1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virginia 22701


May 5, 2006

Peter Kleeman
407 Hedge St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Mr. Kleeman,

In response to your request for environmental information on the McIntire Road Extended project, please find enclosed the SERP Closure Memorandum and the Preliminary Environmental Inventory (PEI) that were completed for this project. Please be advised that VDOT is currently working on completing the Cultural Resource-Archeology study that is required for this project. It will be completed by June 26, 2006 if all stays on schedule. As well, VDOT is currently working on the required Water Quality permits which we plan to early coordinate with the Agencies in July or August 2006.

Should you have additional questions regarding the environmental review of this project, please contact Christine Fainter, District SERP Coordinator at 540-727-7106.


signed: D. Scott bywaters

D. Scott Bywaters
District Environmental Manager



Gregory A. Whirley
Acting Commissioner



Krystyniak, Gregory E.
Fainter, Christine L.
State Environmental Review Process (SERP) Closure
Project#: U000-104-V02, P101
Project Identifier: 2529
Route: 0
Town, City or County: Charlottesville

The State Environmental Review Process (SERP) for the referenced project has been completed and State natural resource agencies have had opportunity to comment on the project.

The Preliminary Environmental Inventory (PEI) for the project is attached. The PEI contains information about the environmental resources in the project vicinity and summarizes any commitments identified for the project as a result of the SERP. The PEI is based on current project parameters, as described in the Project Early Notification (EQ429). Changes to the project scope can influence the information provided in this PEI and the results of this environmental review. The Culpeper District Environmental Section must be advised if the project scope changes.

This administratively concludes the SERP, however; other environmental clearances and reviews may be necessary. Please forward this SERP Closure Memorandum and PEI to others involved in the project as you deem appropriate. Please call me if you have questions or comments regarding this project. I can be reached at (540) 727-7106 or via email at Christine.Fainter@Vdot.Virginia.Gov.

Preliminary Environmental Inventory

Project Information

PPMS ID #: 2529 Date: 03/08/2006 District SERP Coordinator: Fainter, Christine
Project Name: McIntire Road Extended Field Review Date: 02/28/2006 Field Review Conducted By: Fainter, Christine L.
Route: 0 City/County: Charlottesville Zip code: 22901
Road Type: Urban Lat: 38o 02' 34" Long: -78o 28' 31"
VDOT Prj #: U000-104-V02, P101 Project Administered by Local Government: No
Limits From: ROUTE 250 BYPASS AT MCINTIRE ROAD Target Advertisement Date:
Limits To: MELBOURNE ROAD INTERSECTION Funding Source: State
Additional Project Description: Project Includes: 2 - 12' travel lanes; 2 - 5' wide bike lanes; 1 - 8' wide enhanced pedestrian trail; 1 - regional SWM wet pond
Project Type: Construction Location of Work: Work on new location Road Conditions: Existing Proposed
Pavement Width (ft) 0 32
Right-of-way-width (ft) 0 50
Bridge/drainage structure?

None Specified


Resource Information

Resource Detailed Resource Information Level Of Impact
Potential commercial, residential, or non-profit displacements # Commercial: 0 # Residential: 0 No impact
# Non-Profit: 0 # Industrial: 0
Known hazardous materials/waste sites/landfills Recorded hazmat sites: 0

Observed or potential sites: 0

DEQ's Real Estate Search lnformation online database provided a list of hazardous waste notifiers, solid waste management facilities, CERCLA sites, and environmental incidents within the project area. These databases were searched for potential impacts to known hazardous material sites. This search resulted in the identification of no hazardous material sites within the project area.


No impact
Known underground storage tanks Recorded tank sites: 0

Observed or potential sites: 0

DEQ's Leaking Underground Storage Tank database is contained in VDOT's GIS Integrator under DEQ Petroleum Release Sites. This database was searched for potential impacts to known underground storage tanks on 03/08/2006. This search resulted in the identification of no underground storage tanks within the project area.

No impact
Air quality Recorded Area: Attaiment area

Volatile Organic Compound control area: N

DEQ Air (03/03/2006)
PPMS ID: 2529
VDOT Project #: U000-l04-V02, P101
City/County: Albemarle County

The above-referenced proposed project is located in an ozone attainment area. The applicable state air pollution regulations for this construction project are listed below.

9 VAC 5-50-90 Fugitive Dust and Emissions Control

9 VAC 5-40-5620 Open Burning Requirements

There is no other applicable data available. Please forward the PEI when it is available. Thank you for providing DEQ Division of Air Program Coordination the opportunity to comment.

No impact
Public parks and recreation areas Parks: McIntire Park

Recreation areas:

DCR's Virginia Outdoors Plan was searched for potential impacts to public parks and recreation areas. These resources are not present within or adjacent to the project area.


Public waterfowl/wildlife refuges Refuges: 0

Virginia Land Holdings: 0

VDOT's online Fish and Wildife Information Service database and DCR's Virginia Outdoors Plan was searched for potential impacts to public waterfowl/wildlife refuges and Virginia land holdings. These resouces are not present within or adjacent to the project.


No impact
Agricultural/forestal districts Number of agricultural districts: 0 

Number of forestal districts: 0

Anticipated # of acres impacted in Agricultural/forestal operation: 0

Anticipated # of acres impacted in Agricultural/forestal district: 0


No impact
Farm land Name or Location of farm: 0

Acres impacted: 0


No impact
Forest land Name or Location of forest:

Acres impacted: 12.4

Comments: DOF (  ) - No response from DOF

Existing open space easement Number and locations of easements: 0

Comments: VOF ( )- None indicated on VDOT GI

No impact
Geology of site Location of areas of concern:

Comments: DMME (02/10/2006) Publisled county-scale geologic mapping suggests that the site is located near the contact of two geologic formations. The first contains interlayered gneisses and schists. The second contains slate, greenstone, and quartzite. An amphibolite dike is also mapped in the area. The variability in rock type suggests that there will also be variability in soil type and depth to bedrock. If shaIlow bedrock is present, some of the rock may be difficult to excavate. DMME has no other comments regarding the proposed project.

No impact
Public water supply Location of public water supply: 0

VDH's public water supply information is contained in vDOT's GIS Integrator under Surface Water Intake Watersheds, Wells and Springs, and Wells and Springs Protection Zones. This database was searched for potential impacts to known public water supplies on 03/08/2006. This search resulted in the identificaton of no public water supplies within the project area.

No impact
Scenic resources Wild and scenic nvers: 0

Virginia Byways: 0

DCR's Virginia Outdoors Plan was searched for potential impacts to Wild and Scenic Rivers. Virginia Byways Map was searched for potential impacts to State Scenic Byways. These resources are not present within or adjacent to the project area.

No impact
Threatened or endangered Species DGIF identified a FE, FT, SE or ST terrestrial or aquatic species in their Collections database within a 2 mile radius of the project, therefore the project is under review by VDOT's Biologist : N

DCR identified a FE, FT, SE or ST plant or insect species in the VDACS/DCR database, therefore the project is under review by VDOT's Biologist : N

VDOT's Biologist has renewed the available information and determined the Level of Impact at this stage:

DCR/VDACS (03/01/2006 ) - The current activity will not affect any documented state-listed plants or insects.

VDOT (03/08/2006) - A two-mile radius search was conducted on the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Online Fish and Wildlife Information Service to identify any threatened or endangered species.

DGIF  ( ) -

No impact

Natural heritage resources Documented?: N

Site visit perforrned by DCR?: N

Date Site visit performed?:

Comments: DCR (03/01/2006) - natural heritage resources have not been documented in the project area.

No impact
Trout waters Location: 0

A search of VDGIF's online Fish and Wildlife Information Service database revealed no trout waters within 2 miles of the project area.


No impact
Anadromous fish Location: 0

A search of VDGIF's online Fish and Wildlife Information Service database revealed no anadromous fish waters within 2 miles of the project area.


No impact
Known shellfish grounds Location: 0


No impact
100-year floodplain areas FEMA FIRM community Panel Number:

Within 100-year floodplain? Y

Comments: Potential impacts will be coordinated during the water quality permit process.

Existing public access to waterways Access Exist?: N

Recreation Use Bridge

The bridge listed in the inventory of Bridges with Recreational Use provided by DCR.


No impact
Federal Property Name or Location: 0


No impact
Historic resource Previously recorded architectural resources?: Yes

Previously recorded archaeological resources?: Yes

Area of Potential Effects: Same as defined in initial identification and coordination efforts.

Effect determination: Cannot Be Concluded in SERP

Studies Needed to ID Historic Properties: ARCHAEOLOGICAL

Comments: By 1995, project had been successfully coordinated with VDHR. However, since that time, the location of SWM wet pond has not been reviewed for potential presence of cultural resources.

Cannot Be Concluded in SERP
Water quality permits Streams involved? Y 

If yes, name of stream(s)? UT Schenks Branch

If yes, streamflow is: UT Schenks Branch is < 5 Sq.Miles

Wetlands involved? N

If yes, amount of impact:

Are permits required? Y

If yes, type of permit required: LOP-1, Individual VWPP


VMRC ( ) -

DEQ-Water: (02/06/2006) - Based on the scope of work an onsite survey should be conducted to determine the location, extent, and type of surface waters present. VDOT should avoid and minimize impacts to surface waters to the greatest extent practicable. Compensation for unavoidable impacts may be required. Based on the information provided, a VWP Permit may be required for unavoidable impacts to surface waters.


Overall Project Comments: The findings in this PEI are a preliminary step in gathering environmental information about the human and natural resources in the project study area. Continuing coordination with agencies will be necessary to verify further need for studies, surveys, permit types, and clearances. The PEI is not a substitute for the studies and agency coordination necessary to identity specific project impacts.

NOTE: This online document was created from an original paper copy by scanning the document and utilizing character recognition software.  I attempted to remove any errors that may have been introduced in this process and I have corrected a few apparent typographical errors in the original. Please contact me if you have any questions or corrections to suggest regarding this posting.

- Peter T. Kleeman,
- May 16, 2006.