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Second United States Dragoon / Cavalry Regiment Living History portrayal during the American Civil War.

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Toujours Pret



Last update: 3/22/2020


We mourn the passing of a great preservationist and historian, Brian C Pohanka - June 16, 2005

Theirs was a sublime amalgam of patriotism, duty, devotion, acceptance of self-sacrifice, and idealism—above all, idealism. They were the least apathetic people in our Nation's history. And while doubtless many rallied to the colors because they, like their neighbors and friends, were electrified by the summons of the fife and drum, those who found themselves locked in that terrible four-year ordeal persisted to the finish, or to their deaths, out of a sense of idealism—devotion to ideals they cherished more than life itself. Their devotion was a "Transcendence of Self." I bless and revere them—North and South alike—heroes to me forever. As the poet wrote, 'Love and tears for the Blue; Tears and love for the Gray.' May their gallant souls rest in peace, and be honored and glorified, to the last pulse of this country's existence!

- Brian Pohanka


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