Betsy Kling to me!

(Created on Sun., Sept. 5, 2004)


Betsy Kling is currently a meteorologist on the weekends for a TV station in Cleveland, Ohio. Prior to that, she did the same stint for a station in Jacksonville, FL., where I watched her broadcasts for many years and felt that she was, as meteorologists go, quite a babe.

This site is not intended to be "adult" or lewd in any way. I just felt that, for many Cleveland viewers whom I'm sure feel as I do, they would appreciate a compendium of the many Internet references to her. Those are listed below.

If this site crosses any Internet legalities, please E-mail me here and I shall remove it immediately. Likewise, if you have any Betsy "leads" from the Internet, please E-mail me as well.

And now, if you're a Betsy fan, indulge!



* This website is in no way endorsed by the quietly sultry Betsy Kling or any of her personal or professional associates.

* If any written or photographic sources displayed at this website are in violation of copyright, please click here to have them removed. All other material at this site, © 2004, Betsy Kling to me!

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Heavens to Betsy! (Links to Ms. Kling): Ms. Kling's E-mail address, where you can tell her that some nut is doing a wacko website tribute to her.
Betsy's bio at WKYC
Betsy Kling earns AMS seal A press release about Betsy winning recognition from the American Meteorological Society "in recognition of the quality of her television weather broadcasts." I couldn't have said better.
Betsy bids farewell to WTLV Betsy's goodbye at the Jacksonville station where she worked.
Local Celebrities Get "Jailed" Photos of Betsy and a Jacksonville DJ doing "jail time" as a benefit for Florida-Georgia Blood Alliance. (Local fans had to "vote" their favorite celeb out of jail; Betsy's feminine pulchritude got her out first, natch.)
John Gorman, Cleveland Free Times, Aug. 11, 2004 A local writer suggests that WKYC's morning person be replaced by "the underrated and underused Betsy Kling." Yowsa!
