Page Two

I am 2 years old in this picture.It was taken as a gift for Daddy
on Fathers day.


Now I am two and a half years old.Granny says I am sweet as they come and really,
really spoilt rotten.


;       Now three years old.Just a little cutie."Giggle"



Scooby and the gang
are my best buddies now.

My Papaw and me have so much fun.Don't tell, but Granny and
Papaw are my favorite toys, and they don't need batteries.LOL

Wow four already.And going to Educare Preschool.

Well I am almost five and graduating from preschool.I will really miss,
Ms.Kelly and Ms.Crystal.And all my friends.


Granny says I am just growing too fast and to stop that.
But she didn't really mean it.

Now these are just some pictures of me and friends.







This is my Papaw, I put  my hat on him."Giggle"


This is me in my playhouse Papaw built for me.



This is my Mommy and me being silly     And this is my silly Happy Face
It's fun to just be silly sometimes."S"

I am five years old now and a really big girl.As soon as

Granny gets the pictures of my birthday party she will
she will put them up too.