Locke the Superman
Run time: 120 minutes
Rating: NR, language
Theme: Drama
"Locke is a psionic soldier the likes of which the world has never before seen. His power is so great that he's chosen what he will look like, and that is much younger than he actually is. Having given up on Earth, he's called back into battle!" [info by http://www.rightstuf.com/ ]
Wow, I first saw this anime back in the early 90's it was my very first anime. I dont really quite remember this anime, just little images and scenes that flicker into my memory every so often, but I am currently looking for a copy of it. So if you have one that you are willing to sell, Email me. This anime is a classic in my opinion. It is a great drama with such a sad hero who wants no part in what has happened or what shall become but he is drug into it anyways. This a great example of what drama anime is.
6 (Does seem right) / This is a grand anime dont get me wrong, I just dont think its for everyone...there fore...I have to give it a lower score then it should have for I doubt anyone will agree with me.
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