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This year has sure been a bumpy ride. But I love it here in the good ol' US of A. I have made so many new friends, and I feel so excepted. I managed to get into all three plays this year, and have even one speaking role. For that I was excepted into the Center Stage Company, a select group of actors who acuumulated a certain number of points. I was also introduced to a new part of Drama, Directing. I wrote the following scene and recieved perfect on the scene bI produced, as well as being called a "natural director" and winning first place in a county-wide writing competition... I Will Always Be There By:Stephen Cole (The scenes starts as Ian enters R into the room, whistling or humming he is sticking "Post-it" notes onto the furniture, each one say's "Ian." He X to the couch, and sits to the right. After, Jeanne enters from UC, carrying a box, when she X to the right of the sofa, she puts the box down.) Jeanne: Hey Ian! Ian: Oh, hi. How you doin'? Jeanne: It's been hard, I really miss her. Ian: I know, but Mom was really sick, and now she can't feel the pain. Jeanne: Yeah...but.. Ian: What? Jeanne: Don't you think it's a little early to clean out the house? Ian: Jeanne, she died two weeks ago, it is time to move on. (The two hug) Jeanne: Thanks... I needed that...What are those yellow things on the furniture? Ian: Post-it notes. Jeanne: I know that, but what for? Ian: Oh, well... I have written my name on each of them, and I stuck one on everything that I want. See... I put one on the sofa, chair, t.v, and car. Jeanne: All that I want is in this box. Ian: What? All this junk. (Go through the box) It is just a bunch of photo albums, report cards, trophies. What about some stuff that has some value? Jeanne: This does have value, personal value. Ian: I know, but what about some money? Jeanne: That is a horrible thing to say. Somethings mean more than money. Ian: Hey! Hey! What I want has personal value too. This couch is where I brought my first date. Jeanne: Whoa! Too much information! (At this point, Helen walks in R, talking on her cell phone X to R of her sister) Helen: Look! I don't care if they are threatening to sue us. They have no case! Look, if you get any news just phone me. Ian: Hi Helen Jeanne: Hey. Helen: Hi Ian. Jeannie. So why are we here? Ian: We are here to get everything we want. Helen: All I want is one third of the money we get for the house. Ian: Deal. Jeanne: We're selling the house? Helen: Yeah, what else would we do with it Jeanne: I don't know, but we grew up here, I have never lived anywhere else. Couldn't I live here?(Cross R) Ian: Jeannie, you're 19 yrs. old, and in college, you can't afford the mortgage on this place. Jeanne: I know. I know. But I can't see selling this place. Helen: (Cell rings) Hello. Helen Walker speaking. Unh huh, Unh Huh. Okay (Hangs up) Look guys I gotta go. Something came up at the office. Luv ya Buh bye. (Kisses Ian, blows a kiss to Jeanne and exits R) Jeanne: Bye Ian: I have to get goin' too. I have a meeting with the real estate agent. Jeanne: Okay. (Ian Exits R. In a moment of silence, Jeanne X to the sofa and sits down .As she begins her prayer, Mom enters R.) Jeanne: Hi mom. I really miss you I still can't believe you are gone. Maybe Ian's right, maybe I need to move on. It's just, whenever anything went wrong you would always be there. I feel so alone now. I mean, Ian's got his wife and kids, and Helen's getting married. After that I won't have anyone. Mom: (Jeanne does not take notice, but as she speaks, she becomes calmer and less panicky.) You'll have me. Jeanne: I couldn't believe what Ian and Helen said and were doing, but they do love you. Mom: I know. Jeanne: I just really miss you. Mom: I miss you Jeanne: I miss the way you could hug me, and help me forget my problems. I miss the way you could smile and make the world revolve around me, Mom: You could always do the same for me. Jeanne: I know you will always be there. Mom: I will always be right there. I am sorry that I caused you so much pain. Your sister and brother will be there for you whenever times get tough, and, Baby, if you keep me in your heart, so will I. Cheer up! Smile! It is going to get easier. I am so proud of you. Jeanne: I love you, Mom. Mom: I love you, Jeannie. (Directors Note: I do not see the mother as a ghost, or even an angel, I see her as an aura or presence in Jeanne’s heart.) I also did very well academically, my lowest final grade was an 86 (Pretty good, eh?). I am now volunteering at the animal shelter and babysitting some other kids. I also have lost close to 25 lbs. Lastly, and my favorite, peice of news is that I CAN DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recently got a learner's permit, and My parents gave me the van. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for visiting.

I also won a bunch of awards this year, including...