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"You will just have to accept being addressed by a disembodied voice just as I accept the compulsion to speak out even though I am painfully aware that I am talking to an invisible, perhaps nonexistent audience." --Robert Shea, The Eye in the Pyramid

Welcome to the end of your world, DJ jun's website (duh) Anyways you will find you useual here Pic, music, bio an a few links. Enjoi

(Update August/17th) More Music uploaded an My DJ set FINALLY! heh enjoi ppl

(Update July/9th) The Pics page is up, so now you can look upon the horrible one, heh

(Update July/7th) I got the about me page up thank you kari! so ya check tha out an soon the pics page will be up enjoi

(Update June/10th) I got more music up an updated the song discriptions, enjoi ppl

(Update June/10th) I got the music page up , its still got some work an I still need to get all my songs on there but as of right now I have two songs for your listening pleasure, enjoi

(update June/9th) this will be the updated box I have no updates as of yet but I will be posting them here, so you all know whats goin on don like to keep ppl in the dark ya know?

E-mail me Questions or Comments , gimme a job even or if your really nice a don expeact too many of those


links to my other pages.
About Me
Copyright 2003