I just thought I'd share with you... my pictures from today. :) Yay...

Okay, so I got up and went to the Strawberry Festival... It was really f'in hot outside... Gosh, it was awful... Sometimes, though, the wind picked up nicely...

America, Canada, Ferris.

But like I said, it was freakin HOT.

"So hot."

"I concur." - Mom

Foot burning... trying... to hide it... Gah... So hot...

I approve of cold beverages!

Juicy? WHY?

Later on in the evening, Joel and I went on a hot hot date. BOO YAH.

I got dressed up.

Joel tried to... He does not think he succeeded. I think his purse is pretty.

Tampax came along too...

I bought socks... They were then used as windshield-wiper condoms...

Joel can attest to the effectiveness of said windshield-wiper condoms.

So can I.

We wanted to go bowling... But both bowling alleys we went to were so packed... I managed to get video of a kid rolling around on the ground at Crossroad Lanes as we were leaving(4.76 M, 18 Sec, .AVI)... Since it was a 2-hour wait for lanes anywhere, we just went food-hunting... We ended up at Quizno's... My first Quizno's experience was a success. It was yummarrific! WEE!

We then went to Wal*Mart to mullet-hunt...

Joel scored only a half point for this one, as hers was the start of a chick-let.

Maggie scored a whole point with this one. Yay!

We did so well because we remained camouflaged the whole time. GO US.

Looking for disguises...

We found the perfect disguises... We're so hot. Mmmmhmm!

Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil... SMELL no evil.

We broke out fifty cents for that crazy bubble stuff... Joel was really good at this.



Joel's hot butt... This shot looks promising.

Maggie made a spare. Yay.

Final score... Maggie bowled left handed... which shows why her score here is higher than normal... -_- Joel kicked my butt. Psh. Ah well. I will get him next time...

I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!

"I like to bowl."

I just want to say how amazing it was to hang out with Joel tonight. He rocks my face off... I love being able to talk with him about anything... and I like that he talks to me too... Gosh... I really did miss him... I'm going to have to beg him to come up and hang out in Tally for a while on his Spring Break or something... He's got other friends there, so he won't HAVE to spend the entire time with me... but he should ;)


Okay... I'm so tired... I think I'm going to go to bed now. I hope you enjoyed my day. Yay. More another time :)
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