This is a scanned and reconstructed copy of the Public Information material prepared by VDOT for the proposed March 20, 2003 public hearing.   The hearing was postponed at the request of local jurisdictions.

Document prepared by: Peter T. Kleeman - - on April 4, 2003


Thursday, March 20, 2003
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Albemarle County Office Building
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) welcomes you to the Public Hearing for the proposed Meadow Creek Parkway.

This Public Hearing is being held to provide interested parties an opportunity to review the conceptual design for the project. Representatives from VDOT are on hand to discuss the project and answer your questions.

VDOT ensures nondiscrimination in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For further information contact The Virginia Department of Transportation, Office of Equal Opportunity located at 1601 Orange Road, Culpeper, Virginia 22701 or telephone (540) 829-7500 or TDD 1-800-307-4630.


This Public Hearing offers the general approach and proposed schedule of the reconstruction of Route 631/ Meadow Creek Parkway from 0.0037 mile (0.006 kilometers) north of the intersection of Melbourne Road to 0.0466 mile (0.075 kilometers) north of the Norfolk Southern Railway, in Albemarle County. The information presented at this meeting generally describes the extent of the project. A comment sheet is included and your input is encouraged. 

Project Description

The Meadow Creek Parkway project was presented at a Location Public Hearing on September 12, 2001, in Albemarle County.

The public was shown two alignment alternatives. Alternative A, developed by the Jones and Jones Consultant firm, was selected over Alternative B, which was the original alignment developed by VDOT.

The Meadow Creek Parkway project carries a functional classification of urban collector. The purpose of this project, in conjunction with the McIntire Road extension, is to improve traffic flow between Route 631 and Route 250. The completion of the Meadow Creek Parkway and Mclntire Road projects will provide a more direct access to and from the Charlottesville downtown area.

The Meadow Creek Parkway project will begin at the intersection of Melbourne Road, between Rio Road and the Charlottesville High School. This intersection will align with the Mclntire Road extension, which terminates at Melbourne Road. Meadow Creek Parkway will continue north, on new alignment, around the Charlottesville High School athletic facilities and run parallel with the railroad alignment until it crosses Meadow Creek. After crossing Meadow Creek, the alignment will shift to the east, around the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical School (CATEC), and tie to the existing Rio Road. The project will terminate north of the CSX railroad bridge. Two bridges are proposed for this project with one bridge proposed at the Meadow Creek crossing and a new bridge over the CSX railroad.

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Traffic Data

The 1999 Average Daily Traffic on Rio Road, south of Penn Park Drive, is 21,000 vehicles per day. The design year 2023 traffic projections for Meadow Creek Parkway, between Melbourne Road to the relocated intersection of Rio Road, is 44,000 vehicles per day and, between the relocated intersection of Rio Road to end of the project is 35,000 vehicles per day.

Estimated Project Cost

The project cost is estimated to be approximately $1.9 million for preliminary engineering, $1.755 million for right of way acquisition, $745 thousand for utility relocations, and $9.6 million for construction (including inplan utility adjustments) for a total of $14 million.

Environmental Impacts

This project has been coordinated through the State Environmental Review Process (SERP). The SERP provides state environmental resource agencies the opportunity to comment on the highway improvements at the project initiation stage. Field surveys were conducted and state resource agencies contacted to obtain input regarding the potential impacts of the project to the environment. A Preliminary Environmental Inventory, which includes the information, views, and interests received from the resource agencies, has been prepared for this project and is available for review at this public hearing.

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Anticipated Schedule

The following is the project schedule.

Review/evaluate information received as a result of the public hearing........Early 2003

Consideration for approval by the Department..........................................Spring 2003

Begin Acquisition of Right of Way............................................................Summer 2003 


In addition to the proposed right of way and easements needed to complete this project, the department is proposing limited access be designated within the project, from the beginning of the project at Melbourne Road to the intersection of Rio Road.

It is anticipated that no individuals, businesses, or non-Profit organizations will be displaced as a result of this project. VDOT representatives are available to answer questions you may have regarding the right of way acquisition process.


Project information, including comments made at the public hearing, will be available for review at the following VDOT Offices:

VDOT Culpeper District Office
1601 Orange Road
Town of Culpeper
(540) 829-7500
VDOT Charlottesville Residency Office
701 VDOT Way
Route 250 west of Shadwell
(434) 293-0011


Any comments made, as a result of this meeting, will be considered as we further develop the design plans. The comment sheet in this brochure will assist you in making your comments. You may deposit this sheet in the comment box or you may mail it by March 31, 2003 to the following address:

Mr. J. L. Bryan
Resident Engineer
701 VDOT Way
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911

Questions concerning VDOT's policy of obtaining right of way should be directed to:

Ms. F.M. Printz
Culpeper District Right of Way & Utilities Manager
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
(540) 829-7701

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