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Regretably, I have decided to shut down the site for good. This comes mainly because I get nothing out of operating this site and it just causes extra stress worrying about if i'm gonna get caught. I can't keep on stressing over this if i'm not going to get anything out of it. It is too much of a risk to keep this so I will no longer continue to operate this site. Anyone else who has any ideas of starting a new site remember one thing..... This is your liability and if you get cought the school's not gonna give a damn about free-speech are internet privacy. They'll act just like the national government does to music piraters..... So remember, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
I am going to work on a game (you can guess who it's about) if i can get a copy of dreamweaver. If anyone has this softwae and would like give me the software or a copy, please feel free to tell me so that I can make a game about our favorite teacher.


