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Darker Then Shadows

Vampire is a fun,easy, and very interesting way to role play. Instead of your traditional tabletop "dice-and-paper" RPGs, this is a LARP (Live Action Role Playing Game. The system works with rock paper scissors, and lots of acting. Though it may not sound much fun at all, the game stresses more on role playing, then it does on gaming. The setting of this particular LARP is modern day Albany. Many strange things have all of a sudden started to happen. The creatures of the night ( vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and other mythilogical creatures) have realized this especially. The game is set to find out these strange happenings, find clues, fix the problem, and bring the culprit to justice.

Good Reasons to try LARPing

Darker Then Shadows: More Pages

LARP rules
Characters and Experience
Out of Game Actions
Story Line
