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S & M

God bless Mr. Puggy, S & M's mascott, 1997 - 2002. He will be missed greatly

Hello and thank you for stopping by. Our names are, Will Schulhof and Sam Miller. This Poultry project is for the FFA at Clarke County High School in Berryville, Va. We raise many varieties of poultry mainly exotic and rare ones.

We get most of our poultry in in the early spring or late winter. Although we have some poultry availible other times of the year too. We sell most of our poultry at the Clarke County Fair in mid August.

We have a variety if breeds that we have stocked in and are also looking to gain more! If you would like to know what breeds we have as of now... see what we have available.We also have other varieties of birds such as guineas and geese

Looking to sell a certain bird??? Looking for a certain bird?? Want to sell us a bird?? Click here

We order most of our poultry from a hatchery in Iowa called Murray McMurray Hatchery. If you would like to visit their site, it is on the left hand menu bar. If you would like to get some chickens that you see on their site, email us and we will have them for you next summer. The possibilities are unlimited!!!!!!! Our email addresses are also on the left hand menu bar as well.

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Our silver laced polishes at the fair.

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