all these long hard years the prophecy has been fulfilled.

It was time for The Champion and The Chosen One to take their respective places.

Chapter Fourteen

Forever and Always

He carried her all the way home encased in his strong arms his leather duster wrapped around her body, protecting her from the chill of the night air. Her head rested on his chest and his chin rubbed her hair with every step he took.

He felt so free, so content. He never would have thought that saying those three little words could open his heart and mind to the beauty of their love and bond. He had been so stupid and stubborn to deny it, to both her and himself. He had always known that she was his, and now that he had finally spoken it out loud he felt like a new demon.

When he reached the house he opened the door and carried her inside and up to her room. He gently laid her down on the bed and slowly started to undress her. She watched him with loving eyes as he took his time softly caressing every curve of her skin as he did. He turned her over and inspected her back. He scowled at the red burn marks that literally covered every inch of her skin. His eyes wandered down to her bare thighs and he growled at the angry red handprints that were clearly there.

She lifted her hand to his face and gently brought his eyes to hers “Its okay, it doesn’t hurt.” She wanted to reassure him, but honestly it hurt like hell. But for Buffy it was pain she welcomed with open arms.

He just grunted at her then went into the bathroom and came back minutes later with some ointment.

He took his shirt and shoes off and sat down on the bed. Opening the tube he poured a little in his hand then rubbed his hands together, ever so gently his put his hands on her back. At her hiss of pain he growled again and scowled into the darkness of the room.

Very gently he worked the ointment into her skin covering the marks. By the end she was purring with contentment and he smiled at the sound of it.

“That feels wonderful.” She sleepily said into her pillow.

When he was done, he went back to the bathroom and washed his hands. He walked back into the bedroom and placed her in the bed covering her with the sheets.

He placed a kiss on her forehead and turned to leave. She reached for his hand.

“No don’t go, stay with me?” She asked.

He shook his head and got undressed. He pulled the covers back and joined her. She scooted over to him and put her leg across his and rested her head on his chest holding him tight to her.

“I’m sorry. I lost control.” he apologized. He still couldn’t believe the rage that had taken control of him; he could have killed her.

Buffy just smiled into his chest and kissed his nipple. “Don’t be it was well worth it. I’m just glad that you finally came to your senses.”

“Humpf either that or I’ve lost my mind.”

She giggled, “Well love makes you do the wacky.” He smiled.

“Buffy I may not always say or do the right things, and there will probably be plenty of times where I yell and scream at you for no reason. But know that I meant what I said. I feel no weakness or shame in admitting it to you, myself and the world.”

He tilted her chin up to his face so she could see the truth in his eyes “I love you and I will always love you. I promise to protect you and take care of you, till death, and as you have shown me, through dimensions or whatever tries to tear us apart. You are mine: here, there, anywhere, your mine forever and always.”

Tears were streaming down her face and she drew his lips down to hers for a long passionate kiss.

When the kiss ended she was breathless, her hand started to trail down his stomach but he stopped her and brought it to his lips. Kissing it lovingly “Not tonight Ioniun, your body is tired, sleep. We have the rest of our lives to make love.”

She felt like her heart was going to burst with the love that filled it for this demon “I love you Angelus I always have and I always will, forever and always.”

“Shh go to sleep now.” He gently commanded her pushing her head back down on his chest where it belonged.

The second she closed her eyes she quickly fell asleep warmed by his words, his embrace and the quietness of the room.

Angelus lay there holding her tight and breathing in her heady scent. She smelt of vanilla and him, he smiled…then the smile disappeared...there was something else there.

He took another whiff this one longer; there was definitely another smell on her that he couldn’t quite make out. She had already fallen asleep so he very gently rolled them over so she was on her back.

He leaned up and very carefully trailed his nose down her body trying to detect where the smell was coming from. When he got to her belly he stopped.

He leaned up on his elbows and stared at her flat tanned belly. He closed his eyes and concentrated on her. He heard her breathing, heard the steady beat of her hearts…wait…hearts?

He leaned his ear down on her belly…yes, there was a little heartbeat pumping inside!

The broadest smile lit his face as he realized what that smell was…a child…their child, conceived tonight, the result of their declared love and passion.

Truly it was a miracle!

He lay back down and gathered her naked body close to his, she snuggled deeper into his embrace and he held her tight.

A father! I’m going to be a father!


Giles walked into the Master’s chambers and a shiver passed through him. Walking over to the bed where the Master was encased in satin comforters, he sat down.

He looked at his friend of many years and saw the tiredness in his face that before tonight was not there. “How are you feeling?”

The Master smiled at him “My mind and my body are very tired.”

“Then it has begun?” Giles asked anxiously.

The Master smiled at him “Yes my old friend it has. I witnessed it myself. So beautiful Giles you would have loved it.”

Giles was like a kid in the candy store “Was it truly the bluest of blues sparkling all the way to the heavens?”

He smiled “Indeed, a blue so innocent yet so full of power that it was blinding in its intensity. And its reach…its reach was as far as the eye can see.”

“Remarkable.” Giles would have loved to see it.

The Master shook his head in agreement “Yes, a miracle.”

“Indeed” Giles smiled.

The Master sighed, “So now it begins, my life has finally come to an end. And I must admit that I’m looking forward to it, the rest will do me good.”

Giles smiled kindly at his long time friend. “You have earned it Master.”

“Yes well there is still time. We must educate the children on what’s happened and what will be.”

“Yes of course I will take care of it.”

“Good now you’ll have to excuse me I’m very tired.”

“Of course Master.” Giles stood up ready to leave.



“About Oz and Willow…”

“Yes...” he hesitantly asked.

They both knew what was going on between the two but never spoke of it. But with the events of tonight the Master saw a new age coming. And it was time to put to rest all the farces that he and Giles had so meticulously construed.

“As of tomorrow Oz relinquishes his hold over all Slayers and under the midnight moon he shall wed the White Wicca and make her a proper mate in the eyes of our Gods.”

Giles smiled “It would be my greatest pleasure.”

“Good. Goodnight friend.”

Giles nodded to him and quietly left the room, a tear in his eye. He headed toward his chambers he had much work to do in preparation for tomorrow.

Chapter Fifteen

The Crack of a Whip

The next day a meeting between all the Master Vampires and Slayers was called. They all gathered in the grand hall speaking in hushed tones about the events of last night.

They had all heard what Angelus had said and they had all seen the mark, so naturally they assumed that they were here for the punishment of Angelus and the new slayer.

Darla and Drusilla were standing together in the center of the room. They were called back to Sunnydale from Prague where they had been staying for an indefinite amount of time. They had both become bored in Sunnydale and the Master had granted his permission for them to leave. They only returned for the feasts. But it was not yet time for the next feast so they did not know why they were summoned.

Now as they stood there looking around the room they both felt the tension in the air “What say you Dru?”

“Psst…psst…there’s something new in the air…psst…psst, can you feel it? It’s a new life, a new beginning.” She rolled her head back and forth and Darla nodded, she did feel it.

The massive doors were thrown open and Riley and Spike entered followed by their slayers. They took positions on either side of the room and began speaking with their slayers quietly.

The door opened again this time Buffy entered and behind her was Tara holding on to a crying Willow. They walked to the dais and stood there. Tara tried to calm Willow and Buffy stared daggers at everyone that looked at them funny.

Darla took note of the three women and wondered whom the blond one was. She didn’t know her but she sensed great power from her and she was curious as to who she was. Not to mention the fact that there were two Master Vampires that currently were not in the room. Her brow furrowed, just what the hell had been going on here while she was away.

Giles came from the dais and stood overlooking the room he smiled at everyone. He turned and nodded to a servant who entered the room pushing a very old and decrepit looking Master in a wheelchair.

Gasps were heard throughout the room at the appearance of the Master. Darla couldn’t believe how he looked like death itself. Drusilla leaned down and whispered in Darla’s ear “See it has begun.” Darla quickly looked to Dru who was grinning like a child. What the hell was she talking about?

The side door opened again and four guards entered in between them was Angelus and Oz each heavily chained. The room gasped again and Buffy took a step forward but Tara but a hand on her shoulder. Buffy turned worried eyes to the other slayer “What’s going on? What’s happening?”

She had woken up alone and to the sounds of Willow crying. She had rushed to her side frantically asking her what was happening. Willow told her that Angelus had woken up early and left to go to the Master. He had been summoned along with Oz to stand trail for their indiscretions.

Buffy had immediately dressed, dragged Willow to Oz’s house, picked up Tara and frantically drove to the Hall. Now she stood there, her body a bundle of nerves, as she watched her lover being treated like a dog. Rage filled her at the sight and she actually growled.

The Master took his place on the dais and addressed the group “Everyone, please calm down and listen there is much to be revealed.” The room quieted and all eyes were on the Master and the Watcher.

“Giles will you please?” “Yes of’ course.” Giles stepped forward.

“Let it be known that from this day forward these two…” he motioned to Angelus and Oz “Master Angelus and Master Oz, will be stripped of their titles and will be punished for their indiscretions against the Council and the pre-ordained rules of the taking of a slayer and a human.”

Gasps erupted throughout the hall some in defense of the words spoken, others applauding their agreement at the decision of their leaders.

Willow was hysterically crying clutching Tara and Buffy was rigid with anger.

Darla quickly looked to Angelus, her favorite child, and saw his attention not on the proceedings but gazing at the blonde woman who stood with Tara.

She peered closer, was that…love she saw in his gaze? She shook her head, no it couldn’t be. She looked at the blonde woman and saw the stiffness of her body, she saw Tara holding her back and she also saw love in her eyes reflecting back at Angelus.

Her eyebrow quirked up isn’t this interesting.

“Please bring the offenders forward.” Giles motioned and they were brought forward before the crowd.

Giles approached them “Angelus and Oz do you have anything to say in your defense.”

They were silent as they turned to look at each other. They smirked then turned back to Giles each one shaking their heads no.

Giles hid his smile at their show of disdain, “Very well.”

He turned to the crowd “Masters Riley and Spike please come forward”

Riley and Spike walked up to the dais.

“Riley and Spike will meek out the punishment, ten lashes each.” More gasps erupted.

“NOOO.” Buffy ran forward and fell to her knees before the Master.

“No please I beg you don’t do this. Punish me instead please!”

“BUFFY NO!” Angelus screamed at her.

The Master looked into her beautiful tear-filled green eyes and marveled once again at her strength and courage. He smelt the life breeding inside of her and he smiled like a father looking at his daughter.

He raised a gnarled hand to her head and spoke softly “Child these are the rules of the land. They both have trespassed where they should not have gone. Both know these offenses to be true. Do not fret child.” He turned to Giles and nodded.

Buffy looked to Giles, tears running down her face, shaking her head no at him. He smiled sympathetically at her and addressed Riley. “Master Riley if you would please proceed.”

Angelus was pushed to his knees and a grinning Riley walked up behind him quickly grabbing the whip. He leaned down and roughly grabbed Angelus by the hair harshly pulling him back “I hope you enjoy the pain my friend because I will surely enjoy inflicting it.”

Angelus smirked up at Riley no fear on his face or in his body “There is no pain on this planet you could inflict on me boy!” Then he spit in his face.

Riley snarled and wiped the spit off his face. He threw Angelus’ head forward and raised his arm smiling evilly and ready to strike the first blow, when a cold deceptively soft voice stopped him.


He turned and looked at Buffy who stood by the Master her eyes hard as steel her body tense with anger “Know that every mark you inflict on my lover’s body will be brought back to you a hundred times more by my hands. I will show you no mercy I will only offer you an ugly death and I’ll do it with a song in my heart.” She continued to stare at him and he actually faltered. She looked like pure evil wrapped up in a tight little body and he believed every word she said.

The Master was filled with pride at the threats that she had so easily and confidently proclaimed. She was truly a fit mate for The Scourge of Europe.

Angelus smiled his heart filled with love and pride for his strong mate. He looked up to see Riley hesitating and he laughed out loud at the fear that was on his face.

“What’s the matter Finn? Scared of a woman?” He continued to laugh wholeheartedly while he winked at Buffy. She just continued to stare at Riley daring him to do what he had to do and promising him retribution for every stroke he swung.

Riley embarrassed by Angelus’ words and his own hesitation turned away from Buffy and swiftly brought down his arm.

The leather whip landed sharply and Angelus’ body lurched with the pain of the first blow and he hissed into the quite room. A long slice could be seen and blood started to flow.

Riley gleefully continued with his duty, the site of his enemy’s blood filled him with satisfaction making him forget Buffy’s threats.

Buffy stepped forward ready to stop him but The Master held her tightly and shook his head at her. “This is the way it must be.”

Buffy watched with tears running down her face and pain in her heart. With every strike of the whip on his back she felt the blow herself. Pain radiated throughout her body and she clutched the Master’s hand forcefully not even aware that she was doing it.

Angelus for his part stayed quiet not a word or shout of pain was said only a hiss every time the leather touched his back.

When Riley was finished he stepped back and dropped the whip.

“Master Spike?” Giles called out.

Spike had watched the whole thing with a sickness in his stomach and a rage boiling inside. Though he had no love for Angelus he was still his Sire and he hated Riley more. The fact that Riley was inflicting such punishment on him made him mad.

He walked up snarling. He took the whip from the floor and turning to Riley punched him in the face sending him flying off the dais and landing on the floor. “That’s for whipping my Sire.” The Master grunted his agreement. Spike maybe a little obtuse at times but he clearly knew where his loyalties lay and that was very important for the upcoming events.

Spike turned to Angelus. He lifted his head gently and looked into his eyes. “Forgive me Sire for what I must do.”

Angelus looked at Spike and a newfound respect for him grew. He smiled at him “It’s alright Spike.” He eyes hardened “Please Master Spike proceed.” Spike’s eyes bulged for a second, finally the respect he had always wanted from his Sire. He stood tall and without any hesitation landed the first sting.

When Spike finished he felt no joy in what he had to do, he dropped the whip as if he was disgusted with it and bent to help his Sire up. Buffy ran over to Angelus’ other side and helped as well.

They carried him to the side of the dais where he sat down on a bench. He looked up at Spike and nodded his approval. Spike bowed to him diligently and turned around to face Giles.

Buffy dropped to her knees and cradled his head in her hands, leaning forward she gently spread kisses all over his face “I love you…I love you…I love you.” She murmured to him trying to offer as much comfort as she could. “Shh baby its okay, I’m alright.”

“Oz, please step forward.” Giles said.

Oz stood tall and stepped up ready to take his punishment. Willow could be heard crying in the background as she still held on to Tara tightly.

“For your transgression of fornicating with a human you will receive ten lashes.”

Oz dropped to his knees and waited for the first blow. Giles took the whip up, he really hated this part of his job, but as the leader of the humans it was his duty to meek out the punishment.

He lifted his hand and amongst the heartbroken wails of Willow he began.

When he was done the guards helped Oz up and sat him down on the bench next to Angelus. Willow ran over to him offering words of comfort and her love.

The Master nodded to Giles who helped him up.

He stood tall and strong, “Riley and Spike please step forward again.”

They walked up and stood obediently in front of their Master. “The both of you have also committed your own discretions have you not?” he peered keenly at them.

Riley huffed “I did no such thing Master.”

Spike was not so stupid, he looked him right in the eye “Aye I did Master.”

The Master walked up to Spike, “Spike I’m glad you are honest I know that your infraction was a minor one, and in the face of your honesty and your diligent loyalty to your Sire, I commend you. You are a courageous and brave Master and you set an example for all that hear my voice.”

Spike was expecting death not words of praise. So it was a shock but he took it all in stride, “Thank you Master.”

The master turned and faced Riley.

“Riley you show no signs of loyalty or honesty for that matter. Both Giles and myself are fully aware of your attempted assault on Buffy.”

“WHAT!” Angelus roared out. He quickly jumped to his feet oblivious of the pain radiating down his back and stomped over to Riley. Buffy following closely on his heels trying to pull him back,

“Baby, please stop…you’ll hurt yourself!”

The Master held up his hand and Angelus stopped immediately, standing two feet away from Riley his eyes blazing yellow and his body tense with rage. Buffy stood at his side holding tightly to his arm incase he did something.

Riley faltered, “I know not what you speak of Master.”

The Master looked at him cruelly, “Riley you disappoint me. I happen to know that you did indeed attempt to assault Buffy here at the Council not two days earlier. Are you telling me this is not true?”

Riley didn’t know what to do; he looked to Buffy who was looking at Angelus who was staring directly at Riley. “Do not look at her Finn! Answer the Master.” Angelus growled out.

Nervously he answered, “Yes Master I did.”

Before anyone could stop him Angelus jumped forward and hit Riley with a left cross that sent him flying through the air. He landed hard on the floor at Darla’s feet.

“You always were stupid Riley.” She causally said looking down at him.


“Yes Master.”

The Master smiled at her, “You are responsible for the punishment of your child. See to it that it is long and painful.”

“With pleasure my lord.” She purred bowing to him.

Angelus turned to the Master angry that this was being taken away from him. “Master I request to be put in charge of that job.” He desperately wanted to get his hands on Finn again.

“I know Angelus but I must say no. You have many other things to do. For now we call it an evening. Take your woman home and rest. We will meet here tomorrow evening in my quarters.” He turned away from him.


“Yes Master”

“You will do the same. Tomorrow night present both yourself and Willow in my chambers.”

“Yes Master.”

Chapter Sixteen

The Best Medicine

It was late when the black DeSoto pulled up in front of the house on Revello Drive. Spike jumped out and ran over to the other side opening the door. With Buffy’s help they got Angelus out of the car and into the house.

They carried him up the stairs and into Buffy’s room where they laid him down on the bed face first.

“There you go mate all nice and tucked in. I’m sure blonde here can take care of the rest. I’ll take Oz and Willow home.” He turned to leave “Spike?” Angelus called out.


They stared at each other “Thanks”

Spike shrugged, “You’d do the same for me.”

Angelus smirked, “Don’t be too sure about that.”

They both laughed and Spike left.

Buffy sat down next to him “I’ll be right back”.

She ran into the bathroom and came back with the same ointment that he had applied to her back. She gently rolled him over and took his pants off then rolled him back so he was laying on his stomach again.

She removed her clothes and put on a tank top and shorts then she straddled his waist and sat on his ass. Slowly and gently she began to apply the ointment.

He hissed, “Buffy you don’t have to do that it won’t get infected and I heal quickly.”

“Just shut up and let me do this please.” She kept applying the ointment gently smoothing it into the marks that marred his strong back. Her heart and soul bleed for him and the pain that he had endured for her and it made her cry.

He heard her sniffles “Baby its okay it doesn’t hurt…” When she touched a tender spot he hissed “much.”

“It’s my fault.” She said feeling guilty for getting him into that situation.

“It’s not your fault…” he said gruffly “I knew the rules and I knew what I was doing.” He hissed as she touched a sore spot. “Besides it was well worth it.”

“What do you think will happen now?” she asked.

He shrugged “I guess we’ll find out tomorrow.”

He laid there his head resting on his arms enjoying the strong gentle touch of his mate. His mind replayed the events of the evening and he remembered what he wanted to ask her. “Why didn’t you tell me about Riley?”

She shrugged. “It didn’t seem important.”

He started to rise “Not important!”

She gently pushed him back down “Shh it was nothing. He cornered me in a room and I got away and left. See nothing.”

He snorted she was lying. “No there was more to it then that, what else happened?”

“Nothing Angelus I swear.” She didn’t want to tell him because they way she looked at it, it really was nothing and she knew that he would overact.

He angled his head to peek up at her “Buffy I know Riley there is no way that he cornered you in a room and didn’t at least cop a feel.”

“Okay well there was a little of that.”

He went to rise again snarling but she pushed him down again “But that was it I stopped him and left. I didn’t tell you because it didn’t seem important to me.”

He turned to look at her fixing her with a stern glare. “Well it’s important to me. If that should ever happen again I want to know right away. Do you understand?”

“Yes Angelus I understand.” She smiled and gave him the obedient answer that he was looking for.

Pleased that he got the response he wanted, “Good. Now…” he rolled over and grabbed her waist holding her down on to his hard length. “Why don’t you take that top off so I can cop a feel?”

She laughed and slapped his hand away “No you are hurt and need to rest.”

He attempted again to reach for her, “I’m not that hurt.”

Did he just pout? Yes that’s definitely a pout and damn it, it makes him look breathtakingly sexy.

He pulled her down snuggling into her neck and breathing in her scent. God he loved this woman.

His hands wandered down her back and cupped her ass pulling her deeper into his hard cock. She moaned at the feeling and her hands slinked into his hair while he kissed a path down her neck and to her breasts. Grabbing a nipple through her shirt he pulled on it gently, making her moan louder.

She didn’t want to cause him anymore pain, but it was obvious that he wasn’t in that much pain and really she couldn’t resist him. He was too sexy, too hot, and he was hers.

She sat up and slowly pulled her top off inch by inch revealing tanned skin. When her belly was totally naked he raised his hands and placed them atop, staring at it with awe. She looked at him puzzled by his actions and the expression on his face.

“What is it?” she asked.

He couldn’t believe that there was a life growing in her belly and that he had helped to create it. It was so incredulous that the rational part of his brain just couldn’t grasp it. But his heart, the part of him that irrevocably belonged to her, had no problems believing it and it filled him with such pride and love that it was almost overwhelming.

“Do you believe in the prophecy?” He asked her softly, still looking at her belly.

Ah that’s where this is going, she smiled “I don’t know you know more about it then me.”

He shrugged “Yeah but does it seem plausible to you?” He really wanted to know what she thought about it. Would she resent getting pregnant by a demon in a dimension that she is not even from?

She had been thinking about it ever since she heard about it and her purpose here. Actually she really started to think about it when she realized that he was here. It was always her dream to have children with the man she loved. Her heart and soul had always cried out for a future with him and now she had it.

She had him and she had the means to have that future. Honestly, she hoped to God that it was true because she then could have every thing that she always wanted.

She took his hands in hers and raised them to her lips, lightly kissing his knuckles she looked deep in to his eyes and spoke her heart “In my dimension everything I have ever wanted, anything that had ever made me happy was taken from me. I always had to sacrifice the ones I love for the good of the world. That’s all changed now. I love you Angelus. I’ve always only ever wanted you and I thank the Powers for giving me a second chance at happiness.”

His hand rose to her head and cradled her check, her words touching him in places he never knew he could be touched.

She turned her head and kissed his palm then turned back to his eyes. “I feel blessed that I have you and if the Powers That Be seem fit to bless me with a child made from our love and passion, then my heart would be so full it would be in danger of exploding. It would make me the happiest person in the world.” Tears were in her eyes as she finished her declaration.

He didn’t know if he should tell her just yet it was still so early. So he decided to wait, he would tell her later.

He pulled her head down to his “Forever and always I love you.” Ever so lightly their lips touched and they breathed into each other’s mouths as they slowly came together and tongues touched tongues. He held her head in his hands as the kiss became hotter and deeper, more sensual.

Sitting up she splayed her hands across his chest rolling her fingernails around his nipples. She began to move her hips sliding them across his cock. He watched her with heavy lids as she lowly rocked back and forth and he could feel her wetness seeping through her panties and on to his boxers dampening them.

He took her by the hips and pulled her up “Take off your panties.” She smiled seductively as she stood on the bed and slowly took her panties off. He grabbed her legs and oblivious to the pain in his back, pulled himself lower on the bed so he was right underneath her. “Lean forward baby so I can taste you.” She was panting hard his erotic words making her drip with want.

She dropped to her knees then leaned forward so she was now on her hands and knees with his head between her thighs. He grabbed her by the hips and lowered her onto his mouth.

He took his time licking every inch of her dripping pussy, grazing it with his fingertips making her moan louder. She started to wiggle her hips needing to feel more of him. “Stay still.” He sternly said as he continued his pleasure of her. He pushed three fingers in at once and sucked on her clit tapping it with his tongue.

At his first taste he noticed right away the changes in her body. Before she had tasted sweet; like vanilla and strawberries, now with a life growing inside of her she tasted even sweeter, and it was totally intoxicating and addicting, he just couldn’t’ get enough.

“Oh God I’m going to cum baby!” The throbbing in her clit increased, her pulse raced and she peaked as the lights exploded behind her eyes as her body convulsed with her explosion. He drank down every last drop greedily enjoying her pleasure. But his cock was rock hard and throbbing so much it was almost painful he had to be inside of her.

He quickly slid out from under her and before she had a chance to move he was behind her rubbing his cock in between her ass. He rubbed her clit and smoothly with one stroke slipped inside of her and started a slow rhythmic pace.

He was conscious of the life inside of her and so he didn’t want to be to rough. He wanted to love her leisurely and slow, take his time, and give her the greatest pleasure he could.

Buffy felt like her heart was going to pump right out of her chest. The slow languid pace that he created was so intense, so sensual that she felt like she was on fire. She could feel every inch of his cock as he moved inside of her.

He slowly pulled almost all the way out leaving only the mushroom tip of his head inside, then he stopped, perfectly still for a few seconds but it felt like forever for Buffy. Then slowly he pushed forward again until he was all the way inside touching her womb while his balls grazed her pussy. It was torture…he was killing her…it was too slow…it was too good.

“Please…faster…harder!” She pleaded with him to increase his pace. Her body was numb with pleasure; her mind was flying on the sensual cloud that he had so thoroughly created.

He leaned down so his chest rested against her back and he slipped his hand around her waist and up to her breast squeezing them and tweaking her nipples. “You feel so good baby. I can feel every inch of you. Your heat…the way your tightness surrounds my cock, squeezing it…ah God yes just like that.”

Buffy was so hot for him she loved it this way, she felt so dominated it was almost decadent. “Ohhhhh!”

“Does that feel good baby?” He whispered in her ear giving it a long hot lick.

She shuttered “Oh God yes…harder please!”

He pace quickened and before he knew it he was slamming into her hard and she was screaming with pleasure.

He grabbed her head pulling it back revealing her long slim neck. He lowered his head to her neck and whispered in her ear “Mine.” Then very carefully he sunk his fangs in greedily drinking her.

The slurping noses sounded so erotic to Buffy’s ears knowing that she was giving him pleasure, feeding him, giving him sustenance “Yess yours!” She slammed back into him and came squeezing his cock hard. He gently pulled away from her neck and came shouting his release.

Her head was lowered and she was trying to catch her breath and slow her beating heart down. His forehead leaned against her damp back as he cradled her shaking body lovingly. He felt so complete and sated it was unbelievable. Lifting his head he moved her hair away from her neck and licked his bite sealing it.

He hadn’t meant to bite her, but she had felt so good and everything just felt so right. He hoped that he didn’t take too much, she was carrying his child, the last the thing he wanted was to hurt her. “Are you okay baby?”

She raised her green orbs to his chocolate ones and smiled “Never been better.”

They smiled at each other and tenderly kissed. She relaxed her arms and fell face first on the bed. “God I’m so tired.” Grabbing the blankets he lay down next to her, gathering her in his arms holding her tight.

“How’s your back?” she mumbled into his chest.

He just grunted, closing his eyes he fell fast asleep holding on to this lover and she too him.

Chapter Seventeen

The Passing of the Reigns

The next day Buffy and Angelus woke up late in the afternoon they made love leisurely, taking the time to explore each others body’s and learn every curve and sensitive spot. They shared their thoughts and feelings. The feed each other food and drink, and then they made love again.

It was the pattern for the whole day. They would make love, nap, wake up and make love again. It was all so unhurried and lazy that Buffy was in total heaven. She had never experienced such bliss and happiness and many times throughout the course of the day her emotions would overwhelm her and she would cry. Angelus would just hold her tight whispering words of love and comfort, telling her of his love and passion, declaring that he would never let her go.

At eight o’clock they got up and dressed and made their way to the Master’s. Buffy was nervous because she didn’t know what was going to happen. But Angelus reassured her that everything would be all right as long as they were together.


It was nine thirty when they finally got there. They walked in to see Oz and Willow sitting side by side and holding hands.

“So nice of you to join us children.” Said the Master as he snickered, he could easily imagine what had delayed them.

“Now that you are all here, let’s begin. Giles?”

Giles stepped forward “I am not exactly sure where to start there is much to tell.”

He walked over to Buffy “Buffy I must begin by being honest with you and tell you that you were right when you questioned me about the prophecy, there was more than had previously been revealed.”

She smirked “I knew it.”

Angelus smiled at her.

“Yes well the prophecy was always quite clear that the Chosen One would come from a far off place, that she would be honest and strong, compassionate and brave, full of endless unconditional love and passion. It is these qualities that when joined with the qualities of the Champion that would produce the Destroyer.”

“It is written that the pull that they would feel for each other would be so strong that they would not be able to resist. Blinded by their love and need for another they would mate before the feast took place and that The Chosen One would conceive.”

“Wait a minute you mean to tell me that you two knew that and still had him whipped?” She was outraged and stood up ready to show her displeasure. Angelus gently took her by the arm pulling her back down beside him.

“Buffy rules were still broken and the punishment had to be, I do not arbor bad feelings for it so neither should you.” She was going to repute that but he silenced her with a kiss.

Giles cleared his throat “Yes…um…Angelus is correct Buffy. We have lived these many years with order by following the rules; we could not stop now just because we knew it would happen.”

“Alright…I guess.” She was clearly disgruntled.

Giles smiled at her and continued, “Now as I was saying, when the child is finally conceived the leaders of the Vampires and Humans would no longer be needed. The creation of this child would begin a new race of hybrid people that would require a leader of the same qualities to rule them. That is the reason why the Master looks the way he does, he is slowly dying.”

Everyone gasped at this news.

The Master quickly hushed them, “We have long waited this day and I look forward to it. My time is over here, my body grows tired and when the child is born I will pass on to the other world.”

“You said we.” Willow interjected.

“Yes well I too am dying but my process will be slower. I was immortal you see, I have been with the Master for centuries and now since the conception has taken place, I am now mortal and will dye like any other mortal man.”

Buffy looked at him and felt sad that one day she will lose him. But then her thoughts were stopped by something that he had said.

“Wait a minute you said when conception takes place that you’re no longer needed and that you’re slowly dying, how can that be I’m not preg…” Angelus shuffled nervously in his seat and Buffy turned to look at him.

He had a very guilty look on his face and he wouldn’t meet her eyes. She turned and looked at the Master and Giles a tear in her eye “I’m…pregnant?”

The Master smiled kindly at her “Yes child you are as I am sure Angelus could tell you.”

She stood up and looked to her mate “You knew and didn’t tell me?” she yelled at him.

He looked a little ashamed, “I was going to tell you I just wanted to be sure before I did.”

“I’m pregnant?” she asked now with tears running down her face and a hitch in her voice.

He smiled at her and stood up gently taking her in his arms. “You’re pregnant.”

“I’m going to have a baby?” She just couldn’t believe it.

He nodded, “Yes we’re going to have a baby.”

She squealed with delight and jumped up into his arms. He swung her around laughing and crying with her.

Everyone in the room delighted in the open show of affection the two had for each other.

“This is wonderful news Buffy, congratulations!” Willow said.

Angelus let her go after they shared a long hot kiss and Buffy ran over to Willow hugging her tightly. “Oh Willow if it wasn’t for you I would have nothing. Thank you so much.” She hugged her tightly.


Buffy blushed and released her “I’m sorry I’m just so excited.”

They shared a smile and Oz walked over to Angelus “Congratulations.” They shook hands and slapped each other on the back.

“Children, there is more that we must tell you.” Giles said.

They all sat back down and waited to hear the rest.

“Buffy there is one other thing that we didn’t tell you, which in fact Willow does not even know. The spell that she used to bring you through the portal was a special spell. It was created to bring you through to our dimension unharmed but slightly altered.”


“Buffy you are immortal. You cannot die. You will live until the day your Mate no longer lives. You two are irrevocably tied to each other.”

Angelus frowned. Where he loved the idea that she would always be with him, he didn’t know how she would react to living forever.

But Buffy just turned to him and brought his hand to her mouth she kissed him and gifted him with a warm smile “Forever and always.” He blew out a breath that he hadn’t released he was holding and just smiled back at her.

“Angelus you being The Champion will now take your rightful place in the Master’s steed to rule. With Buffy by your side you will rule the land with strength and compassion. You are bound to the land until the day that your first child is old enough to rule on his own. At that time you are free to do as you wish, you may stay and help your children or you may go, it’s your decision.”

Angelus nodded, sounded good to him.

Giles turned to Oz and Willow “Oz you will be Angelus’ second in command with Willow beside you as your mate for eternity you shall help rule the land with a strong and compassionate hand.”

They smiled at each other.

“Now that is all taken care of, we must celebrate!” Giles excitedly said and they all agreed.

The Master rose “Yes I believe there two joining ceremonies that must be performed this evening.”

“Yes quite right.” Giles said.


A few months later a grand funeral was held for the departure of the Master. There was not a dry eye in the room when they laid his body in the ground.

Even Buffy was sad to see him leave. She had over the past months, spent a lot of time with him talking about the differences in their dimensions. He would tell her stories about the past war and the years that followed. They became quite close and at the end she saw him as the grandfather that she never had.

Darla and Dru took a screaming Riley back to Prague with them, where Darla spent years leaving him chained in her dungeon torturing him on a daily basis, until she realized that he was enjoying it. She figured that she had obeyed the Masters decree long enough and ended his life with a sharp ax to his neck.

She and Dru would return to Sunnydale once a year to see everyone and to catch up with what was going on.

It was decreed that all slayers were free to go and do what they wished. And the rule of no fornication between humans and vampires was no more. It was believed that true soul-binding love was the catalyst of Buffy’s pregnancy. So the changes were made with the hope that given time and the freedom to choose on their own, that more slayers and humans would be impregnated.

Dawn stayed with Spike and finally convinced him that he loved her. They were married not long after the Master died. Tara remained in Oz’s house with him and Willow, and it was rumored that there was more going on under that roof then what was spoken about. And then when Tara became pregnant two months after Willow, the rumors were confirmed.

Cordelia and Faith both left Sunnydale after the decreed was made and no one had heard from them since.

Angelus and Buffy, and Oz and Willow all married the night of the celebration under the midnight moon. And Willow was pregnant three months later. Everyone considered it to be another miracle but they were still overjoyed with the possibility that maybe one day they too could have children.

Nine month’s later Buffy gave birth two a bouncing 9lb 5oz baby boy named Connor Angelus. He had his mother’s sparkling green eyes, his father’s hair color and predilection for loud shouting. The labor was long and painful for Buffy; she being so slight of frame the labor was hard on her.

Angelus stayed by his mate’s side throughout the entire labor. In his anxiety and fear for both his mate and child he drove everyone crazy. He was like a possessed animal throughout the entire event and did nothing but yell and growl at anyone that came near her. He was mean and nasty, and everyone tried to stay out of his way.

At one point Buffy was in so much pain that he practically jumped on Willow demanding her to make it stop. It took Oz, Spike and Giles plus five other people to pull him off of her and a two by four to his head, compliments of Spike, which knocked him out for a couple of hours.

Over the years Buffy ended up giving birth to seven children, and much to Buffy’s chagrin and Angelus’ pride, the first six were all boys; six rowdy little boys who did nothing but imitate their father.

With the last child Buffy was gifted with a daughter who was an exact replica of her mother, in face and spirit. She was the apple of Angelus’ eye and as the years went by and she got older, he would many times scare away any suitor that came knocking on his door vying for his daughter’s attention.

Years passed, and as the children grew older and Connor came of an age to rule on his own, Angelus took Buffy to Ireland. They spent many glorious and happy years together there. He showed her the land and regaled her with tales of his adventures.

Their children and their children’s children ruled the land as it was meant to be with strength and compassion. And when the greatest evil struck the land it was defeated easily by the new hybrid race that emerged.

A race of people who learned that it didn’t matter who or what you were, everyone was basically the same, and that with compassion and love, they could all get along and live together in peace and happiness.

The End


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