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Run time: 45 Minutes
Rating: Brief Nudity and Extreme Graphic Violence
Theme: Drama/Action


Sawa’s parents were murdered when she was just a young girl, but she was soon orphaned and put into a life of crime. She may look sweet and innocent but she is ready to kill at any costs as long as you’re on the wrong side of the law. Her guardian has trained her to take out thugs, who would honestly suspect a young college girl to be a cold-blooded killer? But now she is in the mist of the biggest question in her life to date, should she choose her guardian’s side, or her only true friend?. . .


I said something about an anime being to short in one of my earlier reviews (Blood). Let me tell you that this movie is packed with more action than most. But in any case, the drama comes first…This anime is so vile and crude it’s almost sick, honestly. You have to be pretty dark to enjoy this work of art, I luckily do, but it still leaves me feeling a bit weird and creeped out by the twisted ending. Everything about Kite is very mature and serious, you may think Sawa is hot at the beginning but slowly it just gets sad and demented. This anime is not for everyone, stay away if you don’t like blood and a very dark story line.

8 (Good in it’s own way) / I’m a sick bastard but it stills freaks me out, it just leaves you asking “Why is this world so messed up?”…Buy it.

Reviewed by:

Dark Koga