Bloody Kisses

Welcome to Bloody Kisses, an archive of James Chick's Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction. Most of the content here is slash, which means it includes homoerotic between members of the same sex. If you are not of legal age to view such situations, please click here or back to wherever you came from.

Short Kisses (Short Slash)

Beautiful Things (PG) [Spike/???]
~ Spike reflects on beauty.

A Beautiful Memory (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Xander recalls one of his favorite memories of Spike.

The Softer Side Of Spike (G) [Spike/Xander]
~ Spike watches Xander and thinks.

Truth Or Dare (PG-13) [Xander/Spike]
~ The gang gets drunk and play a game.

Accidental Treats (G)
~ It's silly. Just read it.

Afterlife Sucks (R) [Spike/Xander/Angel]
~ Just a little ficlet

Naked Spike (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Mel asked for naked Spike all the time, so...

The Little Things (PG-13) [Spike/Xander]
~ Sometimes you have to think about the big picture, and ignore the little things.

Spike's Christmas Prezzie (NC-17) [Spike/Giles]
~ This is not a happy fic. This is a dark, nasty little piece of work.

8-Ball of Fate (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Xander gets a roommate... Spike.

The Super Hero Party Theme (R) [Spike/Xander]
~ Fluff, baby! Nothing but fluff!

Long Kisses (Long Slash)

Evil (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Dawn casts a spell on Spike and Xander, but it doesn't go as planned.

The Change (R) [Xander/Anya, Xander/Spike]
~ Xander goes through an interesting change.

Who Am I? (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Bondage. Pretty plotless.

Happy Death Day, Spike! (NC-17) [Spike/Xander/Willow]
~ It's Spike's Death Day; what does he get?

The Phone Call (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Spike makes a phone call. Total fluff here. No plot whatsoever.

Worth Living For (G) [Spike/Xander]
~ Xander and Spike fluffiness

Healing (NC-17) [Spike/Xander, Wesley/Angel]
~ After Spike is hurt, Xander tries to help him heal.

Vengeance (NC-17) [Spike/Xander...sort of]
~ AU. Thirty years in the future, two old enemies meet again.

Fanfic Made Me Gay (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ The title pretty much says it all, doesn't it?

The Viking Series (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Someone is hunting Spike. There's also a road trip, Christmas, and a New Year.

Needs (NC-17) [Spike/Xander]
~ Sometimes you get what you need from an unexpected source.

Quantum Xander (NC-17) [Xander/Various (slash, het, and threesomes)]
~ Ever wish you knew how differently your life could have turned out?

Sweet Kisses (Hetero Fiction)

Inner World (NC-17) [Spike/Willow]
~ Spike takes a look at Willow's inner world.

Scooby No More (NC-17) [Spike/Willow]
~ AU after "Grave". Spike meets the new boss.

Crimson Death (NC-17) [Spike/Willow]
~ Sequel to "Scooby No More"

Wanting (NC-17) [Spike/Dawn]
~ Dawn goes to see Spike and she sees more than she should.

Wishes (PG) [Spike/Dawn]
~ Spike makes a wish.

Wet Kisses (Fem Slash)

Between Friends (NC-17) [Dawn/???]
~ What really happens at all those sleepovers?

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