Story Began: November 7, 2007. Rating: NC-17 ish Pairing: Buffy/Faith Timeline: Post-Chosen. Summary: Willow sends Buffy and Faith to a parallel dimension to retrieve an artifact that was lost when Sunnydale collapsed. Wackiness ensues when they run into their otherworldly selves, despite Willow's warnings. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters used in this story, nor do I make any profit whatsoever in writing about them. No copyright infringement intended. Dedication: For Cousin Joe. You were taken from this world far too soon and I miss you more than I can possibly say. Maybe in another world, you don't have a disease that is killing you slowly. Maybe in another world, you've found love and acceptance among your family and friends. Maybe in another world . . . you're happy, and you've found peace. You're forever on my mind and in my heart. I love you, Joe-ah.