Run time: Series, 26 Episodes, 23 Min. Each
Rating: NR.
Theme: Action,Drama
Two alien children travel through space with a crew of humans. The aliens are both humanoid so there is no difference exept for there amazing IQ's. One of the aliens goes mad and takes down the entire human fleet. No one knows it was that kid exept for the other alien, his brother. One of the crew members manages to save some of the ships and they land on a new planet.
I decided to review Trigun myself since I didn’t think Grim’s review did it justice. Trigun is one of those series that takes you through every emotion imaginable and does a very good job of keeping the watcher’s attention. The plot and character development is flawlessly done, especially the slow transformation of Vash, inch by inch you see his true self. This anime has a nice peaceful message, but delivers it in a dark way, which is pretty interesting. The beginning episodes are more laid back and funny, just introducing all the main characters and showing Vash’s funny side, damn funny at that! Trigun also has all the anime basics, the cheesy faces and “fall downs”, it’s a great opening into the true anime world. Also the music is brilliant, always there to reflect the characters emotions. And the opening credits theme is just plain bad ass. There are many characters that you meet along the way in Trigun, most of them are just one time shows, but they all play a part in Vash advancing to his destiny and finding his true self. Blah, find out for yourself that all the fuss is about, you won’t be let down. . .
9.7 (Anime’s Basic Best) / You have to love everything about this series, it’s definitely an instant classic and every anime fan should have it in their collection.
Reviewed by:
Dark Koga