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Forbidden Love Awards
Suggest Fanfiction/Fanart

Basic instructions for suggestions:

1. You can only nominate in the categories that I say I'm accepting suggestions in.
2. Previous winners cannot win in the same category.
3. None of Kantayra's stories are elegible for any Forbidden Love Awards (since I'm the biased judge and all ~_^).
4. I'm currently not planning on putting up a 'nominees' list, so even if your suggestion doesn't get put up, I still got it. ^_^ This might change if I start getting dozens of suggestions for the same story or something.
5. Suggestions from previous rounds carry over into the new month, so you don't have to re-suggest.
6. You can suggest your own stories or someone else's.
7. All judging decisions are final. So please don't bother/harass me. ~_^

Suggest A Story/Picture:

Story/Art Title:

Author Name:

Author's E-mail:


Which category are you suggesting in?
Slave To Smut Award
Holiday Award
Blood Red Award
Sculptured Beauty Award (Fanart)