Wicked City
Run time: 90 Minutes
Rating: NR, Violence, Nudity and Sexual Situations (a lot of em’ for not being hentai)
Theme: Horror
As Taken From Back of Box:
“For centuries, a secret peace treaty has existed between Earth and the Black World, a parallel dimension populated by shape-changers possessing awesome supernatural powers. But now, that pact is up for renewal and a militant faction from the Black World plans to do everything in their power to stop the treaty from being signed. The date of the world now rests in the ability of a pair of special agents, one human, the other a shape-changer from the distaff dimension, to make sure things go according to plan. In WICKED CITY, director, Yoshiaki Kawarjiri blends stylish eroticism, graphic horror and pulse-pounding action in such a way that it is easy to forget that it’s only a cartoon.”
The first thing I noticed when I began watching Wicked City was within the first five minutes, people are having sex, now this is fine I’m just saying that this is rare when it’s not hentai. Yes, this one is just glowing with um… “stylish eroticism”. There is also a dirty old man that puts Junk Boy to shame. Under the countless minutes of nudity and sex lies a very good anime, filled with horror and action. Wicked City is very entertaining, even though it is quite old; it still has a few good shocks to share with you. The story is told quite well and has a couple twists that weren’t suspected. Animation could be better, but nothing too terrible. If you like your anime dark and somewhat “evil” or “disturbing”, Wicked City was one of the first of the type, check it out.
7 (A good, dark thrill) / Wicked City is filled with demons, blood, and naked women. . .Check it out if your into that kind of stuff.
Reviewed by:
Dark Koga