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A World of Liza

Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003.

Nothing too new up with me. I added a link to an image gallery, and to a page I wrote about how to roleplay a vampire for an online game me and Kevin play a lot.

Monday, Dec. 15, 2003.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TYLER!! Tyler is 17 today. Go you, kid! Your present is that I'm not there to give you a birthday beat down.

Sunday Dec. 14, 2003.

Yesterday was my parents anniversary! Also, yesterday was Kevin's 1 yr at his job. Not a whole lot going on today. I'm going to clean up my house, spend some time with Kevin. Absolutely nothing special planned.

Oh yes, wait a few minutes for the new picture to load. If it's still a picture of my christmas tree up there, then press refreash. Probably not a bad idea to press refresh every time you come here.

Saturday Dec. 13, 2003.

I've learned a lot about html. It's actually really easy when you get the hang of it.

I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. My voice is back to normal. I'm still coughing and blowing my nose every 30 seconds. Kevin's at work right now, and I'm lonely. It's 11am. I'm gonna go watch some TV. Usually there's a couple episodes of Trading Spaces on now.

Friday Dec. 12, 2003

Just starting this page, hopefully it will become a good place to get updates about what's going in the World of Me. I'm horrible at e-mailing. I don't know how I ended up meeting someone over the internet and keeping it together for five years. SO, this might be a decent alternative.

Well, I'm just getting over a very yicky respiratory infection, thanks to the flu. I've been in bed for most of the last week, with a fever of around 101 or 102. I'm out of bed for the second day, taking my antibiotics, and fever-free. I'm still coughing up strange creatures, and my nose is a toxic waste compartment. No, really, I AM much better.

Did you hear what happened to my sweet little Beagle? For some reason that I will never in a million years figure out, she decided to swallow a sewing needle, a bunch of thread, a celophane wrapper and some fur, all of which became stuck in her belly. It cost us about 2k to get that taken care of. She's doing better now, she's got a scar on her belly and special food from the vet. That dog really blows my mind. I wish I knew what she could possibley be thinking.

I'm starting to learn html, the language of websites. I'm so proud because I just figured out how to put spaces between my paragraphs. I'm still trying to figure out how to get image galleries and links to work. You'll be the first to know when it does work.
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Links -THE place to find ANYTHING Buffy
Dark Side of the Net - Dark, Gothic, Vampire fanfiction
My Image Gallery
Romance Reader Resource
My Shattered Sosaria Charecter Page
How To Roleplay a Vampire (I wrote and designed this)
