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avatar.gif --> avatar Welcome to Black & Blue, Lizzie's little hideout and escape from the real world. Here you will find all the things that interest me and hopefully, will interest you too. Enjoy!
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Started work on "The Choices of a Ringbearer", my LOTR sub-site, I won't be linking Black & Blue to it though until I'm happy it's up to scratch. Very, very short section on Star Wars added to Films. Loads of new links added.
"Folk" added to "Music". "Classical" updated. "Telly" added to "Entertainment". 3 of my favourite books are now reviewed in "Books." And lastly "The Lord of the Rings" sub-site will soon be up and running, now that I've found a good layout. Yay!
"About Me" updated. "Flims" updated with two new entries. A new link added to "Links". "Black & Blue" linked to "The Shadow Realm." Guest Book up and running.
New layout set up. New "Classical" section in "Music". "Black & Blue" linked to "Lemonpoo."


Layout design by: Midnight Studio Credit to Anime Visions for the image of th angel.