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Queen Olividar's Mason Stuff

Various Helpful Knowledge in Dream Making

Most commonly asked for DS ( Dragon Speak):


( the swaping of a floor or object back and forth by using an offset timer.)


(0:100) When seconds have passed, offset by ,

(5:6) swap object types and . Floor-

(0:100) When seconds have passed, offset by ,

(5:3) swap floor types and .


(Both voice activated and non voice activated.)

Regular door to door, stair to stair, or teleport pad to teleport pad.

(0:7) When somebody moves into position (),

(5:15) move the triggering furre to (), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

(0:7) When somebody moves into position (),

(5:15) move the triggering furre to (), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

Voice Activated-

(0:31) When a furre says {},

(5:15) move the triggering furre to (), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

*helpful hint* If ever you want to personalize a set a ds to only work for your name or someone else please add in this line:

(1:70) and their name is {},


(0:7) When somebody moves into position (),

(3:2) at position () on the map,

(5:6) swap object types and . (0:7) When somebody moves into position (),

(3:2) at position () on the map,

(5:6) swap object types and .

OBJECT DISPOSAL DS (through dropping)

Object Disposal-

(0:18) When somebody drops object type ,

(4:3) only where an object type is,

(5:6) swap object types and .

If you wish to do this for when someone leaves the dream try this:

*coming soon*


Boat- ( the timer one ds is triggered by a word because I wished it so.)


Timer 1 trigger

(0:32) When a furre says something with {} in it,

(3:2) at position () on the map,

(5:4) place object type .

(5:50) set countdown timer to go off in seconds.


Timer after timer trigger

timer I

(0:50) When countdown timer goes off,

(5:50) set countdown timer to go off in seconds. ------------------>

Boat move trigger-

(0:50) When countdown timer goes off,

(1:1013) and position () is object type 269,

(4:3) only where an object type 269 is,

(5:21) move the object to ().



(0:50) When countdown timer goes off,

(1:1100) and there's a furre at (#,#),

(3:2) at position (#,#) on the map,

(5:17) move any furre present to (#,#), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

JAIL ds-

----------------> jail ds

(0:1) Whenever somebody moves,

(1:4) and they bump into a furre,

(1:11) and the triggering furre has got shared control (or is the dream owner),

(1:13) and the triggering furre is facing northeast (up and right),

(3:50) 1 step(s) northeast (up and right) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),

(5:16) move any furre present to (50,43) if there's nobody already there. -------

(0:1) Whenever somebody moves,

(1:4) and they bump into a furre,

(1:70) and their name is {},

(3:3) within the diamond () - (),

(5:17) move any furre present to (), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.


------------->kick someone around

(0:1) Whenever somebody moves,

(1:4) and they bump into a furre,

(1:1002) and they are holding item in their paws,

(3:6) where the triggering furre moved into,

(5:80) move any furre present step(s) northeast (up and right) if there's nobody already there.


------------> item padded slam tele aka jail tele

(0:1) Whenever somebody moves,

(1:4) and they bump into a furre,

(1:1002) and they are holding item 159 in their paws,

(1:13) and the triggering furre is facing northeast (up and right),

(3:50) 1 step(s) northeast (up and right) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),

(5:16) move any furre present to (8,10) if there's nobody already there.


( to place an item where someone has left your dream as long as no other objects are around.)

YOUR GONE!!!! ds

(0:10) When a furre leaves the dream,

(3:5) where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at),

(4:8) only where there are no objects,

(5:4) place object type .


(please dont use this ds unless your very sure you want to automatically eject people that dont have share when the switch is red.)



DSPK V02.00 Furcadia (NEVER TOUCH!)

(0:9) When a furre arrives in the dream,

(5:15) move the triggering furre to (16,21), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.

( you may touch this part of the ds but only to fill the (10,10) with the coordinates nesscary for your landing space.

------------------ It is ok to put lines of ds in after the 0:9 & 5:15 lines, and before the endtrigger line.---------------------------- *Endtriggers* 8888 *Endtriggers*

( NEVER NEVER NEVER touch this line!! NEVER!)

You may also leave blank ds lines after the endtrigger line and save it but NEVER touch anything on the same line as the "*Endtriggers* 8888 *Endtriggers*" Endtrigger line.

Those lines should be left as they are. Never touch them that is how you get all sorts of nasty dream/ds errors. So not Touchy ok darlings? Leave them A-L-O-N-E Thank you.

ERRORS- For those of you who get that wonderful rch crc or whatever you wanna call it. ( ^.~ Ya'll know the one I'm talking about.) Before ya'll freak out go nuts please try this first.

1. open you furcadia folder. ( have you done that? Good good)

2. look for the tan folder that says " Tmp" ( done that? Great!!)

3. See all the nice files in their? Destory em! Destroy em allll muahahhahahaaha. ( * coughs* ok you have deleted everything? good job try reloading your dream again.)

*helpful hints* If not all the files will delete make sure that you have logged off furc then delete them. And DONT delete the TMP folder itself only whatever is in it. Please make sure you name patch files correctly. Iteme.fsh, item.fsh, item2.fsh, floore.fsh, floors.fsh, wall.fsh, junction.fsh. ect.


Step 1-

Go to the patches tab hilighted in red.

Step 2-

Go down to " Dream Settings" in which is marked in red.

Step 3-

This will open the Dream Settings box. However, for short we will refer to it as the " Dreamer" or the " Dreamer box". In the dreamer box please go down to where you see the browse button which is shown in red.

Step 4-

Here we are gonna play lets pretend. We are gonna pretend that the file with the to dots in brackets are a folder with patches in it. It is shown in red and looks like this. This will be our pretend folder. [..]<-- (our patch folder) we need to click on that so that it is highlighted.

Step 5-

When you have done that click the Ok but as shown in red.

Step 6-

Then exit out of all the dream setting stuff by clicking ok then go to file and save your dream as shown.

*Helpful dream tip* Remember to save your dream Constantly just incase your computer crashes. Try to also have your dreams and patches saved to cd-roms or floppys just in case your computer breaks and needs to be repaired.

COMBINDING PATCHES- ( The following are the steps to combine diffrent patches into there nesscary file. The object of the game is to use fsh editor to get the patch wall in question to the new fsh file that has not been named yet.)

Step 1-

Representations: The Yellow is the tool you will need to work with in order to get the wall into the "new" fsh file. We will call the square that is higlight in yellow the "halo" or " Halo square." This is fsh editors version of a "Highlighter" or "Highlighting."

Step 2-

Representations: The Burgundy (or dark red) is the area in which you want the wall to go. The Yellow is yet again pointing to our Halo or highlighter. Continue to keep in mind that we want to use our Halo to get the wall to the "new" fsh file. Thus making a transfer between the current patch and the patch file that you are trying to create.

Step 3-

Representations: The Yellow yet again shows us our Halo, but the white shows us our Halo active as a highlighter. In this scene you use the White or "active" version of the halo to copy the wall. In order to copy the wall and save it to your Halo's "clipboard" persay. So remember these keys [ctrl] [c]= To copy the wall. Switch screens now back to your "new" fsh file.

Step 4-

Representation: When you get to the "new" file you need to press control v. [ctrl] [v]= To paste the wall to the specified item number box where you want the wall. The white active Halo represents your pasting the wall to the "new" file in the box number that you want. The red circle points out the wall in question and shows it's now completed transfer.

* Important Keys- [ctrl] [c] & [ctrl] [v]*

About Mason Queen Olividar Kitsunic:

I'm a dreamweaver. ^.^ I love making dreams. I will make a gorgeous dream for a digo items. ^.^ If you want me to make a dream for you for free. ^.^ If I deem you worthy and respectful I'll probably say yes, but the skill quality will be less than it would be in a digo or paid dream. At a later date and time i will do a link for this site that will have examples of dreams i've done both free.. for friends... and what not. ^.^

I rp alot so try to target me when my badge is on if you want dream help. If i take a while to answer it's probably because I'm helping more than one person at once. I'm not ignoring you ok. Just wait your turn please. ^.^

My favirote mason Idols are darkhorse petrid ( however you spell that crazy name) And Arinos. ^.^ Ari Yea!!! Ummm let me see what else. For those who Care i'm over 18 Irl. I like Sparklies!!! ^.^

Wishlist: Rosies!!! ^.^ And luv Cookies. ^.^

If there is some ds questions that you dont see here and would like answered on the site please email me at ( No chain mails please or I wil block you.)

If you find that some of the ds for whatever strange reason doesnt seem to work for you. please email me at If you would like to Request a Free or Paid dream from me.( you know the drill.) please email me at

Please note: I will most likely only do free dreams for helpee's that I have helped in the present or the past or either friends that cant afford to by a dream from me. If your neither of the above and ask me for a dream nicely I might make you one if I have time. If you wish to email me a dream request please send me the following information:

Name: (furc name)

Link: to the patch you would like to use. ( I normally dont put in patches for free dreams. In paid dreams the more complicated the ds I have to do is the higher the price for the dream will be.)

Email: It has to be a current and working email address please. I will try to have a site up with dream info a later date.