t(-.-t) FrEe FaLl To HeLl t(-.-t) fReE fAlL tO hElL
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Am I...?
Am I Anti-American..? NO

It's true I loathe Bush and his crack pot administration. he is the American terrorist.
I despise that man with every fiber of my 14 year old female being.
"the War On Terror", " Iraq: The AfterMath".. It's all bullshit. Iraq is as much a War as Vietnam.
Bush won't admit it, but This Iraq war, is the Vietnam reincarnation.
he's the republican's henchman, their pawn. Why Are we fighting..?
I don't know... it's OBVIOUSLY not because Iraq has weapons of mass destruction...
why then? OIL. we are giving our brother's, son's, husbands, friends, boyfriend's BLOOD for oil....

I'm may be one person.. I may be young, but I'm here to speak out....
about the Terrorists living on American soil, the bush Administration, Homeland Security, and The Partriot Act.

I am a voice.. of America's Youth.