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¬Interesting Stuff

¬Why I made this site

¬Other Stuff

¬About me

¬Contact me



[7/20/04; 8:26 PM, PT],.. This is a relatively new site, so don't expect much right now, I haven't even decided what the theme of the site should be. So for a while, expect some broken links (that will soon be repaired), some images that wont load, and the shoutbox to fail sometimes. The site will be finished off and have a real theme in about a month. I don't know what to do with it though... Still working on all the banners, they aren't going to be anything special, because wasting hard work on temporary things isn't to smart.... Oh well.


Feel the need to bug me? Go ahead!


All content including text, layout, and some images (including buttons) are © copyright Rory Drake, 2004.
All rights reserved.