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My Smiley World!

Leslie's Loves

HI! My name's Leslie and I am a 15 year old female living in Virginia. I'm an honor roll student and I love to sing, dance and act! I'm in my church chior, my school chior, and small group at my school. I have also been in 3 plays at my school. It's something that I love doing! And the people that I get to share it with are like the BIG RED Cherry sitting on top of the ice cream sunday! I love my friends and don't know where I'd b 2day w/o them! O GOLLY! *wipes tears from eyes* lol j/k Another thing that I KNOW I couldn't go a day w/o is LAUGHTER! It's probably the BIGGEST thing in my life! I love to make people laugh...I LOVE 2 LAUGH! It's just the most wonderful feeling to be able to sit beside some1, and be SO uncaring of what the other people r thinking, that u can laugh OVER all the other conversations, and laugh LONGER than all the other conversations, and make your laughter even START some of the other conversations! That's what my friend April and I do during lunch. WE BETTER HAVE IT 2GETHER NEXT YEAR! lol Ahhh...laughter, what a beautiful thing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (16 y/o me) WELLL...that was me a year ago! :-p And since I NEVER seem 2 get around 2 updating this lil page of mine I thought I should probably put a date or something...2...u know, give u a CLUE! *hehe* Well *ehem* Today is Wednesday, June 19, 2002. YAY! :-D Well, let's c...what might u want 2 know about me? ...NO! I'm not gonna' put that on here!?!?! G WIZ!!! I can't believe u even THOUGHT that! *giggles* But REALLY, as u probably guessed by reading my 1st paragraph I love comedy, and I you've now concluded by readin my 2ND paragraph! *hehe* well...that's it about the long term me... but lately I've been really busy doing NOTHING!!! FEELS like nothing anyway. I signed up for this AP History course and I have like...*thinks* I belive my mom totaled it for me @ around 2000 pgs. *sigh* SO...I'm actually getting a LOT done, but the fact that I'm sitting around in my PJ's gives me the FEELING that I'm accomplishing so little. Yesterday I finished 1 of the 6 books. (She gave us 7 books, and there are 2 that I have a choice b/t reading...however I lost the paper that says. *blush* BTW, if anyone reading this is ALSO taking that course, could u e-mail so that I can get that finished? :-p ) OOO! There's another one of those long term me thingy's...I'm 4getful. :) What was I saying...? O!!! *hehe* well..I'm pretty active in my church. My youth group, church, Band, and Chior always seems 2 b giving me fundraisers. lol All of my broke family members probably c me and run. ANYWAY! In my spare time ( btw, did I mention I don't have any? ) I go walking w/ Emily and/or Beth, or go 2 chior practice. WOW! this has been a lot about me! G...u must be getting annoyed!!! *giggles* I'll let u wander around the OTHER pages now. TOODLES!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hehe...and here we go again ( 8-30-03 ). Another year has rolled right on bye, :) and I'm 17 now. Welp, I'm still into the same old same old. I have started taking piano lessons this year! *sings I'm so excited* I can't wait till I can sit down in front of one and just belt with it. *chills* Man...I love music. O, and I'm TOP DOG (or so I'm told) @ PCHS! lol We've just started another school year...*sigh* I wouldn't mind school if it wasn't for all the stuid Homework. :( This year I'm in Band, Choir, AP English 12, Physics, Alg. 3 Trig, and Government. Why did people keeping telling me my senior year was the easiest? b/c... I'm totally NOT getting that vibe! :-p O WELL...this year we're supposed to have a Spring MUSICAL!!! GREASE!!! I'm not exactly sure how this is gonna go... But I'm excited to see. Umm...4 Senior trip we're giong 2 Florida ( as always ), and it should be extra long since the Band/Choir trip is back to back w/ it. We're not even coming back b/t trips! YAY! now 4 the bad news...the cost (about $1000) :0 Yeah... Welp We'll c what happens. OOO! SENIOR PIX! MAJORLY EXCITED! *does happy dance* Haven't seen the results of those yet...but I CAN'T wait! *giggles* well...that's all for now, but have a GREAT day ;)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WOW! It's been so long since I even looked @ this page :-p Now I'm 18 ( 1-30-05 ). This is actually a picture of me the day of senior prom after I got my hair done, but before I was dressed and ready to go. I've gotten my hair cut since then :) Pretty soon I'll be 19! My Birthday's coming up on Feb. 5th! :-D Let's see now I'm out of High School, and am in my 2nd symmester @ JMU :) I'm a Music Education Major. Another lil change in my life is my MAN! :-D *MWAH!* ...Garrett ;) I'll have to put his picture on here somewhere too...hehe. ~My G-Daddy and I have been dating since June 24, 2004~ *giggles* Let's see...I'm living in GIFFORD! 108 WHOOHOO! I've met lots of new people, including my suitemates: Susie and Sabrina :-D YAY! Most of my new college people are on ...check it out ;) WELP I just thought I should include an update :-D ...THE END! hehe

That's me n my hunnie. :) WELP! Now it's sophmore year. (5-26-06) Still a Music Ed major @ JMU. This year I lived w/ Susie (last year's suite mate) It's been a BUSY year I started it out on crutches, Rushed Sigma Alpha Iota (I <3 my BIG), Made a RECORD BREAKING # of trips to Rockingham Memorial, lost my wallet for 5 days in my bookbag, went I full 2 weeks w/o seeing my boyfriend... who lives 15 mins away, went to my first formal in college, lived w/o a roomie for 2 weeks when Susie went home, almost ordered a class ring w/ the wrong year on it, lost my accompanist 3 weeks before finals, gave up deserts for lent, and I'm pretty sure I lost my cell phone on the quad and it was eaten by a lawn mower. :-p SO... life's just a peachy as EVER! Also, I think I'm going to be on the 5 year plan instead of 4 like everyone *shrug* maybe I'll have a better understanding of EVERYTHING that way... u think? lol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wow. Today is May 26, 2009. I usually come back to this website once I year... I guess I got caught up in that whole... COLLEGE THING.... you know :-p I have the sudden urge to update this. NOT that anyone ever looks at it - after all it's MY PAGE, and I never even look at it! lol Geeee...I... just graduated from JMU (WOOT!) I didn't get that Music Education degree that I mentioned earlier, instead I went with music performance (vocal concentration). At least I stuck with music though! Was that a good idea? lol We'll SEE! :-D Oh... and the "hunnie" I mentioned above is no longer in my romantic future :) BUT he's awesome, and totally worth meeting ladies ;) I'm much more likely to be found on one of those popular sites everyone's talking about (other than twitter - no I don't have twitter - I figure I've got enough to keep me occupied as it is)...

myspace - singing_beauty
facebook -
youtube - emmyslou

and I guess I should include some sort of picture too :-p

My Photo Album!

Pix of my friends and family!
PIX-O-PEOPLE I met on IM's
*~my sisters~*
I think I made a blog?
