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For Julia Noelle's 2nd Birthday we decided to make an event out of it and drove from DC to New York City for the day. What an event it was! Julia and Zo had more fun that I could have ever anticipated.

We embarked on our journey from my house at 7 am and arrived in NYC after almost 5 hours. Not too bad for a road trip with a toddler and preschooler eh?

Our first stop was Santaland on the 8th floor of Macys in Herald Square - what an adventure that was! The store was a MADHOUSE and it was only noon on a Wednesday! I pity the poor souls who actually trek out and tackle that place on Christmas Eve! Santaland was a big fancy was to wait in line - a big maze of holiday decorations and things the kiddies could actually touch. And at the end of the line is Santa! 

After Santa we headed over to Serendipity 3 to celebrate Julia's Birthday with lunch and dessert. Now you know I just HAD to go there - its the John Cusack fanatic in me!

Julia at the table at Serendipity
Zo sitting nicely at the table
Gramma keeping Julia busy with the decorations while we wait for our food

For lunch we all ate pretty light. My mom and I had salmon and the kids each had a hot dog and fries. Our friend Chris enjoyed the delicacy of a hamburger.

After lunch it was time for Julia's birthday cake. We ordered her the Serendipitous carrot cake and the staff placed to candles and whip cream on top and the entire staff came to the table to sing "Happy Birthday"

Now Serendipity is known for its desserts so we all saved a little room to indulge.

Mommy and Julia enjoying Serendipity's famous Frozen Hot Chocolate.

After lunch it was time to head over to Rockefeller Center to see the tree. We walked up 60th Street and passed Bloomingdale's (another John Cusack NYC Landmark - LOL) all decked out for Christmas.

As we drove across town in rish hour traffic I snapped a couple of shots of landmarks we passed.

Traffic gotta love it!

The Plaza

We reached our destination and walked from Radio City to Rockefallar Center passing allthe terrific NYC Xmas Decorations along the way

What a sight to see Downtown NYC at Christmastime! We walked across the street and were greeted by one of the most breathtaking views I have ever seen - The Rockefeller Center tree lit up at night. The look on Zo's face is one I will never forget!

There were soooo many onlookers and we decided to watch the skaters for a little while too.

After the tree we decided to top off our day with a visit to Times Square!

And thus we concluded our birthday trip to NYC! See ya next year Big Apple!




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