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   Cailin Slattery's  Webpage!!!!  

    I will be attending Virginia Tech next fall, entering into University Studies.

  This summer I will be starting it out with a bang, down at Corolla, N.C., where my friends and I will be spending a week. I will then come back to good old work. I will be working at the YMCA where I will be a camp counselor for an Adventure Camp. During the last week of July, I will be heading up to New York with my family, for our last trip together before I go away to school. It will be a short summer, but I'm sure it will be full of fun in the sun!


   ~ I often find myself spending way too much money at J-Crews web site. What can I say, I love to shop, whether it's online or at the store.
    ~I also have become addicted to web games. When they named the web site, they weren't lying.
    ~Weather is an important factor in my life, as it is summer time, I always want to know what it is going to be like out. The weather channel provides with a great website,where I can see what the weather here, and the weather in Hawaii (where I wish I was) is like.

           I have lived in the Herndon area for most of my life. I live a pretty simple life, but you can find out some more information on me here!

   Want to learn more about the Constiution?? Visit HERE to see the text of the Constitution, and learn a little about our nation's history.

    As you all know, our government has been set up to incorporate a system of checks and balances. The three branch system, consisting of; the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.

  We live in the 10th district in Virginia. Frank Wolf represents our district. Frank Wolf is serving his 12th term in the House of Representatives. He is a father of 5,a dna grandfather to 7. Frank Wolf has recently led the way for human rights. He also serves on three subcommittees; Commerce-Justice-State, Homeland Security, and Transportation-Treasury-General Government.

  George Allen is a father of three, and resides with them and his wife in Mt. Vernon, VA. Allen was elected in the 2000 election, and is already on many committees, such as; The influential Commerce,and Science and Transportation. Before he became a Senator, he served as the Virginia State governor. He obtained recognition for his educational improvements. At the begginning of his term, he has set goals to enact a $1,000 per child educational opportunity tax credit, increase the number of teachers, strengthen our military, and to reduce teh tax burden on families and small businesses.

    John Warner is a republican from Virginia, who is currently serving his 25th year in the Senate. He is the third longest serving senator in the US. He serves on the Senate armed services committee, Environment and Public Works, Health, Labor, Education and Pensions, and Select committee on Intelligence.

Democratic Candidates:

Republican Candidate: STATE and LOCAL GOVERNMENT
  The Virginia Homepage was created in order to link the citizens of Virginia to information to their state's political information.
  Our state representative is Tom Rust. He is a resident of Herndon, and has been mayor of Herndon for the past several years.
  Our state senator is Janet Howell. She loves her job, and makes sure that her citizens that she represents have a chance tog et involved. She holds atleast 5 district meetings, speeks at civic events, and mails voter surverys. She is a native of Northern Virginia, and has lived and raised her family for the past 28 years here.

POLITICAL HUMOR (get ready to laugh!!)
  Political humor is a common way many people get their views across about politcal leaders.Politcal humor is a way to poke fun at our political leaders. Due to our fundamental right of speech, political humor is found in magazines and newspapers all over, critisizing our very own political leaders and their actions.

    The political cartoon shown on the link is making fun of President Bush. It has him holding comic books, saying that he has studies them so hard, adn he is now ready to take on the world. This portrays many people's lack of confidence in the President's ability to handle foreign affairs, or take on the responsibilities of the President.

    France has a Parlimentary Democracy. They have a President of the Republic.  The current President of France is Jacque Chirac.They also have a parlimentary system, which serves as their Senate. They, like the United States has two major parties, and third parties.