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*~The Twisted World Of Vamp~*


Full name: Dark_Vampire_Girl

Nicknames: Vamp, Vampy, Dark, DVG

Birthdate: February 22nd 2004

Species: vampire fox

Birthplace: Gambino

Hometown: Barton Town

Current location: The Canadian Lounge

Hair/Eye color: usually black/silvery gray

Height: 5 feet 9 inches

Weight: 155 lbs.

Shoe size: I don’t wear shoes, I wear boots... *smirk*

Significant other: none

Parents: unknown

Siblings: Suinier and Tibor Kluzouski are my "big brothers", and Yunikon Trikoto is my soul twin

Pets: 1 piglet, Telus

Job (s): Formerly Co-owner and bartender at The Friendly Wanderer’s Pub and Grill

Guild(s): The Canadian Guild, The Q&Fers Guild

Sexual orientation: bisexual

Likes: all things black and spiky, anything cranberry, hugs, my friends, my fellow Q&Fers, people who are proud to be Gaian

Dislikes: people who think they can kick my ass, bad attitudes, liars, n00bs, scammers, hackers, flamers, trollers, and general idiots


Vamp was born in Gambino, and was abandoned by her parents when she was still just a pup. For years she wandered the streets of Gambino, searching to find who she was. She eventually came to Barton Town, where she lived on the streets for several years before meeting up with a young man named Tibor Kluzouski. The two opened a pub together, while it was successful for quite awhile, it eventually fell through. She now lives in The Canadian Lounge owned by Cyrus and Suinier, making friends and memories along the way, but never forgetting those who have helped her in the past.

*~The Many Faces Of Vamp~*

*~Places To Visit In Gaia~*

The Friendly Wanderer's Pub and Grill

The Canadian Lounge

The Gaian Middle Finger Gallery

The Canadian Guild Forum

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

*~I have no reflection~*

Last Updated: April 26th 2005