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Stone's 5th Birthday!!!!!

On May 30, 2002 we got together with our good friends Amy, Tyler and Brooke to celebrate Stone's 5th birthday. Amy baked Stone a cool chocolate race car cake and we ordered pizza and then we headed to the pool! You can see pool pics on the At The Pool page.























Zo's 3rd Birthday!!!

On June 29, 2002 we celbrated Zo turning 3 at home. We baked cupcakes and Zo opened presents and that evening we went to our favorie eating spot King Street Blues for dinner. Pics of that are on Zo's page!


























The Boys BIG Birthday Bash!!!!

The pics are bad cuz we couldnt ge tthe boys to sit still long enough to take any and everyones lips were dyed purple from the grape soda!

The boys both got thier first bikes!!!!!

Stone and Tyler