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Christian Women's Fellowship

Leader: "Cookie" Currin

Secretary: Mary Beth Vaughan

Treasurer: Jean Pinchbeck

Study Chairman: Anne Hamlett

OUR PRAYER: "Unto you, O God, we give our thanks and lift our hearts in prayer. May your presence be with us and your love surround us as we work together as women of faith. Open our eyes to the needs of the world and fill our hearts with concern for all people. Guide us so that we may truly serve you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

OUR BENEDICTION: "God, be merciful unto us and bless us; and cause your face to shine upon us; that your way may be known upon the earth, your saving health among all nations. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

OUR SCHEDULE: The CWF meets on the second Thursday of even-numbered months (February, April, June, August, October, December ). Meetings are held in the Victoria Christian Church Fellowship hall at 12 noon for a brown-bag lunch. Members bring their own lunch and beverage unless otherwise announced. The exception is the month of December when the group has its Christmas meeting in the evening at the home of one of the members.

OUR STUDY TOPIC FOR 2010 is "The Women Speak" by Marion Fairman. Each program consists of a 10 - 12 monologue presented by a CWF member who recounts warm recollections of their character's moments with the Master. These personal portraits of the Son of God are spoken in contemporary language, but each is based on a pertinent Biblical account. Members are asked to read the related scriptures before they attend the meeting.

The schedule follows:

February 11: Mary, the Mother of Jesus (Pertinent Scripture: Luke 1:25-2:56)

April 8: Anna, the Prophetess (Pertinent Scripture: Luke 2:22-38)

June 10: The Woman at the Well (Pertinent Scripture: John 4:3-42)

August 12: Pilate's Wife (Pertinent Scripture: Matthew 27: 15-26)

October 14:. Mary Magdalene (Pertinent Scriptures: John 12:1-8, John 19:25, John 20:1-18)

OUR MISSION: The CWF not only encourages fellowship and study among the women of the church, but it also attempts to remember those within the church and community who are in need by promoting projects that spread God's love.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN: All of the women of the church are cordially invited to be a part of this fellowship. If you have questions, please contact the group's leader, Cookie Currin, at or 434-676-3443 (home); 434-447-9542 (cell).

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