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Hi there! My name is Flat Megan.
Welcome to my Web site!

Some of you may remember my sister, Flat Emily, who went on an adventure with our Auntie Laura a few years ago. Well, I guess it was my turn to go on an adventure, so I made the journey way up here to Rockville, Maryland.

Here's a little bit about me. I'm in the third grade at Swift Creek Elementary School in Midlothian, Virginia. I haven't been flat for very long, but I kind of like it. I have two cats, Robin and Jewel, and they are the greatest kittens ever!

In case you don't know about my Auntie Laura, here's some stuff about her. She and Uncle Guy live in Rockville, Maryland. They have two dogs, Buddy, a Cocker Spaniel, and Holly, a Welsh Corgi. When my sister, Flat Emily, visited them three years ago, Holly went on an adventure with her, and ended up getting flattened herself -- by F. Scott Fitzgerald's tombstone!



Hello everyone. Wow -- do I ever have news to tell you! Auntie Laura and Uncle Guy took me to visit Washington, D.C., and boy, did we ever have a


Thank goodness we had the camera with us, so I was able to take some pictures. Otherwise you would NOT BELIEVE what I have to tell you.

Would you like to hear about my adventure in Washington? If so, just click on "next page" to read about it....

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