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Welcome to the personal website of Matt Walentiny

-College freshman at Old dirty (hopefully not for long)

-Hopeless romantic who found his dream girl

-Member of the Fellowship

Click here for pics of the fellowship

-Personal slave of the Kroger Co.

-Wrestling fanatic extraordinaire

-And nice guy all around


WOW!!!  Guess who decided to get on their ass in front of the computer and update his site.  Oh yeah, that would be me!  It's been a while friends, but I promise to make this work out a little bit better.  Got tons of stuff I want to add, and my mind's flying at a million miles per second.  I'll let you know when I update this mamma jamma, cuz I'll post it on my AIM profile:  gotrock2k2.  In the meantime, send any suggestions, thoughts or insults my way.  Here are my email addresses: or:


This update is being musically powered by:  Just Updated

"No One Knows" by Queens of the Stone Age

"Sky" by Ra

"Don't Wanna Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith

"Stone Cold Crazy" by Queen, as covered by Metallica


Song Quote Time:  New Section

Hear me...
And if I close my mind in fear,
Please pry it open

See me...
And if my face becomes sincere,

Hold me...
And when I start to come undone,
Stitch me together

Save me...
And when you see me strut,
Remind me of what left this outlaw torn.

[outlaw torn by metallica]

And now we'll throw in some comedy for good measure:  Just Updated

When does a Cub Scout become a Boy Scout?

-After he eats his first brownie

    (thanks Enriquez...that still brings tears to my eyes)


Now onto the boring stuff aka MY LIFE:       Just updated 3/31/03

Isn't it amazing how a single event can change your life forever?  Here's that one event:

gotrock2k2: hey steph...its wally from catholic

And with that, the past five months of my life have been terrific for so many reasons that I can't possibly get into them all in one sitting!  Anyways, here we are, with just a little more than a month left to go before we've finished our FIRST YEAR OF COLLEGE!!!  Here's my summer (as I see it) in a nutshell:

Party hardy, work a little (gotta pay for the car insurance), pretend to pay attention in a summer class, spend tons of time with the best friends a guy could ever ask for, catch up on old times, make some new memories, spend even more time with my lady love, see Metallica live in DC, track down the Foo Fighters and see them too, learn how to play guitar and jam out, smoke some 1886 Queens for Grandpa Ed, brush up on my billiards technique with Pappa Gerwitz, watch my sister get married, help my bro regulate the Enriquez clan for his Dad's retirement ceremony, and about a million other things.

I'll be adding lots of lyrics, links, and poetry up here later on, along with some updates.  But now, it's time for sleep!


Previous Update:  9/17/02

Finally, I've come back to the website...Can't believe we've been in college for a month now!  I was so proud of this wrestling update, and I know I can't top it, so I'm just gonna be real boring, like normal.  Speaking of wrestling, to all you doubters or haters, give me 30 minutes of your time and I promise you will at least respect it.  Shawn Michaels and Triple H put together the best 30 minutes of match I can ever remember seeing, and I've never expressed as much emotion as I did when I was watching that match take place.  They told a story in the ring that will echo throughout the ages of wrestling history.

Moving on...ECU rules!  I had the time of my life this past weekend hanging out with my bros:  Enriquez, Joe, and Greg...Got a good taste of dorm life, and it rocks!  And hell, the Pirates won their first football game of the season, by beating Tulane 24-20.  So many awesome memories in such a sweet little time.  Definitely looking forward to Fall Break, so if you're gonna be in town, hit me up, cuz you know I'll be here.

And on to the least important stuff...Classes are going OK.  Anthropology is boring as crap, as is Comp. Science.  Trig I is redundant, but I have a hilarious teacher, and onto my favorite class, Psychology!  I love this class to death, and couldn't ask for a better professor.  Hope all of you guys are doing well in your respective endeavors.  Enjoy life...

Until next time, know that I miss you guys tremendously!



Previous Update:  8/20/02

Yes, I've talked it up since I first built this website a few weeks back, but it lived up to and exceeded the hype that I placed upon it.  Oh wait, lemme take care of some business first. . .FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO NOR-FOLK!

OK, I had to clear that up.  That was for you Joe, who by the by, was my partner in crime last night at the festivities.  Joe "getting ass from the hot drive through chick at Wendys" Vitola.  Joe got his Wendys for free cause I thought someone was gonna bleed during the main event.  Well, Ric Flair bled, but he wasn't in the main event.

Another thing I've talked up was Chris Jericho's band Fozzy, who played live.  I musta been the only person there that liked them.  Here are some words of wisdom:


The CD is entitled "Happenstance" and kicks some major ass if you're into Iron Maiden, Metallica, good stuff like that.  Go buy it!

By far, the moment of the night, and one of the two coolest things I've ever seen at a live show, was Shawn Michaels making a surprise run-in to beat the holy hell outta Triple H.  I felt like a 7 year old as I watched my childhood idol dive over the top rope to attack The Game.  Joe can attest to the fact that I was "marking out" big-time, jumping up and down screaming "HOLY SHIT, HBK!!!"  I wish I could put some video on here, but I can only link to it.  Just follow this, and download "HBK's ready to fight!"    

Click here to see HBK take a leap of faith!

Alright, that's all the update I can muster right now for the 2 of you who will actually read this!

Much love,
