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Welcome to the unkown, let me introduce myself. my name is vampir (fam pier) or vampire for some. i have searched for years to find the hidden secrets of this world. i have discoverd secrets that have been hidden from public eye for years. wich i have decided to share with all others like myself that have come searching for the unknown. some of what i have posted may seem unreal or fake to some , so i stress that this information is only for thoose who are open minded and ready to learn the truth. iam only here to let you learn i cant change your opinions or beliefs i am hoping to simply aid you on your quest for knowledge and let you see the truth behind the curtain that your family and others of authority have put in front of your eyes. i would also like to note that iam not i repeat not a satanist. i am an atheist , wich comes to my next point that you should not lable anyone who studies or is involved in the contents of this page. when it comes to things like vampires, wich i shouldent call things because vampires are born this way and are not what they are petrayed to be on telvision and movies, ill continue that in my vampire section. anyways, im warning you this lifestyle can be addicting. have fun with it though...

