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Hey guys, Come on in and have FUN!!!!!!!!!



Important Events

Important Notifications


My School (Pin Oak Middle School)

           Hi and welcome to the informative site! This site tells you news and things about what is happening in the world today! I am very glad that you have visited on my site. In the following sentences I will tell you about my site. On the news section in the boxes, this link will tell you about the events currently happening in the world today! It will contain the weather and some other events in the . In the important events section it will tell you about the events coming up this year! And next year and the year coming on of course!  It lists the date and the event currently happening. In the Important notifications section it will tell you about the notifications if a lost dog or cat is lost, a child that is missing all those things concerning that! Thank You for visiting my site! If you would like to place an ad in the important notification box you can email me at! It is free to place an ad here on my site just include the things you want to be on it and if it is concerning someone or something missing please send a JPEG file picture to put on there Thank You!  If you need any more information email me and I will answer your question! MY SITE IS UPDATED EVERY DAY AT 5:00 pm, or later!!!  Please read the paragraphs so people would know where to find things. That is the Reason why they are there!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Have a turkey?


If you would like to see some pics of my friends click here!