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Linkin Park started a fanclub (The Underground) for the dedicated fans all over the world who liked the Linkin Park-music. These fans stayed true to the band, promoting Linkin Park on the street, eventhough their album "Hybrid Theory" wasn't yet released. Even now everybody all over the world knows Linkin Park, they still stays true to their fans and wants the fans to feel connected to the band. The LPunderground is that connection. It's a way for the fans to sort of stay in touch with the band and always be the first to know the newest Linkin park-stuff. They can also meat other fans who share their love for the Linkin Park-music. Every year Linkin Park will design special merchandise and release exclusive music to the LPunderground.
What do you get when you join?
After you joined the LPunderground, you can expect a package in your mailbox within 6-8 weeks. In that package, there will be:

- Special edition re-issue of the previously unreleased Hybrid Theory EP.
- Exclusive LPunderground shirt designed by Mike Shinoda.
- LPunderground patch.
- LPunderground sticker.
- Picture of the band (8X10).
- Introductory letter from the band.
- A catalogue of exclusive and discounted LP merchandise. (for the moment you get an 15% discount on all merchandise on if you are a member)
- Membership card.

You can also:
Visit the official LPunderground-website:, (you have to be a member to enter!) where you can create a Linkin Park-email acount (for example: and where you can enter a lot of contests,...

How much does it cost?
Membership in the US and in Canada costs 25$ and internationally it costs 40$. Memberships include shippingcosts. The easiest and fastest way to join is by creditcard online.

The membership fee goes back to the club and pays for all the supplies and benefits you get if you join. The members do NOT take any of the profit the club makes.

More important information:
- There are no refunds possible.
- You can't sell memberships. If they catch a member selling his/her membersip, the membership will be discontinued and they will not get
a refund!