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I'm Gonna Shout and Shine!

This Web Site is dedicated to the memory of Keith Vaughn. We know that there is nothing that we can do to take away the pain that the family suffers everyday, not having their loved one with them, but I hope that this Web Site will offer them encouragement. We want the family to know that Keith will always be a part of us and will forever live in our memory. We will miss him greatly. May God Bless you All.....

When toiling is ended and my burdens are laid down What glory will then be mine,
My robe will be spotless and I'll put on a bright crown In Heaven I'll shout and shine.

Chorus: Gonna shout (gonna shout) gonna shine (gonna shine) In that City of love devine
Over there (over there) free from care (free from care) With the Saints I'll shout and shine.

There'll be no more sorrow in that home-land of the soul My spirit will never pine
I'll stand in that number and make sweet melodies roll In Heaven I'll shout and shine.

I'll never be lonesome in that glad city so fair And all will be joy divine
Many of my loved ones and my neighbors will be there In Heaven I'll shout and shine.

For information on adding your own poems, memories, photo's etc.. to this website, please contact me.

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Holiness Messenger
Angelfire - Free Home Pages

The Gospel Station - Lifting up the name of JESUS in song.