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Crimson Storm

Hi! this is just a site where I'll tell a lil about myself, post some pics and possibly post some of my writing. If you want to view my poetry just go to and type in 'more' under last name and 'reeshan' under first name, that will give you a listing of my poetry and you can read which ever ones you want. Thanx!!! My name's Reeshan but people call me Ree and Shan and Shanny. I just turned 19 on march 29th. I live in London Ontario, Canada...was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba though and I moved to Chatham, Ontario when I was seven. I haven't even been living in London for a year yet. I went to St. Joseph's elementary school the teachers there were kool but the kids in my grade were all basicly complete morons there were maybe 5 kids who were decent and not totally dirty or sluts or drugies. I went to UCC for high school. I loved that school and I loved being on the rugby team my last year there. I went to RMC in London for one semester in grade 11 then back to UCC for second semester and grade 12. I went back to RMC for an extra semester of grade 12. RMC sucked, they don't allow to have any piercings or tattoos (i broke that rule obviously), they charge way too much money for yearbooks especially since they're the crappiest year books i've ever seen, they have no school spirit, they have no cool activities like red feather compititions that last for the week, or hillbilly days or carnivals...there plays are sp pathetic and they put them on in there gym (at UCC we put them on at the Cultural Centre until we built our own theatre) and their dance classes don't put on any performances and they have no rugby team!!!!! It's just the crappiest school in the world, and the vice principal is such a moron! I currently live with my mom and my sister tho I'm hoping to move out and get an apartment either with my boyfriend, Jeff or my best friend, Angela. I will be going to Fanshawe college in January to take ECE (early childhood education) then if I can afford it and I have good enough grades I hope to go to Western and become a teacher. I have my nose and ears pierced and two tattoos. I have 3 pets, 2 guinea pigs named Akasha and Pandora (after characters in Anne Rice's the vampire chronicles) and a black cat named Maestro.
