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from a butterfly's perspective

things are in the works for "like humans do, b-burg va". a dream is slowly becoming a reality.

this page will contain some thoughts, comments, probably some corny jokes, ect. bare with me as this page will continue to be a work in progress!

This week: i'm working on the vietnam war project. join me as i journey through one of america's worst war's. it's sometimes scary. but i'm learning a lot. it's changing my world view. i'll say more on that page so stay tuned!

Check out page 2 for more in-depth thoughts on names.

i'll also be adding some new pages all about me. find these listed below with the links!

***hope for a new day!

I thought I should give a little bit of background information before you jump into the heavy stuff! "like humans do..." is a radio show that my sistah, Amy Kelly, and I have been developing for her community in Boston. Actually, this show has grown and become a reality because of the efforts of several counselor types with a dream to create a virtual global community. A place where people can meet and share dreams, experiences, and lessons learned. To discuss philosophy, religion, how your neighbor is allowing her dog to eat your trash and it's making you furious! What's it's like to experience life from your perspective.

The title came about as Amy began to explore why we do the things we do. (Amy I'm not trying to speak for you here, correct me if I'm wrong...) She came to the conclusion that we are all basically the same. That we are all humans and we do things just like other's"like humans do..."

What's up with the butterfly you ask? Well, in my conversations with Amy, we discussed expanding the project to Blacksburg. To keep with a theme, that connected the communities, we decided that we could all have power animals. Basic tribal communities have Totems with power animals that represent themselves. (check out Page 2 to find the link to your power animal)

Some people believe that one of the first steps to learning is identifying their power animal. As I went through the process of identifying my power animal my first thought was of the dog. (As most of you know I have 3 dogs and the only way to describe them is to say they are my friends.) They are loyal, give love unconditionally, require little but give a lot. What a great thing right? Well as I continued to meditate on this I realized, I aspire to be the butterfly. It's so delicate, and beautiful in it's last stage, yet's it's metamorphosis is so hard that you know this animal has courage and strength.

(taken from the power animals website listed above) Butterfly: metamorphosis and transformation

Scientific research has shown that the butterfly is the only living being capable of changing entirely its genetic structure during the process of transformation: the caterpillar's DNA is totally different from the butterfly's. Thus, it is the symbol of total transformation. Butterfly represents a need for change and greater freedom, and at the same time it represents courage: one requires courage to carry out the changes necessary in the process of growth. Its Medicine is related to the air and the mental powers. It teaches us to find clarity in the mental processes, to organize projects or to figure out the next step in our internal growth.

special thanks to:

Amy Kelly my sistah and spiritual couselor. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration.

Byron Kelly, my spiritual partner and team mate. I love you.

Shar and Bryant Harrison, we started this journey together, look where it's taken us. I love you both.

Site created: 2/9/02
Site last updated: 4/18/02

web sites to visit...

the new butterfly page
the vietnam war project
thoughts on names
share your poetry!
like humans do, in blacksburg
like humans do, in boston

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