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Welcome to my Page!
My MOmmy and I have worked hard finding our favorite pictures to share with you! we Hope you enjoy it!!!

Stone Michael Lehosky
born May 30, 1997 at 9:30pm in La Plata Maryland
weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 22 inches long.

June 5, 1997
6 weeks old

3 months old

6 mos old

1st year portrait
1st birthday cake

2nd birthday
May 1999 - Natl Geopgraphic Museum

2nd year portrait
Second HaIircut October 1999

School Picture
October 2000

Christmas Picture December 1999

April 2002
July 2002

April 2002

My favorite picture of Stone and Julia

Stone and Zo - June 2002

Summer 2002 - with his new bike

At the park


July 4 2002
Fall 2001