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You have choosen to enter into a world of darkness and light. A world forbidden to most. A world of hate, fear, love, frailty, regret, bitterness and most of all a world that preys off of 'innocence'.

As the moon descends behind the trees of a foggy cemetary, slowly the blood thirst begins. A thirst so strong that nothing that the only thing that can be done is to satisfy it. As the immortal emerges, hanging it's head low, eyes ablazed like the sun it once knew, it searches for its prey. It can smell the mortal ones that walk this earth; a prey for the immortals is all they are to them.

From the shadows of the night emerge the ones that protect the innocent from the clutches of the demons. They are known as the "Fallen Angels", the brave ones that battle the evils that plague our world. With blades of pure steel, a sharpened stake of wood, and racing against the sun, the Fallen Angels will always exist between this world and the next.

Now that you have tasted the realities of this world, do you still wish to step through this gateway into a time where courage is the only answer to survival? If so, you take your life into your own hands.

Now it comes the time where you must make your decision...where do you stand in this world of treachoury? A protector? A survivor? Or a creature suspended in the dusk of night? Choose wisely, and may the gods have mercy upon your soul!

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