PSI Home Entertainment System

Welcome to the Playstation I-╜Isx◙~éf§§ƒ┤◙4ëÉn╔←è≡AßÑúþ§xx.5 Home Entertainment System Home Page

Wiring connection for the PSI are as follows:

You put the thingie here, and the thingy there, you put your head in the disc tray and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you ... lose an appendage. That's why this thing really sucks! toot toot!

After we put this thing together, it took us about 4 hours to complete the wiring. But after that, we were ready to play. So we popped in our first game, imported straight from Tokyo, and wow, the fun began!

I cannot stress how fun this game is. Actually, the machine was designed specifically to play this game. Zombie Chaos Extreme Fun 2.5 #//h4x insane .5 x 3 4.9... - 2. A HIT in Japanese Arcades. It combines Resident Evil Zombies, with REAL ZOMBIES ATTACKING YOU! Like, zombies commin' outta your TV like in the Ring. And you also use the dance pads to dance and manuever. Also, you need several weapons, which come attached to the console. But man, we had so much fun with our Zombie Chaous Extreme Fun 35.25.1 .// &*x 3,000 MAX 7 ten .5/1::extreme//[]}}h4x 5.

Here, we have demonstrated proper usage of the multiple controllers that come with the console in the manufacturer's package. We cannot stress enough that improper use of any apparel, and the zombies will kill you. In your sleep. Amen.

Now occasionally, you WILLL encounter trouble booting up your system. Now this is difficult while zombies are also attacking you. You can detect the PH34R in my face as I try to reboot the system as zombies approach. Luckily, I booted up the discs fine, and many more zombie horde minions fell that day.

Well, as you can tell from the 2 pictures above, Jason used the mastery of his metal DDR pad ALONE to defeat zombie hordes as David struggle to use the many controllers. Yes, idiots really do get confused trying to use this system. But it's really quite simple. Grab 'n Go. Guns blazin', no lookin' back. Grab the girl 'n get outta there. Bang Bang. Yer Dead. Yeah, David almost died that night playing that game. Luckily us experts were there to help him out. Otherwise, he would have become yet another zombie standing in between us the 1337 zombie hunters, and a ... zombie-free world.

While attempting to shut off the system so we could all pack up and catch some rest, Jason was ambushed by zombie samurai cyborgs and was in a frenzy to fend them off. Barely succeeding, he defeated the minions of evil, but at a fateful price. Here he rests forever, buried under wires as his final resting place. We shall never forget how he fought to the very end. Rest in Peace friend. ... Well at least he's dead happy. Cuz Sarah called him... heh... heh... ... ... ...ahem.

Anyways. That has been the official information site on the newset Playstation I-╡♀327ƒ⌠◄♂>駃⌠fèD@ƒ╡1564Pþ§§x.5//h47♀§x. If you would like to purchase this item,
I accept PayPal, check order, credit card, or cash orders.
... well I guess you could pay me in chicks too...
Yeah, we also accept chicks.

Enjoy Happy Fun Times with your new PSI today.
Limited Supply, Order Today.
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