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My Political Socialization

    In the words of Tim Mcgraw " Democrat or Republican, guess I'm screwed Im neither one" sums up my political party standing. Its hard for me to say what I am because my poltical view points and standing on issues have fluctuated over the past year and they still are. My Mom is a Republican and feels very strongly about Pro-life, and prayer in school, and all that jazz.  I however am still learning about certain issues and Ive had it a point to explore every view point on issues like abortion, death penalty, gun control, seperation of church and state, ect. Im currently reading a book about the death penatly called " The Last Person You'll ever see" the author issued information from prison employees and exucutioners to convey his opinion on the death penatly.   If I had to stick with a party, Im pretty sure It would be Democrat. But keep it on the Down Low because my mom would have a heart attack along with the Relatives in Mississippi.
    I would have to say that alot of my political view points this year have come from my government class. Before Ap Government I never really cared about anything  going on in the world/ government. After Learning about the political process, hearing and participating in Debates, and understanding exactly what a Democrat and Repulican is, I have become very interested in politics and defining my role as an active citizen. Before this year I had also just gone along with what my mom believed.
    Through out the past 4 years I have spent a majority of my summer volunteering in other Countries such as Bolivia, Africa, and Costa Rica. Through these experiances I have realized how lucky I am to be a U.S. Citizen. Tanzania Africa is the 3rd poorest country in the world. I actually had the chance to here the president of Tanzania speak , of course it was in Swahili. Being able to Participate in a democracy and have a voice is one of the most valuble resource that I can think of.