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darling, your head's not right
version: xmorbidxangel

*pokes* hi, I'm Amanda, the dorky webmistress/nerd. Anyway, on with the show. Some of the stuff may not be up yet. bear with me. This shit ain't easy. And I'm making it pretty and trying to get everything perfect. I just know you want this site to be up and running *sarcasm*. Well, I want a cherry coke, a pack of starbursts and a LiveJournal account, but we all can't have what we want. Oh, by the way, if you have a Live Journal activation code to spare, mail it to me. I would love you forever...heehee. I mean REALLY love you. And I swear, someday I'd find a way to pay you may could make a layout for you or something if my skills ever improved (or if you wanted a simple one)...and I'd give you a permanent link on my pathetic (don't I sound pathetic?)

xoxo - <3 manda
