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Strange Music Songvideos

Okay...SongVids by Strange Music

When I started out I put up some smaller ones. But in the end I because of place reason take them down for the bigger ones.

They are all zipped so there is a certain amount of place saving even if you download them ;)

I am open to suggestion but do consider that if I don't take a song or a couple it is nothing personal. Just has to be a couple that I can see (So to know which scene to pick) and a song that I at least like (After all I have to listen to them quit a lot while making the vid)

Otherwise..feel free

Feedback to Update 27.11 added a Guestbook. No new songvids as I am unfortunally offline of my computer and have only access from my computer at work.

Update: 29.01.2001 Added two Lord of the Ring Songvideo. Third one "Man's Road" only the link so far to be up soon. Watch this space for more.

The Lord of the Ring sonvideo have been split in 1 MB Selfextract files ( I currently have trouble to upload anything bigger than 1 MB). You only have to download them all and then click on the file with the *.exe. It will connect all together to one big file. You can leave you CCC (Comments Complains Correction ;) there ohh and wishes too but that didn't start with an C

The Songvids ;)

Lyrics You gotta be
You gotta be ( Zip) Pod Squad (Roswell)
Superman (to be me)
Superman (lyrics) (Roswell)
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All I've got to say (LOTR Slash Songvideo Sam/Frodo
Life is a Road - LotR Slash Songvideo - Mixed
Link Man's Road - LotR Songvideo
Audio Codec
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