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I am just recieving pictures from people right now to
put on this site so there isn't that many yet...
but if you have pictures that i can scan and
put on, bring them to skool!!! btw, wait a while b4 u scroll down cuz it takes a while 4 all da pics to load!

Our Class!

Our class in Grade 6 wit Mrs Waller!

Guy Picz

LoL... Aaron! This has to be like Grade 1 or sumthing!

OmG! Mike... whut are u lookin at? And Juan...why are you so happy? lol... get it?

Taijaun... lol theres nothing to say! Jokes...

Gurl Picz

They called themseleves the Devils!! (left - right) Jess G, Nadia, Krissy, Lorna & Britt! (missing Ashley)

Devils Again! But now missing Nadia! LoL!

The wheels on the bus go round & round! LoL... that was gay!

LoL... we obviously cant leave Lorna alone wit a highlighter!! LoL...

LoL... Her pic was in Britt's pocket... in the washing machine!

You look a bit cold Jess... or is that lipstick?

Bad hair days! lol

AwWw... she's unforgetable!!!... i still miss her & Paula!!!