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Bebb's resumé

music by nin


few bad pics of some good stuff

news clip

Personal Background

    Concieved in upstate N.Y. (Albany area)I grew up on a farm with my family. Graduated from bethlehem central high school.barely!!hehe...From there i took it north to Saratoga Springs where I worked the fine dinning resturant circut. I even appeared on the local news while being head chef for a resturant named Cohans On The Lake.
   On the side I had a few art shows at various shops in the downtown area.Being heavly traveled by tourists they were widely seen/occationaly bought.

    However i wanted more from life ,I wanted to see more.So I drove out of town heading south with no destination.I went south till I hit Alabama where i headed west. After several experiences in states along the way i hit water again just south of LA..Califonia route 101 heading north how could i help myself.So here i am living in Portland Oregon. I must say its hard to start all over in a new town where you know nothing about anything.

   So now i work the resturant business in portland but it doesnt pay as well and the cost of living is a bit higher. After a few years hurting for money i've decided to go to school at P.C.C..So here I sit learning to create web sites[via html] hopefully with a new career in my future.


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