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Never Forget


This day two years ago was a worldwide tragedy. Not only did it effect and attack the United States, but it attacked and effected the world. There were many hero's that day, the people of the World Trade Centers that went back in for others, the New York Fire Department, the New York Police Department, the New York Port Authority, the Men and Women of the Armed Forces in the Pentagon, and the Men and Women of Flight 93 that went down in Pennsylvania. And in this time of tragedy, and crisis, when the terrorist thought they had broken us apart and destroyed all we stood for. Worldwide, we united, we stood as one, not as many different cultures but as human beings all on this same earth. We had comradery among the masses.

Many before me have gone to war for the United States, for our freedoms and they have given that ultimate sacrifice, just like those of September 11th, 2001. They gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. I proudly carry the torch that has been passed down to me by those that have gone before me and I will carry it till it is time for me to pass it on to my protege', or until I give the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms of my country and for the rights of the people of this beautiful country. I fear my death, but I do not fear what I may die for, if I am to die for such.

God Bless The World. And God Bless America.

 No Matter What The Cost.

Proud United States Navy Reservist, and Proud United States Navy Wife. Till its my time to go, my time to die, my time to bleed red, white, and blue, I stand tall, I stand true, for the Consitution, and the
Red White and Blue.



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